Re: Annie is gone

2005-11-14 Thread catatonya
Tad,     I'm so sorry for your loss.  It seems like the list is going through another bad time of losses and problems.  :(  I'm glad your little Annie had a loving place to call home and people who loved her.  I have an Annie too.  She's not feral, but a bit standoffish at times.     Take care,  tonyaTad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Sadly I have to report another FeLV+ has passed on today...Annie was a beautiful calico with a white milk mustache...She came to live with me about a year and a half ago...She was a stray who was brought into a shelter in NJ...She had a huge gash in her side probably from a carbut she was healing well from that but she tested posand had to live in a cage with the dogs at the vets...The dogs
 didn't seem to bother her and she was friendlywith people and she was friendly with me until I broughther in the room with my other FeLV+ cats...She establishedher own corner with a window of her own and kept everyoneelse out...I gave her her own food and box there and shewould let me pat her if no one else was aroundAbout a month ago she stopped eating and we found shehad become anemic ...I put her in my isolation cage andput her on vitamins the vet gave us and got her eating AD..After a few days she seemed to be getting better and badlywanted out of the cage so I let her out...For a few days she was impossible to catch and didn't alwaysget her vitamins but soon she started to slide again and she waseasy to catch and medicate and we started seringe feeding...She took that easily and we had her gaining weight again...In the process she was spending more and more time on mybed where the rest of the cats all
 hang out and soon my feralcat who won't let me pat her but was very quick to make friendswith the other cats was able to snuggle with AnnieThe best thing of this is now the feral cat has suddenly decidedit is OK to be touched by humans and she even let me pick herup for a minute without strugglingI have been following Wendy and Cricket as it has been so closeto Annie...Yesterday she was too weak to make it to her litter boxeven though I had placed it up level with the bed for her...This washer first accidentI was struggling with the same thought of if Ishould PTS but she seemed to rest comfortably and took theseringe feedings fairly well...We had gone to smaller feedings moreoftenI was so happy when Wendy decided to try the feeding tubeyesterday as I was looking to Wendy for guidance But then itwas so very sad to here this morning that Cricket had passed duringthe nightAnnie ate well for a bit
 but then stopped swallowing andthen again the next feeding she didn't want to take anythingShortly after that she was resting on my stomach as I patted herand she let out a cry and then I noticed that she had stopped breathing...It was over...I believe she was comfortable and new she was lovedright up to the end...Some are very close all their life and others. like Anie its just at the endbut it doesn't make it any easier to say good buy.Michelle said it all.." But it does not get easier, as far as I can tell. Just less surprising."I will miss you sweet Annie and I hope we do get to meet againTad  

Re: Annie is gone

2005-11-11 Thread wendy

I am so sorry to hear that your Annie passed on.  I
hope you have some comfort in knowing that if you
hadn't taken her in, her life might not have been much
living in that cage.  I know she was happy that you
did.  I was very surprised that she passed as
peacefully as she did.  What a blessing for you both. 
I so wish Cricket would have passed that smoothly.  I
am haunted by his death, but I try to reassure myself
that that's the way it had to be.  For some reason,
God must have wanted it that way, because of the
timing and everything else.  I also smiled when you
wrote about your feral cat.  It feels good to win the
trust of an animal.  I hope that you will take the
good out of what happened with Annie, although it's so
hard to let them go.  You must be an angel to take in
these FeLV kitties.  And a very strong person to watch
them go.  God bless you Tad. 


