Re: Fw: FIV+ cats in NJ

2006-09-25 Thread Lee Soper
Hear Hear, please do try again with your Land Lord, and also if not suggest that you will have to move , may this would make him a little more kinder on the sujectsandraPS I have just take in another Spainish stray and her kitten even though I have 5 strays that i have given homes, so please do not give up
Kindest thoughts SandraOn 9/24/06, Phaewryn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Crossposting: -Original Message-From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: undisclosedSent: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 1:32 
PMSubject: Need Help PLEASE 


I have 4 cats that are 10, 
9, 9, and 6 years old that I need to find homes for, my landlord will not let me 
have them anymore and has threatened to evict me if I don't place them. 2 of 
them are FIV positive. I do not want to have to euthanize them and I have 
contacted many different agencies in Mercer County (I live in Hamilton) and 
surrounding counties and because of their age and the FIV, nobody has been able 
to help me. If you cannot help me, do you know anyone who might be able 
They are excellent animals 
and have had few if any medical problems. I have owned them since they were 
young. 3 of them are from Guam and have traveled with me across the world. I 
hate to lose them, but I have no choice, anything you could do to help would be 
greatly appreciated! 
Thank you, 


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Re: Bailey has gone home

2006-05-07 Thread Lee Soper
Belinda, I am so sorry for your loss! I feel quite ill for you , and I am all choked up with tears as I read this e mail.You and he have been a inspiration to me and Tabbs through the  hard times , and I learned so
much from you, and him. and had a great admiration for you Belinda, and my heart breaks for Bailey, and your your loss.It is a month since  I lost Tabbs , and almost to the day that you have lost Bailey, I am so sorry, I have followed Bailey , and really thought he was going to make it.
Take care Belinda, my thoughts are with you and Bailey.I will light a candle for himSandra Tabbs past.You have my deepest condolences Belinda. 
Belinda, I am so sorry for your loss! But what a great honor to him, to know that hisillness did SO much to save SO many cats! ALL that you have done, was because of him,how could anyone honor a cat more than that? He fought so long, and so well, he was
an inspiration to many of us through our hard times with our cats, and we learned somuch from you, and him. Please know that his life had so much meaning, you are trulya gift to us here!You have my deepest condolences Belinda.
Peace to you, Bailey, you taught us much in your time here, and you will be missed!It's so hard to lose one of the "old timers"... :`(Phaewryn (was Jenn, changed name)--
No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.392 / Virus Database: 268.5.5/333 - Release Date: 5/5/2006

Re: Bailey

2006-05-05 Thread Lee Soper
Prayers  for Bailey.  Thinking of you and Bailey, and oh so hoping that improvements come your way, you have worked so hard for Bailey, I am praying for you both. take care sandra and Tabbs past.Good luck tomorrow, thinking of you . Sandra
On 5/5/06, Doljan, Joan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Prayers coming your way for Bailey.  He is such a trooper.Joan-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of BelindaSent: Friday, May 05, 2006 1:25 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: appropriate calorie in take for a kitty
Hi All,Bailey is not doing well today, he seems to to really be nauseatedand even threw up on his second feeding right when I started.  I waiteda while and did manage to feed him, but on his third feeding I think he
had a convulsion or a seizure.  I was sitting on the couch feeding, hewas in his bed and all of a sudden he started flopping around in there,it was so quick, I barely saw what happened.  It looked like he was
contorting and had no control, kind of arching his back.  It only lastedmaybe 5 seconds so I'm not sure what happened, but it was definitelysomething he didn't have control over.  Now he is breathing a bit fast,
not too bad, I have an appointment tomorrow morning.  I'm just worriedhe aspirated some food.I just called my vet and she is coming in early to see him.  I am notfeeding him anymore tonight.  We could sure use some prayers.  Thanks
all ...--Belindahappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kittieshttp://bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens 
http://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]
http://HostDesign4U.comBMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Some good news--and thanks to Nina & Hideyo!!

