Hey guys,
Stretch's back is healing up quite nicely!  Thank you for the advice!  The spot 
was larger than a quarter, and it was just raw skin-no fur and the top layers 
of skin were missing; it was completely reddish, poor baby.  I had already had 
him on a course of antibiotics, which I'm sure helped, but after reading advice 
from this site and another, I started using hydrogen peroxide 3-4 times a day 
to "disinfect" the spot, and immediately after, I would put antibiotic cream on 
her.  The spot is now the size of a dime.  It's healing from the edges in, 
instead of forming a complete scab.  Weird, but nevertheless, it is healing, 
thank goodness!  I really think that it might have been a spider bite instead 
of an allergic reaction, but we will never know.  

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