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Annie is gone

2005-11-11 Thread Sharon Siders
I am so sorry for you; it is so hard to lose a beloved kitty.  They are all beloved even if some are not as affectionate, aren't they?
Annie is now with all of the furangels.
SharonTad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sadly I have to report another FeLV+ has passed on today...Annie was a beautiful calico with a white milk mustache...She came to live with me about a year and a half ago...She was a stray who was brought into a shelter in NJ...She had a huge gash in her side probably from a carbut she was healing well from that but she tested posand had to live in a cage with the dogs at the vets...The dogs didn't seem to bother her and she was friendlywith people and she was friendly with me until I broughther in the room with my other FeLV+ cats...She establishedher own corner with a window of her own and kept everyoneelse out...I gave her her own food and box there and shewould let me pat her if no one else was aroundAbout a month ago she stopped eating and we found shehad become anemic ...I put her in my isolation cage andput her
 on vitamins the vet gave us and got her eating AD..After a few days she seemed to be getting better and badlywanted out of the cage so I let her out...For a few days she was impossible to catch and didn't alwaysget her vitamins but soon she started to slide again and she waseasy to catch and medicate and we started seringe feeding...She took that easily and we had her gaining weight again...In the process she was spending more and more time on mybed where the rest of the cats all hang out and soon my feralcat who won't let me pat her but was very quick to make friendswith the other cats was able to snuggle with AnnieThe best thing of this is now the feral cat has suddenly decidedit is OK to be touched by humans and she even let me pick herup for a minute without strugglingI have been following Wendy and Cricket as it has been so closeto Annie...Yesterday she was too weak to make it to her litter boxeven
 though I had placed it up level with the bed for her...This washer first accidentI was struggling with the same thought of if Ishould PTS but she seemed to rest comfortably and took theseringe feedings fairly well...We had gone to smaller feedings moreoftenI was so happy when Wendy decided to try the feeding tubeyesterday as I was looking to Wendy for guidance But then itwas so very sad to here this morning that Cricket had passed duringthe nightAnnie ate well for a bit but then stopped swallowing andthen again the next feeding she didn't want to take anythingShortly after that she was resting on my stomach as I patted herand she let out a cry and then I noticed that she had stopped breathing...It was over...I believe she was comfortable and new she was lovedright up to the end...Some are very close all their life and others. like Anie its just at the endbut it doesn't make it any easier to say good
 buy.Michelle said it all.." But it does not get easier, as far as I can tell. Just less surprising."I will miss you sweet Annie and I hope we do get to meet againTad
		 Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



Re: Annie is gone

2005-11-11 Thread TatorBunz

    I'm so sorry about Annie. She had the best being with you. She knows you loved her as she did you.
You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Bless you for what you do!
I will light a candle for those that have passed to the bridge this week. It's so unfair for these precious furbabies to go through what they do to survive and be loved in their short time in life. :(
 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Annie is gone

2005-11-11 Thread Nina

My sympathies and gratitude once again go out to you and your family.  I 
don't know how you do it, your heart is just enormous.  You're an 
inspiration to all of us.  Thank God for you and your endless devotion, 
I'm so glad to know you exist.

Much love to you,

Tad Burnett wrote:

Sadly I have to report another FeLV+ has passed on today...
Annie was a beautiful calico with a white milk mustache...
She came to live with me about a year and a half ago...
She was a stray who was brought into a shelter in NJ...
She had a huge gash in her side probably from a car
but she was healing well from that but she tested pos
and had to live in a cage with the dogs at the vets...
The dogs didn't seem to bother her and she was friendly
with people and she was friendly with me until I brought
her in the room with my other FeLV+ cats...She established
her own corner with a window of her own and kept everyone
else out...I gave her her own food and box there and she
would let me pat her if no one else was around

About a month ago she stopped eating and we found she
had become anemic ...I put her in my isolation cage and
put her on vitamins the vet gave us and got her eating AD..
After a few days she seemed to be getting better and badly
wanted out of the cage so I let her out...
For a few days she was impossible to catch and didn't always
get her vitamins but soon she started to slide again and she was
easy to catch and medicate and we started seringe feeding...
She took that easily and we had her gaining weight again...

