Yes good post Rebecca. I agree it is about respecting each others choices and 
not pushing our beliefs onto other people. I have been lucky this time around. 
I have been vegetarian for 22 years and in that time been vegan twice - once at 
15 until I was 18 and then again for the last year and this time I have 
researched and planned it for life. A friend of mine criticised me for being 
vegetarian - he is a full blown carnivore but said to me he thought I was 
hypocritical fighting for animal welfare if I was not a vegan. I actually 
disagree with that and think any compassion helps more none but it triggered me 
into more research and I have to say that it was the best comment he ever made 
because I remembered why I turned vegan at 15 and realised I would personally 
be happier as a vegan. This time friends and family had a few concerns but on 
the whole have been really supportive and accepting. And even people I didn't 
expect would be supportive have been intrigued, asked serious questions and 
said good luck as they wish they were able to do it themselves in some ways. In 
restauraunts I don't mind being fussy I don't mind saying it's because I'm 
vegan. One restauraunt even put toghether a fine roasted veg platter because 
the chef wanted to make sure my meal looked good and filling. But unless anyone 
asks anymore I don't say any more about my beliefs. Some people have wanted to 
know more and have been educated to some degree but others just prefer to not 
know which is their choice. 

The only thing that really drives me mad now (and I'm pleased to say it doesn't 
happen much anymore) is when people know you are vegetarian or vegan and stick 
meat under your nose saying "here do you want some of this" - just to annoy me 
- I think that is just the worst. Other than that I don't have too many 
problems - I accept people who eat meat around me (although I do get silently 
squemish if someone has a raw or medium raw steak - would never say anything to 
the person who is eating it though) and they accept that I will never handle or 
cook it for them. Maybe it is more acceptable here in UK than in parts of USA I 
don't know how well people accept it there as I've never been - would love to 
venture over there someday though. We even have quite a large vegan grocery 
store not to far from where I work which is very handy as they sell lots of 
goodies. I've just had a houmous, rocket, beetroot and sunflower seed sandwich 
and then an orange and carrot muffin. Our local Tesco and Sainsbury 
supermarkets also stock a good range of supplies and we have quite a few 
vegetarian cafes around the region that cater for vegan too so it makes life 
easier. And my Buddy loves licking the soya magarine from my fingers bless her, 
although she and Minstrel cry more for their own food. 
I am diagnosed as having SAD so I have a dawn simulating body clock to wake me 
up in the morning. The light gradually comes on about 6.30 to wake me up at 
7am. Buddy was up at 6.30am this morning, as soon as she saw a little bit of 
light she was jumping on me licking my face and head butting me because she 
thinks it is breakfast time. Although it's slightly earlier than planned there 
is no better way to wake up than with the fur kids butting you. If my partner 
woke me up I'd be grumpy but when the fur kids wake me up all I can do is smile 
and relish in the moment.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy, & Angel Bramble

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