2006-04-30 Thread Lee Soper
Good luck with every thing that you are hoping for, thinking of you and your beloved felinesSandra On 4/30/06, Kerry MacKenzie <

Here's some good news. 
But first, the background for those who don't know 
it: of the feral colony of 5 kittens (Caramel, Levi, Flavia, Snoball and 
Mickey) and I adult cat (Momcat) I took in in December 2003, 4 of the 
kittens ---Caramel, Levi, Flavia & Snoball--tested positive in Feb 2004 and 
all 5 kittens tested positive in July 2004. Momcat tested negative both times. 

All were quarantined in my 2nd bedroom, away from 
my 3 existing negative cats. The 4 kitties that tested pos twice succumbed 
between November 2004 and July 2005. That left 1 pos, Mickey, and 1 neg, 
Momcat, both of whom I continued to quarantine. They were buddies and 
it would have been cruel to separate them, particularly as Momcat appeared 
immune to FeLV. 
My dream has been that Mickey would revert to neg, and I could 
then integrate them both in my household. Hope springs eternal as they say-- I 
dreamed of that before, and it didn't come to pass. 
Nonetheless for about 10 months, I dreamedand 
procrastinated over re-testing them for a variety of reasons, not least fear 
of Mickey testing pos again.
Today I trapped Mickey, had him re-tested, and..he's 
Because I'm anal, I'm going to trap Momcat next weekend and 
have her tested. I fully expect her to have remained negative. But, if by some 
horrible twist of fate she is not (because she caught it from the pos kitties 
before they passed away) I plan at lastto vaccinate my negs and 
integrate them all anyway. There is a much better vaccination available now, and 
my vet has the special equipment to do it.
This is such wonderful news on so many levels, not least 
because it demonstrates -- again---that FeLV is simply not as contagious as most 
people believe. Mickey lived with his siblings all his life, tested pos 
once, but has thrown it off. And Momcat, who also lived with them all, 
never got it in the first place. (And neither of them has ever been FeLV 
It's also something I'm going to highlight in the letter to 
Paula F in my lobbying for the new Chicago PAWS shelter to have an FeLV annex. I 
had intended the letter to be (finally) mailed on Friday. But I'm glad that it 
I now want to thank Nina for coming to my rescue when I called 
her at 11pm last night (1am my time) in a panic because Mickey walked into the 
trap way before I expected him to. How could I reasonably expect him to 
stay there all night? What was I going to do about his bodily needs?? Nina 
reassured me a) that she has had to do that too on occasion (so I stopped 
feeling like a monster) and b) advised me to elevate the trap and layer the 
floor with paper. Sure enough, everything fell through the wire mesh on to the 
paper so Mickey was not in the discomfort in which he would otherwise have been 
and he survived the night.
And I have Hideyo to thank for the success of the next 
stage--I was gearing up for a chase & catch battle in transferring Mickey 
from the cage to a carrier to take to the vet (I don't have a car; so carrier is 
easier for standing in street hailing cab). But Hideyo has a great technique 
that she shared---uncover the cage the cat is in, and cover (or provide 
dark-colored) carrier you want to transfer the cat to. The principle being that 
they will always prefer the dark option. (Correct me if I'm wrong about the 
principle Hideyo) Sure enough--my little feral Mickey WALKED from the cage 
straight in to the carrier. No battle necessary!!
So, today is a happy day at no 603, to say the 
Also, last but not least, I want to say, 
I'm sorry I continue to only post sporadically. I pray for all your sick 
kitties and send healing vibes. And my heart goes out to all those that have 
crossed the bridge. 
I hope that I will be in a position to post 
more regualarly when I get back from UK mid-June. (I go there 
mid May.) (I had a month's FMLA approved yesterday, to be 
with my dad, who has Stage 3 cancer.)  I *really* miss being part of the 
everyday list. This group is just the best EVER.
love and hugs to all of you and your 

Re: prayers for Salem

2006-04-22 Thread Lee Soper
I'm so sorry - prayers  for Salem stay strong, and lots of kiss's for SalemSandraOn 4/21/06, Gloria Lane <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I'm so sorry - prayers coming for Salem.  I'm pulling for you all.
GloriaOn Apr 21, 2006, at 6:54 AM, Sherry DeHaan wrote:> Hi all once again just got an e-mail from Jen that Salem one of our> felv cats is not doing too good either.Please send prayers for our
> big eyed little black cat.

