

Wonderful news about your household! You sure have your plate full right now
with these little babies. I have no idea if there is a test for feline
herpes, but my old vet suspected that Bandit has it. He gets a runny eye and
the sneezes about twice a year. It runs its course and goes away. Angel
never got it from him in the past 5 years.


One of our foster cats had an eye problem in April. The vet suspected herpes
again. During that time, our youngest, Smokey, also came down with it but in
a milder form. It seems as though she caught it from the foster cat since
she had no symptoms before.


I’ve asked the vets’ office for treatments, and they’ve always told me to
let it run its course. That was the old vets’ office. Now that I’m at a new
place that is much more cat-friendly, I’m sure they’ll give me something for
the next outbreak.


But, all-in-all, I only know what my vet has said in the past: Bandit
probably has herpes, but it should only affect him a couple times a year
(which it does). He doesn’t seem to come down with it in times of high
stress or anything like that. Seems like it happens more in the winter
months. He’s never passed it on, but I think that another cat has.


I’d be interested to know what other people give their kitties since my old
vet never suggested anything (in fact, suggested I don’t do anything).


Good luck with the poop, Caroline—hope you have a lot of air fresheners! :-)





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caroline Kaufmann
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 11:56 AM
Subject: OT: update on sick kittens, questions about URIs, etc


Well, I still have 4 kittens in crates at my (tiny) house, and then my one
year old Foster cat Izzee.  One of the kittens, a grey and white male, was
supposed to leave last night to go "on display" at the store, but d*mned if
he didn't come down the sneezing, running nose, water eyes!  Urgh.  I wish I
could have isolated him when he first came to my, but by then, he'd already
been mingled with the other kittens already suffering URIs and already
completely exposed.  Plus he'd been at this volunteer's house running loose
with all the other kittens and adult cats with chronic URIs so there was
probably nothing I could do....still, I feel bad.  So now I have 4 kittens
all on Amoxy and getting a triple antibiotic in their eyes (which I am
almost out of so I ordered some tubes of artificial tear rinse and
Terramycin online).  


My little Yoda (the first on I got last Sat.) is so much better, but
yesterday he seemed to have a set back.  He's really snotty.  And it gets
worse when I let him out to play with Izzee because he gets out of breath,
so I limit his time.  


Everyone is eating like complete pigs; drinking water and are all pooing and
peeing a TON- I can barely keep up!  I like to take the poo out immediately
because the little rascals lay in it if I don't...but it's hard to keep up!


Ears: currently I am using a mixture of organic vegetable oil and organic
distilled white vinegar (per Tad's general suggestion).  I didn't have
measurements so I mixed it into an empty pill bottle and I did 2/3 vegetable
oil and less than a 1/3 vinegar (rough estimate).  It seems to work good at
loosening the wax and getting it to come up to the outer ear, where I can
work on getting it out later.  Only thing is their poor little fur around
their head/ears gets greasy!  I do wipe them with wet wipes afterwards- I am
also still working on getting rid of the "smell" they had on them from that
volunteer's house.  I did find the ear solution my vet had me use on
Monkee's excessively waxy (way down in the canal) ears-- Malacetic Otic-
online, so I ordered a bottle.  But I will stick to the oil/vinegar
concoction for now while their ears are so bad.


I found out more about them: apparently they are all "orphans" from our
Metro Animal Control that were going to be euthanized, but Metro called the
volunteer for this group and she went and got them; took them to her house
and mingled them with her already out of control, arguably sickly adult
population.  So, they just have so many strikes against them: losing their
mothers too young (when they should still be nursing and getting those
antibodies); and they also went to Metro-- which is bad for any cat, much
less a kitten.  That, in and of itself, could have killed them just because
of the disease exposure.


Now for the questions: how long can they suffer from these URIs?  Is there
at point at which, even tho they are eating, etc., but they are still
sneezing and snotty, that they need to see a vet?  Is it possible some need
a different antibiotic?  How will I know when it's time to see the Vet?  As
of tomorrow night, Yoda will have been on Amoxy for 7 days...


How can you tell which virus is causing the URI symptoms?  I read that
feline herpes can cause it and I am thinking they may have this?  What can I
do to help them?  I have been trying to load them up with Colostrum, but
wasn't sure how much kittens this size (2.4 lbs and up) can get?  I have
also been giving L-Lysine since I fear feline herpes, but didn't know a
dosage for that either?  


And finally, my foster cat Izzee has had her vaccinations (she was an owner
surrender to Metro so I have her records); also she spent time in Metro,
mixed with the general pop (even tho she wasn't supposed to be); she was
treated with the nasal spray to protect her before she went in.  But I am
still kind of worried about her with these sickly kittens...?  Especially
since I am suspecting feline herpes?  Should I be concerned?  The only one
she has mingled with is Yoda because I got him 1st and thought (ha!) he'd be
the only one; now they are used to each other and like to play together-
it's really improved Izzee's behavior; the other ones stay in their crates
unless I bring them out to treat, cuddle, or I put them on the front porch
(without Izzee) for play time.  I don't mix them with Izzee.  She doesn't
seem interested in any of them other than Yoda and in fact, she has hissed
at the larger, extremely wild B/W male.    


I'm just new to this and need some advice!







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