Thanks, guys!
Yes, Wendy, you've seen her before.  She was available for adoption about a month ago, then placed back in foster care to get over a URI.
She's totatlly comfortable anywhere and everywhere.  Sometimes it's like she's all filled with Pop Rocks, but she will settle down also.  I look forward to watching her gain confidence and comfort in her surroundings, but as far as she's concerned everything belongs to her, so no need to stress!
From: wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Welcome Beatrix!


I have seen this kitty before.  Did you send the link
earlier, like a few weeks ago?  She is precious.


Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:25:52 -0700
Subject: Re: Welcome Beatrix!

Good news indeed.  Hello and welcome Beatrix!!  If she's up to playfully
biting your nose it sounds like she's already feeling at home and hasn't
been traumatized by her rough start in life.  Give her a nuzzle for me
and a head bump to Satch.

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