Gary, thanks for the update one Acemannan Immunostimulant.  Sounds promising.

--- On Sat, 10/24/09, gary <> wrote:

> From: gary <>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update
> To:
> Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009, 12:54 PM
> Hi Belinda,
> Sorry your little kitty is so sick, an HCT of 16% is
> serious, but not yet
> critical.  The critical part is how fast it is
> dropping, 10% and under is
> critical.  I have had a couple that were so fast
> nothing could be done.
> Now the bad news, you missed.  There wouldn't be much
> wetness from .15 cc
> and there won't be any if it goes in. The dosage is almost
> correct (probably
> close enough) but the actual correct dosage is .16
> cc.  If it were me, I
> would do it again, even if some of it got in, he needs the
> whole dose and a
> bit over won't hurt him.  I have had a couple of
> misses myself and there is
> just what seems to be a tiny bit of wetness.  If you
> want to check and see
> just how little fluid that really is, just use one of the
> old syringes and
> take up .15 of water and squirt it on his fur.
> I don't want to discourage you, but sometimes Epogen works
> and sometimes it
> doesn't.  Also, it takes awhile to get the full
> benefit of it, sometimes as
> long as 2 - 3 weeks.
> Presently, I am trying Acemannan Immunostimulant on a
> couple of FeLV kittens
> and it seems to be working.  The smaller kitten I
> didn't get a HCT on to
> start with, he had pale gums and a URI.  The other had
> an HCT of 18%, after
> 3 shots of Acemannan (one a week) his HCT just before his
> fourth shot was
> 32%.  Both kittens seem to be doing well now.  I
> wish I had had some of this
> when I lost a couple of my adult FeLV cats that got really
> sick.  I've
> spoken to the vet who did the trials and he said it brought
> some of the test
> cats back from death's door.  Of course, it is not
> 100% effective, works for
> some and they lost some.  He said about one third of
> the calls he gets about
> it are from vets who want to try it on their own FeLV or
> FIV cats.
> The down side of it is it is a little expensive and only a
> vet can buy it.
> My vet charges me $125 for four 10 ml vials and I think
> that may be his cost
> or close to it as I was told it was about $175.  The
> protocol is one shot a
> week for 6 weeks and then one a month.  It is dosed at
> 1 mg per kg. Fred
> would need 3.2 mg, the stuff is 1 mg per ml, so 10 mg per
> bottle or about 3
> shots for Fred. The other downside is the first 6 shots are
> given IP
> (through the abdominal wall) so I have the vet do these and
> even he doesn't
> like it.  The monthly shots can be given sub-q. 
> The instructions say once it is mixed you have to use it in
> 4 hours, but the
> vet who did the trials said you can keep it in the fridge
> for a week or in
> the freezer for a month.  The two kittens I have use
> almost a third of a
> bottle (it comes in two bottle pairs, one with the powder
> and one with
> saline) and you mix the saline with the powder.  I
> have them save the saline
> bottle and after the first sots I have them take half of
> what is left and
> put it in the saline bottle and I freeze one and put one in
> the fridge.
> Gary   


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