In the process she was spending more and more time on my
bed where the rest of the cats all hang out and soon my feral
cat who won't let me pat her but was very quick to make friends
with the other cats was able to snuggle with Annie
The best thing of this is now the feral cat has suddenly decided
it is OK to be touched by humans and she even let me pick her
up for a minute without struggling

I have been following Wendy and Cricket as it has been so close
to Annie...Yesterday she was too weak to make it to her litter box
even though I had placed it up level with the bed for her...This was
her first accidentI was struggling with the same thought of if I
should PTS but she seemed to rest comfortably and took the
seringe feedings fairly well...We had gone to smaller feedings more
oftenI was so happy when Wendy decided to try the feeding tube
yesterday as I was looking to Wendy for guidance But then it
was so very sad to here this morning that Cricket had passed during
the nightAnnie ate well for a bit but then stopped swallowing and
then again the next feeding she didn't want to take anything
Shortly after that she was resting on my stomach as I patted her
and she let out a cry and then I noticed that she had stopped 

It was over...I believe she was comfortable and new she was loved
right up to the end...

Some are very close all their life and others. like Anie its just at 
the end

but it doesn't make it any easier to say good buy.
Michelle said it all.." But it does not get easier, as far as I can 
tell.  Just less surprising."

I will miss you sweet Annie and I hope we do get to meet again

Re: Annie is gone

2005-11-11 Thread Lernermichelle

   I am really, really sorry.  The number of deaths have 
been overwhelming in the last week or two. It is heartbreaking.  I am glad 
that Annie went so quickly and without pain, if she had to go, but she should 
not have had to go.  I am so glad that you took care of her, and that she 
did not end her life in a cage, buy on a bed with someone who loved her.

Re: Annie is gone

2005-11-11 Thread Joan Doljan
What a lovely tribute to Annie.  I am so glad that she had some time with you and was just not left on the street or euthanized in the vet's office. I keep re-reading your post, wondering why her behavior changed, but I just can't figure it out. Maybe, she just wanted something to call her own.
Please accept my sympathies and gratitude that you gave Annie a home.

Tad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Sadly I have to report another FeLV+ has passed on today...Annie was a beautiful calico with a white milk mustache...She came to live with me about a year and a half ago...She was a stray who was brought into a shelter in NJ...She had a huge gash in her side probably from a carbut she was healing well from that but she tested posand had to live in a cage with the dogs at the vets...The dogs didn't seem to bother her and she was friendlywith people and she was friendly with me until I broughther in the room with my other FeLV+ cats...She establishedher own corner with a window of her own and kept everyoneelse out...I gave her her own food and box there and shewould let me pat her if no one else was aroundAbout a month ago she stopped eating and we found shehad become anemic ...I put her in my isolation cage andput her
 on vitamins the vet gave us and got her eating AD..After a few days she seemed to be getting better and badlywanted out of the cage so I let her out...For a few days she was impossible to catch and didn't alwaysget her vitamins but soon she started to slide again and she waseasy to catch and medicate and we started seringe feeding...She took that easily and we had her gaining weight again...In the process she was spending more and more time on mybed where the rest of the cats all hang out and soon my feralcat who won't let me pat her but was very quick to make friendswith the other cats was able to snuggle with AnnieThe best thing of this is now the feral cat has suddenly decidedit is OK to be touched by humans and she even let me pick herup for a minute without strugglingI have been following Wendy and Cricket as it has been so closeto Annie...Yesterday she was too weak to make it to her litter boxeven
 though I had placed it up level with the bed for her...This washer first accidentI was struggling with the same thought of if Ishould PTS but she seemed to rest comfortably and took theseringe feedings fairly well...We had gone to smaller feedings moreoftenI was so happy when Wendy decided to try the feeding tubeyesterday as I was looking to Wendy for guidance But then itwas so very sad to here this morning that Cricket had passed duringthe nightAnnie ate well for a bit but then stopped swallowing andthen again the next feeding she didn't want to take anythingShortly after that she was resting on my stomach as I patted herand she let out a cry and then I noticed that she had stopped breathing...It was over...I believe she was comfortable and new she was lovedright up to the end...Some are very close all their life and others. like Anie its just at the endbut it doesn't make it any easier to say good
 buy.Michelle said it all.." But it does not get easier, as far as I can tell. Just less surprising."I will miss you sweet Annie and I hope we do get to meet againTad

