Bob - I am so very sorry Gilbert's time was up.  You gave him more love than he ever would have had.  Thank you for loving these special kitties.
Ken - Zorro was lucky to have found you & the love you gave him.  If you take in another FeLeuk kitty we will be here to help answer any questions you may have.
When the list is unusually quiet, I usually check in via the website  and click on 'Mail Archives' which gives you the list of emails by date (latest one first).  Then I can tell if it has really been quiet or if I am missing any emails.
My kitty crew is getting up there in years - so even though I no longer have any FeLeuk kitties, I am dealing with other issues.
It's nice to hear everyone checking back in...
Kat (Mew Jersey)
Felvtalk mailing list

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