Bramble managed to eat nearly 2 sachets of cat food yesterday - he won't touch any of the extra bits I got to try - cottage cheese, ice cream, cream, butter, etc... He seems to like the John west pressed cod roe though (if he eats it he can have it). I came home from work and worked from home yesterday and stayed here today to try him with food every hour and it is working - he has eaten more this morning and is much less stressed without me trying to assist his feeding - I wave the plate in front of him and talk to him ans stroke him to encourage him and give him lots of kisses after he's eaten. He has eaten nearly a full sachet of Felix this morning and a bit of cod roe and I'll keep trying every hour for him to eat a mouth full. At least he took his heart med today - he wouldn't take it yesterday so I did force him to keep his stress down - he has had enough stress lately. I think your right Kerry - tlc and good nursing go a long way with animals - one of the best medicines possible.
Secondly Alejandra - Sorry for your loss - I know all too well as everyone else does how it feels to lose a dear kittie. My last girl Tidge was a stray I took in and tested negative for FIV & FeLV. I knew nothing about feline health needs and nothing about FIV or FeLV as she was my first cat. I was back and forward to vets trusting their incorrect diagnoses - but we discovered to late she did have FIV and was so ill she had to be euthanased (March this year). The pain was unbearable and when my babies go I always have an emotional breakdown. I then started researching more about FIV & FeLV which is how I found these groups. Despite the pain of losing her and never wanting to go through it again the short time I had her was so full of love and she trusted me so much. Knowing that she was loved and was saved from neglect and had a good home for her last months is worth the heartache and I'd do it all again.
She touched me so so much that despite not wanting to experience that pain again I know that I have to go through it as it is part of being a good pet owner. Being devasted about their loss shows how much you care and that is the kind of love that animals need and especially sick cats. I now have Bramble (FIV) Buddy (FIV) and Minstrel (FeLV) knowing that my heart is going to be broken but it so good being able to give them a home for what ever time they have knowing they will get the care they deserve. So It's understandable that you feel you can't go through it again yet but instead of ruling it out give it time - you may end up naturally drawn to helping these cats (I said never again at first too) - I know now that I will continue to help immune compromised cats however much it hurts because it would be wrong of me to not allow another cat in need to benefit from the growing knowledge and experience that I am getting. Plus the more exposure you have the more knowledge you gain and you feel more confident in your care and decisions - it always remains worrying when they are sick though and devasting when your best efforts can't do anymore. These groups help so much - the knowledge and experience people have is so valuable.
I hope your pain eases soon as with everyone who has recently lost.
Michelle, Bramble, Minstrel & Buddy.

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