Re: Annie is gone

2005-11-11 Thread Susan Loesch
Tad, I am so sorry about Annie.  It is wonderful that you and she became closer near her end - and she will certainly live on in the changes that she brought about in your feral kitty.  Take care.Tad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sadly I have to report another FeLV+ has passed on today...Annie was a beautiful calico with a white milk mustache...She came to live with me about a year and a half ago...She was a stray who was brought into a shelter in NJ...She had a huge gash in her side probably from a carbut she was healing well from that but she tested posand had to live in a cage with the dogs at the vets...The dogs didn't seem to bother her and she was friendlywith people and she was friendly with me until I broughther in the room with my other FeLV+ cats...She establishedher own corner with a window of her own and kept everyoneelse out...I gave her her own food and box there and shewould let me pat her if no one else was aroundAbout a month ago she stopped eating and we found shehad become anemic ...I put her in my isolation cage andput her
 on vitamins the vet gave us and got her eating AD..After a few days she seemed to be getting better and badlywanted out of the cage so I let her out...For a few days she was impossible to catch and didn't alwaysget her vitamins but soon she started to slide again and she waseasy to catch and medicate and we started seringe feeding...She took that easily and we had her gaining weight again...In the process she was spending more and more time on mybed where the rest of the cats all hang out and soon my feralcat who won't let me pat her but was very quick to make friendswith the other cats was able to snuggle with AnnieThe best thing of this is now the feral cat has suddenly decidedit is OK to be touched by humans and she even let me pick herup for a minute without strugglingI have been following Wendy and Cricket as it has been so closeto Annie...Yesterday she was too weak to make it to her litter boxeven
 though I had placed it up level with the bed for her...This washer first accidentI was struggling with the same thought of if Ishould PTS but she seemed to rest comfortably and took theseringe feedings fairly well...We had gone to smaller feedings moreoftenI was so happy when Wendy decided to try the feeding tubeyesterday as I was looking to Wendy for guidance But then itwas so very sad to here this morning that Cricket had passed duringthe nightAnnie ate well for a bit but then stopped swallowing andthen again the next feeding she didn't want to take anythingShortly after that she was resting on my stomach as I patted herand she let out a cry and then I noticed that she had stopped breathing...It was over...I believe she was comfortable and new she was lovedright up to the end...Some are very close all their life and others. like Anie its just at the endbut it doesn't make it any easier to say good
 buy.Michelle said it all.." But it does not get easier, as far as I can tell. Just less surprising."I will miss you sweet Annie and I hope we do get to meet againTad

Re: Annie is gone

2005-11-10 Thread Barb Moermond
Oh Tad, I'm so sorry it was Annie's time - she sounds
wonderful.  It also sounds like she had an ideal
passage - at home surrounded by love, completely safe.
 GLOW to light her journey and ease your heart...
Our thoughts and tears are with you...