Re: CLS Monday April 17th, 2006

2006-04-20 Thread Lee Soper
some thing to smile about.Well I was not smiling at the time, but in tears, Sunday is my day for me, and I going mountain climbing with some friends, and at the end of the day we have a cheap meal some where. where upon I try to save the scraps off my plate and every one else who has left any thing.
Well that's the general ideal any way. Some times if I am Lucky there is meat serve up in a big dish where every one helps them self's, and theres quite a bit left,  Oh  goodie  too shoes, lots for the strays that I call off to on the way home. 
In Spain there are little groups of cats that hang around the dust bin areas waiting for the chance that the big lids are left open and they can do a bit of rummaging. I know of quite a few pit stops where I can drop my scraps, and have the joy of seeing them devour my offering. I also carry around in the car a few cans of cat food and cheap dry cat nuts, which  are added to the offering if it is a lean one.
Well this would not  be the first time that I have been challenged on the left overs, where upon 3 out of the 10 of my so call friends are so hard up that they wish to take home some of the meat for a sandwich for the next day. (One Lady has just inherit half a house.)
Obviously not animal loves.Some of us where still eating, But the left overs had began to take up the converstavion, and I could see that what I had my eye on, was going to disappear into some ones sandwich the following day. So I picked another piece of meat out of the dish and added it to my empty plate.
and took a bite out of it, and then stop so called friend who was sitting opposite me,  challenge  my  action suggesting that I had only taken the meat to prove a point.I was so shock that I did not believe what I had just herd and had to request her to repeat her self.
Which she did, Well my god did the shit hit the fan.Quite a few hot words were exchange along side a few swear words from my self, at this stage I was close to tears and not really holding them back too well, ( I think all the up set of losing Tabbs and the last 3 months of my fight for him, and taken its toll. ) I am not normally so up set able
While the fire works where flying one of my other  friends  said that I could have her meat, and that she was only interested in the bones for her neighbours dog. and had started to collect some of the meat from the table, which I think made things even worst.
At this stage I felt I was so hurt by what had happen, and also the fact that this had obviously been a on going problem which I had been unaware of. But so petty.Any way I pulled my money out and left a payment for my meal on the table and left empty handed.
But as I got to my car my friends husband and another friends dogie wife followed me out to the car with a doggies bag full of all the meat which she gee fully told me she had taken for me. She also told me that I was not wrong and that my friend and been out of order.
This made me feel a lot better. But this happen last Sunday, and its only now that I can see a funnier side to it.There was a big satisfaction at the end of my drive home, when I stopped of to put out the pickings, there where 2  of my normal strays that came down from the hiding place to take my offerings.
They are too wild for me to touch, and also I do not go every day, as I do not wish too let them down when I am not available for them. also I will be out of  Spain, for a month, later in the year. Also they do seem to be coping weight wise quite well. I think taht my be they have another source from else way.
My friend who had brought the food out to me when I went to the car, phoned me up later that evening and told me that also the so called friend and also called me a bitch,So I don't think I will be walking with that group of friends for quite some time.
Hope that some of you can see a funner side to this. along side the sad side of how sad some people can been regarding the well fair of our felines.Also I know that some of my friends think I am a bit of a standing joke, But I do not care.
Take care to you all, wish and praying for you unwell felines, and once again thank you all for all your support over Tabbs troubles.Sandra Tabbs past, plus Suzy one eyed Copper and UK suzy. plus Chang look alike who calls during the  night for his food that I have been leaving out for him.
On 4/18/06, Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi All,  Here is the service for today, sorry it is late again  :(My condolences for all the losses over the past few weeks, and prayersand  positive healing thoughts for those furkids struggling with health
issues.  Take care all ...FeLV Candle Light Service is being owned by cats ...
Be-Mi-Kitties ...http://www.bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

