I am cautiously optimistic. After a bad Friday and Saturday when he slept and I 
cried, I woke up Sunday (yesterday) and he raced me down the hall and he was 
talking again-he ate a little here and a little there. He napped off and on, 
not all day like on Saturday. My parents came over and he was the official 
greeter-he's like a puppy-he runs towards any noises to see who's here while 
Rosie is running the other way to hide until she feels safe. I gave him an 
injection of the Procrit Friday evening and he is getting the Doxy 2x a day and 
an iron capsule 1x a day. Interferon 1cc orally 2x a day. I gave the LTCI 
injection to both Rosie and Murphy (it was 4 weeks from the last injection) 
night. I woke up this morning and he was his usual busy self-jabbering about 
what he wanted for breakfast and wanted it now! So I gave him his Doxy (1/4 tab 
put into a capsule and I give a small syringe of water after to make sure it 
gets washed down) then his wet food. They have the dry food free choice. I just 
got home from work and he greeted me-his gums are still pale and he's napping 
now. I don't know how this is going to turn out-hopefully his recheck on 
Thursday will be good news when they check his PCV. I'll give another Procrit 
injection tonight, Wednesday and Friday. I hate this disease so much-it has 
already taken Rosie's 4 brothers, why can't it leave us the last 2? Man-my 
goes out to all the people who will deliberately take in the FeLV kitties, 
knowing what may be in store. In just the past 1 1/2 years that I've been 
watching the posts on this site-overwhelming sadness over all of our losses and 
the pain is so deep. I still miss the brothers that passed and the joy we had 
raising them up to almost adults. They may have been born feral, but you cannot 
put a price on the joy they brought us. In fact, their feral mother is now a 
spoiled house cat-she slowly, over a years time decided she likes sleeping on 
sister in law's bed-LOL. I will keep you posted on Murphy's condition-I dread 
any bad days, but I know this disease has no mercy.  Alice
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