Thanks for the encouragement Sherry.  I am having a
much better day today.  I hope your day is going


--- Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wendy,meltdowns are normal for folks like us. :) I
> too still have them even though Maizee has been gone
> now  17 months.I still agonize over her last moments
> and if it should have been done differently.I too
> come here for comfort every once and awhile.Take
> care.
>   Sherry and my furry boys
> wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hey guys,
> Why is it that even a year and a half after
> Cricket's
> passing, I can burst into tears after having
> flashbacks of the night he died? To a logical person
> (being me), it sounds ridiculous and overdramatic. 
> But the fact remains that when I allow myself to
> remember what happened with Cricket the night he
> died,
> and how horrible it was, it sends me straight into
> meltdown. I am at work for heaven's sake. Usually,
> when I think about Cricket, I don't think about that
> one day in his life. But it seems so unfair that he
> couldn't have a more peaceful death. I will never
> forget his suffering, even knowing that he is now at
> rest. Why do some people's/animal's last days of
> their lives have to be filled with pain and
> suffering?
> I just don't understand it. I think maybe all the
> recent losses, and sadly there have been many, might
> be bringing my memories back, but maybe that's a
> good
> thing? Maybe we never really fully stop grieving,
> but
> every little meltdown we have allows us to heal a
> little more. 
> Thanks for letting me ramble about my lack of
> understanding of the meaning of life.
> :)
> Wendy
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