I'm new here and first wanted to offer my emotional and energetic support to those of you caring for FeLV+ kittens and cats. My suggestion to you, due to the constant worry and stress we as caregivers can feel in providing ongoing care to sick kitties, is to support yourself with Flower Essences: specifically, Alpine Mint Bush and Crowea. These are Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE) and not as easy to find as Bach, but I've been using the ABFE for over a year now and find them very effective. As someone else mentioned, I prefer the ABFE Emergency Essence most of the time over Bach RR for day-to-day stresses for my cats and dogs. I order mine from (NCI):
Now, on to more specific support for FeLV+ cats showing signs of anemia (pica, lethargy, with or without intermittent fever). While my first recommendation would be full Homeopathic support (which I believe will optimize the health of FeLV+ cats), there is also a good 'first aid' Homeopathic remedy for support in acute anemia: Ferrum phos (or Ferrum met).
Ferrum phos as a tissue/cell salt (low potency = 6X) is readily available through most health food stores; the brand most commonly seen is Hyland's. You can read a little more about Ferrum phos here (NCI):
This is not the same as giving iron supplements; rather, it stimulates the body (systems, tissues, etc) to utilize iron properly for oxygenation of blood cells.
I give Homeopathic remedies in 'aqueous dilution' meaning I prefer to dissolve the pellet in a 2 oz amber dropper bottle, and then give the doses in water that way. For anyone unfamiliar with Homeopathy and dosing this way, the following may help:
I hope this information helps your kitties.
In Peace & Harmony,



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