Re: Subject: Re: Please add Tabbs to CLS

2006-04-12 Thread Lee Soper
Thank you so much for your thoughts for Tabbs and myself.On 4/11/06, Carla Shoppe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:Subject: Re: Please add Tabbs to CLS  list Thank you BelindaTo: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgDear Sandra,I'm so very sorry for your loss of Tabbs.  But I'm glad you hadtheextra few months and that you were able to show him love.
Again I am sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you.Carla

Tabbs Spain Sandra Thank you

2006-04-12 Thread Lee Soper
Just to say thank you to all of you feline people who have held my hand, over the last 4 months regarding your support for TabbsAlso all the kind words you have all sent me.praying for you all, and wishing well for all the needly feline friends that need our help and support.
Love Sandra Tabbs who is still very much with me in mind and thoughts.

Re: Virbagen Omega Interferon - Availability in Canada

2006-02-18 Thread cat-sculptures Lee Soper
 Hi there, i am Sandra with Tabbs in Spain, I have just started my boy on Virbagen Omega, and thought that any information that you have would help you . so here goesIt cost me from my vets 403 euroes and the treatment is for 10 mu  2 treatments per bottle, the address on the leaflet is virbac SA-L.I.D. 1ere Avenue -2065m 06516 CARROS-francahope this may be of some help to you. sadly the cost is a lot, and if it works for my boy, I will be looking for another supplier, as I can not keep up with this cost every 3 weeks, Tabbs is on 1/2 bottle every other daygood luck Kindest Regards Sandra   --- "Marlene Chornie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: From: "Marlene Chornie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 20:51:49 -0500To: Subject: Virbagen Omega Interferon - Availability in Canada Hi All,       I found out a bit of information regarding the  "potential" availability in Canada.  According to a Senior Veterinary  Biologics Evaluator, Veterinary Biologics Section, Canadian Food Inspection  Agency - apparently the manufacturer had submitted all the necessary paperwork,  etc. for it to be approved for use in Canada, and it was "in the works" last  year and it's anticipated approval was around May 2005 (as I had previously read  somewhere).  However, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency had requested a  couple more items of information from the manufacturer, but they never heard  back from the manufacturer.  I wonder why that is???  I believe I have  the correct address for the manufacturer in France (?) and am considering  writing to them to ask them if they have any immediate plans for resubmitting  for approval here.     It's not the information I had hoped to find out, but it  does give us at least a glimmer of hope on the horizon for it being available  here in Canada.  I'm guessing that would make it a little easier for those  of you in the U.S to import it from here perhaps?   Marlene Pekoe & Angel Digby 

Re: Bailey Update

2006-02-10 Thread cat-sculptures Lee Soper
  Good luck , thinking of you, and fingers crossedKindest Regards Sandra   --- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 20:50:51 -0800 (PST)To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Bailey UpdateIs it too soon to start putting in some (just a bit) of a/d of nutrical or something more substantial?  Or is the doctor afraid it will start the diarrhea back..     I am just throwing out ideas.  I have no clue.  But if the bloodwork is good there is hope.  I hope you get the steroids going soon.  tBelinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi Tonya & All,He had diarrhea for 10 or 12 days, and I mean continuous diarrhea, it was ozzing out involuntarily whenever & wherever. It has been under control since this last Thursday so for the last 5 days he hasn't had it. Since Friday he has lost 4 more ozs., and is getting bonier. She did say that the steady diarrhea could definately have something to do with it, but if you could see the differen  ce in  just the last wek you would know why I feel something else is going on. His last bloodwork is better, that what's so puzzling. He isn't dehydrated, I've been giving him fluids every other day and each time we have gone to the vets, she said he is not dehydrated. His blood pressure came up to normal (120), it was at 80, so we just don't get it. She did say this is her first case of this type of anemia and she really doesn't know what to expect as far as symptoms and progression.She has a call into Greg Ogilvie DVM, he is an oncologist and leukemia related diseases specialist. He is out of town and should be back tomorrow so hopefully he will have some answers. She said from all she has read about this, it is usually seen in younger cats (2 to 4 yrs old, and usually in cats that were either born with the virus or got it shortly thereafter), so she is really surprised that Bailey has this type of anemia. Bailey was pos  itive at  5 months of age so he was young when he was diagnosed and for all I know he may have been born with it he was a stray that showed up at the Walmart I was working at. I know we have been very lucky for 10 years but I'm greedy and want more ...The bad thing is most chemos are not a good idea because of the fact that his bone marrow is already sick and chemos will make that worse, not to mention that chemo just hasn't been shown to be very effective with this type of leukemia, but she said there is a new chemo being tried for this that is in the trail stages and she is going to ask Dr Ogilvie about that too. I told her we have nothing to lose and at this point I am willing to try anything. We all know the out come here and if there is anything that may give us a fighting chance I'm all for trying it!!What's strange too is there were no actual leukemia cells found, just preleukemia cells. She did find some info thou  gh that  say's some cats can convert to active leukemia in a matter of months or even weeks, and that is a possibility. Another bone marrow aspirate would confirm that but I don't see any reason to do that since we would continue with the same treatment course either way.I got the winstrol (antolobic steroid) tonight and will start it tomorrow, I sure hope it helps.-- BelindaHappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties ...http://www.bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candle Light Service (affordable hosting & web design) Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: OT:Dental for my babies - need prayers