--- Tad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sadly I have to report another FeLV+ has passed on
> today...
> Annie was a beautiful calico with a white milk
> mustache...
> She came to live with me about a year and a half
> ago...
> She was a stray who was brought into a shelter in
> NJ...
> She had a huge gash in her side probably from a car
> but she was healing well from that but she tested
> pos
> and had to live in a cage with the dogs at the
> vets...
> The dogs didn't seem to bother her and she was
> friendly
> with people and she was friendly with me until I
> brought
> her in the room with my other FeLV+ cats...She
> established
> her own corner with a window of her own and kept
> everyone
> else out...I gave her her own food and box there and
> she
> would let me pat her if no one else was around
> About a month ago she stopped eating and we found
> she
> had become anemic ...I put her in my isolation cage
> and
> put her on vitamins the vet gave us and got her
> eating AD..
> After a few days she seemed to be getting better and
> badly
> wanted out of the cage so I let her out...
> For a few days she was impossible to catch and
> didn't always
> get her vitamins but soon she started to slide again
> and she was
> easy to catch and medicate and we started seringe
> feeding...
> She took that easily and we had her gaining weight
> again...
> In the process she was spending more and more time
> on my
> bed where the rest of the cats all hang out and soon
> my feral
> cat who won't let me pat her but was very quick to
> make friends
> with the other cats was able to snuggle with
> Annie
> The best thing of this is now the feral cat has
> suddenly decided
> it is OK to be touched by humans and she even let me
> pick her
> up for a minute without struggling
> I have been following Wendy and Cricket as it has
> been so close
> to Annie...Yesterday she was too weak to make it to
> her litter box
> even though I had placed it up level with the bed
> for her...This was
> her first accidentI was struggling with the same
> thought of if I
> should PTS but she seemed to rest comfortably and
> took the
> seringe feedings fairly well...We had gone to
> smaller feedings more
> oftenI was so happy when Wendy decided to try
> the feeding tube
> yesterday as I was looking to Wendy for guidance
> But then it
> was so very sad to here this morning that Cricket
> had passed during
> the nightAnnie ate well for a bit but then
> stopped swallowing and
> then again the next feeding she didn't want to take
> anything
> Shortly after that she was resting on my stomach as
> I patted her
> and she let out a cry and then I noticed that she
> had stopped breathing...
> It was over...I believe she was comfortable and new
> she was loved
> right up to the end...
> Some are very close all their life and others. like
> Anie its just at the end
> but it doesn't make it any easier to say good
> buy.
> Michelle said it all.." But it does not get easier,
> as far as I can 
> tell.  Just less surprising."
> I will miss you sweet Annie and I hope we do get to
> meet again
> Tad

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living 
his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
   - Anonymous

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

RE: Annie is gone

2005-11-10 Thread Chris
Sounds like Annie left a piece of her heart with that little feral...  I'm
sure you will remember her everything time she snuggles up it will be just
like Annie.  What a wonderful story...  and how great you are to let these
little ones come to you on their own terms... 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tad Burnett
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:27 PM
Subject: Annie is gone

Sadly I have to report another FeLV+ has passed on today...
Annie was a beautiful calico with a white milk mustache...
She came to live with me about a year and a half ago...
She was a stray who was brought into a shelter in NJ...
She had a huge gash in her side probably from a car
but she was healing well from that but she tested pos
and had to live in a cage with the dogs at the vets...
The dogs didn't seem to bother her and she was friendly
with people and she was friendly with me until I brought
her in the room with my other FeLV+ cats...She established
her own corner with a window of her own and kept everyone
else out...I gave her her own food and box there and she
would let me pat her if no one else was around
About a month ago she stopped eating and we found she
had become anemic ...I put her in my isolation cage and
put her on vitamins the vet gave us and got her eating AD..
After a few days she seemed to be getting better and badly
wanted out of the cage so I let her out...
For a few days she was impossible to catch and didn't always
get her vitamins but soon she started to slide again and she was
easy to catch and medicate and we started seringe feeding...
She took that easily and we had her gaining weight again...
In the process she was spending more and more time on my
bed where the rest of the cats all hang out and soon my feral
cat who won't let me pat her but was very quick to make friends
with the other cats was able to snuggle with Annie
The best thing of this is now the feral cat has suddenly decided
it is OK to be touched by humans and she even let me pick her
up for a minute without struggling
I have been following Wendy and Cricket as it has been so close
to Annie...Yesterday she was too weak to make it to her litter box
even though I had placed it up level with the bed for her...This was
her first accidentI was struggling with the same thought of if I
should PTS but she seemed to rest comfortably and took the
seringe feedings fairly well...We had gone to smaller feedings more
oftenI was so happy when Wendy decided to try the feeding tube
yesterday as I was looking to Wendy for guidance But then it
was so very sad to here this morning that Cricket had passed during
the nightAnnie ate well for a bit but then stopped swallowing and
then again the next feeding she didn't want to take anything
Shortly after that she was resting on my stomach as I patted her
and she let out a cry and then I noticed that she had stopped breathing...
It was over...I believe she was comfortable and new she was loved
right up to the end...
Some are very close all their life and others. like Anie its just at the end
but it doesn't make it any easier to say good buy.
Michelle said it all.." But it does not get easier, as far as I can 
tell.  Just less surprising."
I will miss you sweet Annie and I hope we do get to meet again

