I have a cat who is 9 years old (born apr 2000) and she has 
always been in good health condition and never been to the veterinary 
(except for her vaccines, yearly).
She lived the first two years in an 
apartment with no contacts with other cats, then we changed home and 
she got the vaccine for leukemia prior to go out and meet other cats.
She is a very strange cat and does not like to meet other cats or 
animals: she is afraid of contact. She is also spayed.

This january, 
she began to have problems: her tongue was strange and her nose also. 
She doesn't have fever or other symptoms, but her hair is always dirty 
because she doesn't wash it.

My vet gave her amoxicillin for 3 weeks, 
but nothing changed. We finally decided to test her blood and the 
results are ok, BUT she is FELV+ (FIV-).
I cannot understand HOW this 
could happen, because every year she gets her vaccine and she does not 
interact with other cats! Now, she has also dermatitis.
I'd like to 
know if this PCR test is absolutely reliable or not.

Besides, isn't it 
strange that my cat developed the illness at the age of 9?
Could it be 
that she is now in the viremic phase and could recover in the future 
and the virus remain latent?

I hope you understand. Unfortunately I'm 
not English mother tongue and it's difficult to explain everything 


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