2006-02-04 Thread cat-sculptures Lee Soper
 Good luck I know I you feel, and will be in your place very soon with one of my boystake care and good luck Kindest Regards Sandra   --- "Hideyo Yamamoto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: From: "Hideyo Yamamoto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2006 13:44:16 -0700To: Subject: OT:Dental for my babies - need prayers  Hi, I have a couple of drooling kitties that I have been told that they need a dental work (I already have got done for Hannibal and RubyE) a few weeks ago – So, today, I took Savanna, and her sister Daisy, and their cousin, Sachi to the vet to see who needs it worst as I scheduled an appointment for one – Anyway, they offered to one dental today and keep another tomorrow so I can take care of two --- so, Savannah being very skittish, I asked my vet to do Savannah today so that she won’t have to come back.. they pulled a total of 8 teeth including one k-9 tooth – but she did very well!  Tomorrow, I have to take Daisy back for her surgery since her gum is very very red.. and I am going to wait on Sachi, a little bit – please pray that Daisy’s surgery will go well and she will recover form the surgery with no problem – I would appreciate your prayers and sending her a healing energy – thank you very much in advance -  

Re: Announcing...The first FeLV Talk Holistic and Regular Care for Sick Kitty...

2006-02-02 Thread cat-sculptures Lee Soper
 yes please and many thanks this is my second e mail as I did not give you my e mail address[EMAIL PROTECTED] Kindest Regards Sandra --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 15:39:43 ESTTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Announcing...The first FeLV Talk Holistic and Regular Care for 	Sick Kitty...

Re: Announcing...The first FeLV Talk Holistic and Regular Care for SickKitty Manual-written by YOU GUYS!!!

2006-02-02 Thread cat-sculptures Lee Soper
 Yes please, that would be very helpfull, thank you for your time and being so thoughtfull. Kindest Regards Sandra --- "Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:From: "Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 18:36:58 -0600To: Subject: Re: Announcing...The first FeLV Talk Holistic and Regular Care for 	SickKitty Manual-written by YOU GUYS!!!YES!  WOULD LOVE IT!  Thanks so much!Gloria- Original Message - From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 12:36 PMSubject: Announcing...The first FeLV Talk Holistic and Regular Care for SickKitty Manual-written by YOU GUYS!!!> Please email me if you would like me to send you a> copy of The Holistic and Regular Care for Sick Kitty> Manual.  It's about 9 pages in a word document.  I am> very excited about it.  It is basically a composition> in glossary form of all the emails in the past four> months on the FeLV talk boards regarding care for sick> kitties, which means that all of us are the authors of> the manual.  I can't send it out generally like an> email as it is too big and I don't think FeLV Talk> allows attachments.  I will send to each of you> individually.>> :)> Wendy>> __> Do You Yahoo!?> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around>>> 

