I found this on search of "twitching anorexic cat".
PLEASE HELP HIM NOW. Please get him safely inside and to a vet asap.
His life depends on your intervention.

Insecticide Toxicity in Cats
Organophosphate and Carbamate Toxicity
Areas that are geographically prone to heavy flea and tick infestations tend
to use many different forms of insecticide (e.g., organophosphates and
carbamates). But exposure to insecticides -- especially after heavy or
repeated applications of the chemicals -- may be toxic to cats. 
These forms of insecticide poisoning affect both dogs and cats. If you would
like to learn more about how it affects dogs please this page in the PetMD
health library.

Symptoms and Types

Cats exposed to toxic chemicals may not exhibit all of the signs of
poisoning. In fact, sometimes insecticides will cause the opposite of these
symptoms instead, but there will usually be some indication that the cat is
not well. If you suspect that your pet is unwell because of exposure to
insecticides, you will need to remove your cat from the toxic environment,
or cease using the insecticides, and seek medical attention for it before
the condition becomes dire.

The following are some of the symptoms of toxic poisoning:
•Muscle tremors
•Constricted pupils
•Increased heart rate
•Lack of coordination (i.e., trouble walking)
•Respiratory failure (e.g., trouble breathing)

Toxic levels of carbamate insecticides like methomyl and carbofuran can
cause seizures and respiratory arrest in your dog. Organophosphate toxicity,
meanwhile, may lead to chronic anorexia, muscle weakness and muscle
twitching which may last for days or even weeks. Someorganophosphate
insecticides commonly used include coumaphos, cyothioate, diazinon,
fampfhur, fention, phosmet, and tetrachlorvinphos.

This same kind of poisoning can occur with agricultural, lawn and garden
insecticide products. Organophosphate types of these products are acephate,
chlorpyrifos, diazinon, disulfoton, fonofos, malathion, parathion and
terbufos. Carbamate types of these products are carbofuran and methomyl.

This same kind of poisoning can occur with agricultural, lawn and garden
insecticide products. Organophosphate types of these products are acephate,
chlorpyrifos (which is especially toxic to cats), diazinon, disulfoton,
fonofos, malathion, parathion and terbufos. Carbamate types of these
products are carbofuran and methomyl.

Organophosphate and carbamate insecticides inhibit cholinesterases and
acetylcholinesterase, essential enzymes in the body. Cholinesterases are
enzymes which break down acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter.

Consequently, acetylcholine remains attached to the postsynaptic receptors
of the neurons causing continuous, unending nervous transmission to nervous
tissue, organs and muscles (smooth and skeletal). This causes seizures and


Toxicity can occur due to the overuse, misuse, or use of multiple
cholinesterase-inhibiting insecticides; overexposure to insecticides in the
surrounding home environment; the misuse of organophosphate insecticides in
cats (e.g., organophosphate-containing dips labeled for dogs only,
inappropriately applied to cats); or the intentional application of house or
yard insecticides on cats.

If your cat has been diagnosed as having toxic levels of insecticide in its
system, your veterinarian will immediately stabilize and decontaminate your
pet. Your veterinarian will also administer an antidotal treatment to your

You will need to give a thorough history of your cat's health, onset of
symptoms, and possible incidents that might have preceded this condition. If
you know what type of toxin your pet was exposed to, or you have a sample of
it, you should take a sample with you so that your doctor can better treat
the poisoning. Your veterinarian will then send a sample of whole blood to a
laboratory experienced in handling animal samples. A positive result is
confirmed when cholinesterase in the blood is less than 25 percent of normal

Depending on how long it has been since your cat ingested the toxin (if
exposure was via ingestion), you veterinarian may induce vomiting for your
pet. Your doctor may also wash out it’s stomach with a tube (lavage), and
then give it activated charcoal to detoxify and neutralize any remaining
insecticide. Antidotal treatments specific to the toxin will also be given
to your pet. Further treatment may include an oxygen cage if your pet is
having trouble breathing, and fluid therapy if your pet has been unable to
drink or is anorexic.

 Cats suffering from seizures will be given anti-seizure medication to stop
the seizures. If exposure to the toxin came through the skin, your
veterinarian will use specialized wash for removing the residue from the
hair and skin of your pet.

Living and Management
The sooner your cat is treated after being exposed to organophosphate or
carbamate insecticides, the better the prognosis is. Organophosphate
toxicity in cats may last two to four weeks, but most patients will fully
recover with the aid of aggressive care. Avoid using insecticides -- flea or
tick treatments -- on sick or debilitated cats, as it will affect the body
more easily because of the weakened immune system.
If your cat needs to be treated for pests while it is recovering, or if it
is sick for any other reason, ask your veterinarian to recommend some
alternatives to chemical treatments. Organophosphates and carbamates both
inhibit cholinesterases enzymes; giving both at the same time is likely a
toxic dose of insecticide.

And as always, read the instructions on the insecticide labels before using

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Emeraldkittee
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:22 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: [Felvtalk] PS Whimsy - twitching/jerking

I should also mention that he seems frantic too, and runs in bursts, jumps
on fences, but nearly falls off.  He's been running in circles in the
yard.   He also just let out a bunch of sneezes.  I hope I didn't give him
what my guys have, this has been a horrible time.
I always touched him w/ gloves, tied my hair back, etc.  
Is my only option??....I was so hoping we'd have him in during the Summer. 
He's about 1 /12 yrs old. We cannot bring him in, all the extra spots are
quarantined and I won't be allowed and I don't own the house and I
understand wanted to protect the others (who nearly died this week - needed
fluids, temps over 105, and we are still closely watching our FIV/HCM boy
and lupus/HCM boy.  This seems too cruel.  He needs me now to hold him and I
I assume he will go down hill quickly? I want to know he doesn't get so
confused that he runs off and gets hurt or attacked by a coyote (we had our
first in the yard the other day) 
Coming to grips with the fact that this is the first one I can't do
everything for is very difficult.

--- On Tue, 3/30/10, Emeraldkittee <emeraldkit...@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Emeraldkittee <emeraldkit...@yahoo.com>
Subject: Whimsy - twitching/jerking
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 5:57 PM

My dear Whimsy, little FeLV positive boy, is still in our yard.  You might
recall I was trying to work on bringing him to our sunroom.  He developed a
terrible ringworm (99% sure) which delayed that.  On the day I was to bring
him in for a check up and treatment for ringworm (he used to be feral but
now sits on my lap etc, but still needs sedation at vet) my indoor kitties
had a terrible outbreak of calici, and we are still dealing with it. We have
immune suppressed kitties inside and to protect Whimsy I had to stop
touching him (even w/ my usual gloves).  I know it hurt his feelings but I
still visited him.  He has been energectic, bouncy, hungry, fun, etc. 
Tonight he showed up, won't eat, is twitching, running, then laying down and
twitching and jerking and chewing on his toes.  He is coming up to all our
windows and meowing (he never did that, he still was a bit cagey).  My
boyfriend figured I got the calici from him and brought it in, so I
 can't interact with him. 
I keep telling him to hang in there and we'll figure it out we just need
time.  But this twitching? And if he won't eat? Even if I suited up he's not
a cat who can be syringe fed.  I'm not used to considering 'no options'.  Is
this the end?
:( Shannon

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