RE: Annie is gone

2005-11-10 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
I am so sorry, Tad, to hear about your beloved, beautiful Annie. I know
that when she came to live with you she had a whole new lease of life.
I'm glad that in her new life with you she knew what it was to be truly
cared for and loved I'm glad she knew that right until the end, and
did not pass away alone. Thank you for taking Annie into your home---and
thank you too for all that you do for kitties in need of help and a real
You are in my thoughts on this sad day.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tad Burnett
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 6:27 PM
Subject: Annie is gone

Sadly I have to report another FeLV+ has passed on today...
Annie was a beautiful calico with a white milk mustache...
She came to live with me about a year and a half ago...
She was a stray who was brought into a shelter in NJ...
She had a huge gash in her side probably from a car
but she was healing well from that but she tested pos
and had to live in a cage with the dogs at the vets...
The dogs didn't seem to bother her and she was friendly
with people and she was friendly with me until I brought
her in the room with my other FeLV+ cats...She established
her own corner with a window of her own and kept everyone
else out...I gave her her own food and box there and she
would let me pat her if no one else was around
About a month ago she stopped eating and we found she
had become anemic ...I put her in my isolation cage and
put her on vitamins the vet gave us and got her eating AD..
After a few days she seemed to be getting better and badly
wanted out of the cage so I let her out...
For a few days she was impossible to catch and didn't always
get her vitamins but soon she started to slide again and she was
easy to catch and medicate and we started seringe feeding...
She took that easily and we had her gaining weight again...
In the process she was spending more and more time on my
bed where the rest of the cats all hang out and soon my feral
cat who won't let me pat her but was very quick to make friends
with the other cats was able to snuggle with Annie
The best thing of this is now the feral cat has suddenly decided
it is OK to be touched by humans and she even let me pick her
up for a minute without struggling
I have been following Wendy and Cricket as it has been so close
to Annie...Yesterday she was too weak to make it to her litter box
even though I had placed it up level with the bed for her...This was
her first accidentI was struggling with the same thought of if I
should PTS but she seemed to rest comfortably and took the
seringe feedings fairly well...We had gone to smaller feedings more
oftenI was so happy when Wendy decided to try the feeding tube
yesterday as I was looking to Wendy for guidance But then it
was so very sad to here this morning that Cricket had passed during
the nightAnnie ate well for a bit but then stopped swallowing and
then again the next feeding she didn't want to take anything
Shortly after that she was resting on my stomach as I patted her
and she let out a cry and then I noticed that she had stopped
It was over...I believe she was comfortable and new she was loved
right up to the end...
Some are very close all their life and others. like Anie its just at the
but it doesn't make it any easier to say good buy.
Michelle said it all.." But it does not get easier, as far as I can 
tell.  Just less surprising."
I will miss you sweet Annie and I hope we do get to meet again