Re: Pekoe Update - Not Very Good News

2006-02-01 Thread cat-sculptures Lee Soper
 Keep banging away at every one, and don't rely on any one but your self to get results, as it is only you who cares so much. I had to change vets due to a lack of interest, in trying to help my cat Tabbs and I am still chasing around to make sure that every thing is being taken into consideration. Kindest Regards Sandra   --- Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: From: Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 18:34:49 -0800 (PST)To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Pekoe Update - Not Very Good NewsMarlene my prayers are with you and Pekoe  SherryMarlene Chornie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hello All,         I got Pekoe's repeat blood test results today.  Last week, his results (for comparison) were as follows:   RBC - 6.0 (Normal Range - 6.2 - 10.6)  HCT (or PCV) - 0.32 (0.28 - 0.49)  MCV - 53 (39 - 52)  Platelets - 5 (93 - 514) Smear agrees with machine platelet count  MPV - 21.5 (8 - 21)  Rubricyte Count - 0.37 (0.0 - 0.0)         Today's results were:     RBC - 4.9 (Normal Range - 6.2 - 10.6)  HCT (or PCV) - 0.25 (0.28 -  0.49)  MCH - 20  (13 - 17)  MCHC - 387 (300 - 344)  RDW - 25.0 (14 - 17)  Platelets - 12 (93 - 514) Smear agrees with machine platelet count  T.S. Protein - 59 (60 - 80)  Rubricyte Count - 0.16 (0.0 - 0.0)     Interpretation: Marked ongoing thrombocytopenia.  Moderate anemia non-responsive.  No toxic changes observed in neutrophils.  There are no atypical cells.  Many basket cells.  Consider Bone Marrow evaluation.         His PCR test for Hemobart finally came back, and it was Negative.  His vet said she almost wished it had been positive (as did I).  I met with our vet to discuss the test results.  Some of his results (other than what I've listed) were either marginally improved, or marginally worse compared to last week's.  We (hubby and I) are not considering a Bone Marrow evaluation - what  would be the point in putting him through that?  We can already pretty much assume that this is the result of the virus in his bone marrow.  The question is now, what (if anything) can we do to help him?  Our vet is looking into importing Virbagen Omega Interferon.  We live in Canada, and I've been checking on it's availability here since last spring - when I'd read somewhere that the manufacturer anticipated it's licensing for use in Canada.  Are there any other Canadians on this list besides me?  Or do any of you have any information regarding it's availability here yet?      Pekoe himself is pretty much "normal" - his appetite is good, litter box habits still good, he enjoys sitting on our laps, is still interested in what's going on around him, etc.  The only difference in him is that he doesn't play as hard as before, he's still licking the concrete floor some in the basement, and he wants to be by himself curled up  in the basement at various times throughout the day.  He's currently on 10 mg. Prednisone twice a day - although the vet is going to get back to me about tapering the dose in view of his latest blood results.  He was also on Doxycycline (for possible Hemobart), but I guess that's not necessary now.  She also said that a blood transfusion may be an option, if his PCV gets too low.  And to think that a week ago, all I was worried about was some possible dental work for him .      I've Google - searched until I'm blue in the face trying to find out if Virbagen Omega Interferon is available for use in Canada!   I was able to provide my vet with the name of a Senior Veterinary Biologics Evaluator, Veterinary Biologics Section, Canadian Food Inspection Agency.  I had emailed this person last year inquiring about the availability of the drug, but all she was able to tell me was that it was "not yet licensed for  veterinary use in Canada".  Hopefully, my vet will be able to find out what I couldn't.      All my feelings of anger are re-surfacing against the SPCA - if you recall, we adopted both Pekoe and Digby from them, and discovered (after the fact) that this particular shelter wasn't doing their job properly - then had the nerve to cop an "attitude" with us when Digby died!  Sorry to babble on so - just upset .     Marlene  Pekoe & Angel Digby   	 		 Yahoo! Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new and used cars.