Here's a post I made to another list that you might find interesting.

I have had a few cases of animals living past lives as humans; I'm sure
I'd have had more by now except most clients don't ask me to explore
that question with their animal friend. 

Penelope Smith, in "When Animals Speak", says "Most domesticated animals
that I have communicated with have had experience in other lives as
humans. They are comfortable with human thinking and human problems.
They enjoy helping people through their often complex and emotionally
turbulent lives. They often easily accept being a cat or horse, even
though they haven't inhabited those forms before. In previous lives as
humans, they usually loved those animals, understood them, and
identified with them, or they are very conscious of their choice of
species and quick to learn how to enjoy life as that animal. Some
animals who have been humans before tend to act like, even demand, the
"privileges" of human living.

Animals who have had no human experience, or have never been a
domesticated animal, can be fearful of humans and find it hard to tune
into often confusing or chaotic human thinking. Some animals may just
want to hide out for a while and be "feral," while they maintain a
minimal or safe contact with humans. They have made some decision to
learn from the path of being close to humans, but it may take them
awhile to respond to humans as something besides predators or alien
beings. By respecting their choices and understanding their situation,
we can greatly assist fearful animals to progress in the direction of
amiable coexistence. Experiencing and mastering another way of life is
usually the main purpose for changing forms and seeking totally
different circumstances.

An individual's passion or major concern usually has some past-life
thread. For example, people working now to rescue or assist animals may
have tried to help animals for lifetimes, or they may be attempting to
make up for having hurt them in the past. Horses who easily learn and
excel at dressage may have been equine champions previously. Horses who
resist an activity may have mastered that activity already and wish to
go on to something else." [pp 177-178, "When Animals Speak"]

Penelope has a whole chapter on this topic, as well as a section on how
animals perceive death including from the soul perspective.

Your animal friend is here in this form at this time because s/he chose
to be. With sick pets, we humans have to be careful not to project our
desires or need to "heal" onto an animal when it would interfere in some
way with their life path. It's a fine line; we want our animal friends
to have the best lives possible, but we have to take care not to force
them to move along because it pains us or disconcerts us to see them
struggling in some
way. They have to want to move forward, that's the key. You can
talk with them and ask them how s/he views her/his life with you, what
her/his life purpose is, and is there anything you can do to assist
her/him with that and with her/his health issues.

Your animal may be here in service to others (such as the joy s/he
brings to
animals and humans alike) because s/he is "making up" for something he
in past life/lives. For example, [I'm using he as an example], he wants,
he chose (at the soul level, before incarnating), the experiences he is
going through. There is learning there for him, even if it just looks
painful to us. We can offer assistance; it's sometimes hard to know when
it's assistance and when we're forcing their perceived "issue" into the
light rather than letting them get to that place of enlightenment on
their own. He may also be here to teach others (only he knows what he's
here to teach, so you'd have to ask him), and to offer others
unconditional love as well. 

Sit quietly with him, get centered, come from the heart, and ask him
what he might need from you to make this life the best it can be. He may
need nothing from you except love, and necessary (but not invasive)
medical care from time to time. You can offer him Bach or other
vibrational essences (first send the concept of essences to him and ask
him if those sound and feel useful/helpful/appealing to him, then trust
your instincts), energetic healing (such as Reiki or other forms), color
therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, herbs . . . . Ask him what he would
find helpful and then be open to what he sends you. He may say
"nothing"; he may send you a color, a feeling, a knowing . . . trust
your instincts there.

It's always important to ask the animal if they wish healing assistance
before providing it (this is a principle of Reiki and other energetic
healing modalities -- the being has to want it and be open to it, it's
never sent without permission). I learned this lesson in a big way from
my dog, Max (he showed me a previous life as a dolphin). I worried
about him incessantly for several years because he had many, many health
issues (mostly due to vaccinosis). Two communicators relayed to me at
different times that Max did not feel he needed much assistance, nor
that he was as ill as I believed he was. He was learning from his
experience, and still doing the work he came here to do [one of which
was showing me how to "walk the talk" and be true to myself].

I believe health issues we and they struggle with are set up before we
"arrive" here, and by learning from and working through them, we/they
are able to offer assistance to others who are open to it. For instance,
how many people on this list came here because they started learning
about health issues from the holistic care perspective out of
desperation because conventional medicine wasn't working? Had your
animal friend not had health issues, you would not have been directed to
this part of your path. I'm not saying animals suffer for us; quite the
contrary. They have their own experiences, and they are willing to share
their experiences with us and help us learn and grow. Bless them for
that. Just as we learn and grow from our own issues and are able to help
others who struggle with the same issues. We don't force other humans to
do anything about what we perceive their issues to be (the old "we can't
control others" concept), we just offer assistance and knowledge if they
want it. It's a spiral. The animals teach us, we assist them; we teach
others, they help us learn too. The more knowledge and experience gained
through adversity (and prosperity in all ways) by a soul, the higher
they move in their evolution.


Kathleen A. Berard, Animal Communicator, Bach Flower Essences
Practitioner and Holistic Care Consultant


"If you don't know what your passion is, realize that one reason for
your existence on Earth is to find it."  Oprah

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