Re: Interferon Omega - info for person wanting help

2006-03-26 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Hi Lance,
Sorry you have to be here but welcome !

Re: Interferon Omega - info for person wanting help

2006-03-26 Thread gblane

Hey Lance, glad to see you made it to this list...

in Little Rock

At 04:38 PM 3/26/2006, you wrote:

> the outcome was simply a miracle on paws...

What was the outcome? Is there a thread I should check to read more
about it? Paolo or anyone else can reply to me here or off-list at my
address if this has been discussed very much. I'm new to the list, as
my cat recently tested positive with ELISA, so I'm anxiously looking
for options that might help her.



Re: Interferon Omega - info for person wanting help - Lance

2006-03-26 Thread Nina
Lance tell us about your kitty and how you found out he/she is 
positive.  Is he asymptomatic, (seemingly healthy)?  How old is he, 
etc?  When I first found out my bottle babies had felv, I started 
researching like a mad woman, (as everyone on this list has done), and 
found out about Interferon Omega.  Unfortunately it isn't approved in 
the US yet and not so easy to come by.  Go to our archives,
and type in Interferon Omega, or Virbagen Omega in the "find" box and 
see what comes up.  We've talked extensively about it and all the other 
things we do to help our kitties.  I just re-posted my vet's info for 
help in acquiring it.  Please ask as many questions as you like.  You've 
probably already noticed what a wonderful group this is.  The folks here 
are not only knowledgeable, but loving and considerate too.  From your 
concern over my sister's lost kitty Tux, I can tell you'll fit right 
in.  Sorry about your baby, but there is reason to hope.  Felv isn't the 
immediate death sentence so many, (including some vets), believe.  Hang 
in there and let us hear from you.


Lance wrote:

> the outcome was simply a miracle on paws...

What was the outcome? Is there a thread I should check to read more  
about it? Paolo or anyone else can reply to me here or off-list at my  
address if this has been discussed very much. I'm new to the list, as  
my cat recently tested positive with ELISA, so I'm anxiously looking  
for options that might help her.



Re: Interferon Omega - info for person wanting help

2006-03-26 Thread Lance

> the outcome was simply a miracle on paws...

What was the outcome? Is there a thread I should check to read more  
about it? Paolo or anyone else can reply to me here or off-list at my  
address if this has been discussed very much. I'm new to the list, as  
my cat recently tested positive with ELISA, so I'm anxiously looking  
for options that might help her.



Re: Interferon Omega - info for person wanting help

2006-03-26 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

700.00 worth give a take is this a one time thing or do they have to stay 
on it everyday forever like the regular interferon.

Re: Interferon Omega - info for person wanting help

2006-03-26 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Would it help if I flew to pick it up?
I fly free

Re: Interferon Omega - info for person wanting help

2006-03-26 Thread Nina

Hi Karen,
Yes, the IO is the stuff that hasn't yet been approved by the FDA yet
and is administered subq.  You have to get a special dispensation from
the FDA and I ordered mine from the UK.  It is pricey.  When I was
getting it for Grace and Jazz it was costing me about $700 bucks with
exchange rate and shipping.  Below is the paste for help in getting the
dispensation.  The last time I talked to my vet's office they were
still getting calls from all over the country and they don't have any
problem with helping.

> For anyone interested in starting the
process of obtaining Feline 
Interferon, (Virbagen Omega)...

My vet's liaison, Michelle Rose, at Veterinary Medical and Surgical 
Group in Ventura CA (805-339-2290)has made an "FDA packet" that she
fax out to anyone's vet who is interested in starting the special 
dispensation process.  She says everything they need to know will be in

there, and of course they can call her if there are further questions. 
Since only vets can apply, only they, or their offices should call.  If

she's not available, have your vet leave their voice and fax numbers on

her voice mail. If you have any trouble, email me directly and I'll
her. >


  Since I am getting the moon pie kitty and I have been out of
felv for a few years I would also like some info on the new Omega
  Can anyone explain the difference?
  where can you get it and the cost?

Re: Interferon Omega - info for person wanting help

2006-03-25 Thread Paolo
Karen, the price depends on the SIZE of the vials, there are two sizes
on the market but I can't tell anything about the price simply because
I used it long ago, one should select the best size considering the
weight and (in case) the NUMBER of cats to be treated, in order to
minimize the waste... Even the 1 million units/kg is not engraved in
stone, our Micia was given (if I remember right) around 850-900,000
units per Kg because there was another cat being trated simultaneously
and we shared the cost of the vials with the other owner, but although
the dose was a bit lower, the outcome was simply a miracle on paws...

>injection or iv Paolo?
The usual subcutaneous shots.


Re: Interferon Omega - info for person wanting help

2006-03-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

injection or iv Paolo?
is this the stuff you guys were talking about that has to be purchased out 
of the US?
any idea how much?
a friend last night told me 1000.00 for 12 viles?

Re: Interferon Omega - info for person wanting help

2006-03-25 Thread Paolo
Basically, the "Mahl-Maynard" protocol works this way: each shot contains
1 MILLION UNITS per kg weight of the cat; one shot/day for 5 CONSECUTIVE
DAYS (generally monday to friday for vet's convenience... ;) A little
reaction (vomit and/or diarrhea) is expected the week after when the
Virbagen Omega kicks in, but it may vary from case to case and is
generally self-extinguishing. It is fundamental that, once the vial of
VO is reconstituted with the supplied liquid, the solution is used that
same day, as it CANNOT BE SAFELY PRESERVED for the day after, not even in
the refrigerator.


Re: Interferon Omega - info for person wanting help

2006-03-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Since I am getting the moon pie kitty and I have been out of felv for a few 
years I would also like some info on the new Omega interferon.
Can anyone explain the difference?
where can you get it and the cost?

Interferon Omega - info for person wanting help

2006-03-25 Thread Gloria Lane


Susan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is wanting information on  
interferon omega, if someone is knowledgeable in how to use that.  I  
also suggested that she subscribe to this list.