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Re: Annie is gone

2005-11-10 Thread Terri Brown

Oh Tad, I'm so sorry.  Big hugs to you.  It's obvious how much 
you loved her.
Goodnight, sweet Annie...
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' 
Furkid Photos! 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Tad 
  Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:27 
  Subject: Annie is gone
  Sadly I have to report another FeLV+ has passed on 
  today...Annie was a beautiful calico with a white milk mustache...She 
  came to live with me about a year and a half ago...She was a stray who was 
  brought into a shelter in NJ...She had a huge gash in her side probably 
  from a carbut she was healing well from that but she tested posand had 
  to live in a cage with the dogs at the vets...The dogs didn't seem to 
  bother her and she was friendlywith people and she was friendly with me 
  until I broughther in the room with my other FeLV+ cats...She 
  establishedher own corner with a window of her own and kept 
  everyoneelse out...I gave her her own food and box there and shewould 
  let me pat her if no one else was around About a month ago 
  she stopped eating and we found shehad become anemic ...I put her in my 
  isolation cage andput her on vitamins the vet gave us and got her eating 
  AD..After a few days she seemed to be getting better and badlywanted 
  out of the cage so I let her out...For a few days she was impossible to 
  catch and didn't alwaysget her vitamins but soon she started to slide 
  again and she waseasy to catch and medicate and we started seringe 
  feeding...She took that easily and we had her gaining weight 
  again... In the process she was spending more and more time on 
  mybed where the rest of the cats all hang out and soon my feralcat who 
  won't let me pat her but was very quick to make friendswith the other cats 
  was able to snuggle with AnnieThe best thing of this is now the feral 
  cat has suddenly decidedit is OK to be touched by humans and she even let 
  me pick herup for a minute without struggling I have been 
  following Wendy and Cricket as it has been so closeto Annie...Yesterday 
  she was too weak to make it to her litter boxeven though I had placed it 
  up level with the bed for her...This washer first accidentI was 
  struggling with the same thought of if Ishould PTS but she seemed to rest 
  comfortably and took theseringe feedings fairly well...We had gone to 
  smaller feedings moreoftenI was so happy when Wendy decided to try the 
  feeding tubeyesterday as I was looking to Wendy for guidance ...But then 
  itwas so very sad to here this morning that Cricket had passed 
  duringthe nightAnnie ate well for a bit but then stopped swallowing 
  andthen again the next feeding she didn't want to take 
  anythingShortly after that she was resting on my stomach as I patted 
  herand she let out a cry and then I noticed that she had stopped 
  breathing...It was over...I believe she was comfortable and new she was 
  lovedright up to the end... Some are very close all their 
  life and others. like Anie its just at the endbut it doesn't make it any 
  easier to say good buy.Michelle said it all.." But it does not get 
  easier, as far as I can tell.  Just less surprising." I 
  will miss you sweet Annie and I hope we do get to meet 

Annie is gone

2005-11-10 Thread Tad Burnett

Sadly I have to report another FeLV+ has passed on today...
Annie was a beautiful calico with a white milk mustache...
She came to live with me about a year and a half ago...
She was a stray who was brought into a shelter in NJ...
She had a huge gash in her side probably from a car
but she was healing well from that but she tested pos
and had to live in a cage with the dogs at the vets...
The dogs didn't seem to bother her and she was friendly
with people and she was friendly with me until I brought
her in the room with my other FeLV+ cats...She established
her own corner with a window of her own and kept everyone
else out...I gave her her own food and box there and she
would let me pat her if no one else was around

About a month ago she stopped eating and we found she
had become anemic ...I put her in my isolation cage and
put her on vitamins the vet gave us and got her eating AD..
After a few days she seemed to be getting better and badly
wanted out of the cage so I let her out...
For a few days she was impossible to catch and didn't always
get her vitamins but soon she started to slide again and she was
easy to catch and medicate and we started seringe feeding...
She took that easily and we had her gaining weight again...

In the process she was spending more and more time on my
bed where the rest of the cats all hang out and soon my feral
cat who won't let me pat her but was very quick to make friends
with the other cats was able to snuggle with Annie
The best thing of this is now the feral cat has suddenly decided
it is OK to be touched by humans and she even let me pick her
up for a minute without struggling

I have been following Wendy and Cricket as it has been so close
to Annie...Yesterday she was too weak to make it to her litter box
even though I had placed it up level with the bed for her...This was
her first accidentI was struggling with the same thought of if I
should PTS but she seemed to rest comfortably and took the
seringe feedings fairly well...We had gone to smaller feedings more
oftenI was so happy when Wendy decided to try the feeding tube
yesterday as I was looking to Wendy for guidance But then it
was so very sad to here this morning that Cricket had passed during
the nightAnnie ate well for a bit but then stopped swallowing and
then again the next feeding she didn't want to take anything
Shortly after that she was resting on my stomach as I patted her
and she let out a cry and then I noticed that she had stopped breathing...
It was over...I believe she was comfortable and new she was loved
right up to the end...

Some are very close all their life and others. like Anie its just at the end
but it doesn't make it any easier to say good buy.
Michelle said it all.." But it does not get easier, as far as I can 
tell.  Just less surprising."

I will miss you sweet Annie and I hope we do get to meet again