would you be willing to email me privately?
Laurie (of Isabella, Laurie and Lisa)

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MaryChristine 
  Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 9:46 AM
  Subject: Re: We are not perfect

  tonya, you weren't around as frequently back in the early spring when some of 
us were trying, gently, to correct those who either out of lack of information, 
or self-righteousness, were putting out dangerous information. we were attacked 
when we asked people to do the research themselves, to check the archives, to 
remember that none of us are vets--that's why we left, when it became personal, 
and the misinformation and bad advice continued. we tried very hard, then gave 

  and i make no apologies for reverting to my first language, sarcasm, when all 
my 4-planets-in-libra gentle reminders and suggestions were pissed on like a 
plastic bag. my concern was and is with the people who didn't KNOW they were 
being fed menu-brand level knowledge. 

  you have no idea how much angst this has caused those of us who love this 
list, now how much behind the scenes work we tried to do to find a 
solution--for most people, it was just emotionally wiser for them to quietly 
leave than to stand up and be attacked. 

  On 9/28/07, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    This list has always had divisions:

    declaw/not declaw
    aggressive treatment/leave them alone
    pts/die naturally
    mix + and - / keep separate 
    animal communication/ scam.........

    We have all always had different opinions, but we have always been 
respectful in those disagreements for many years.  I disagree on some things 
with some of my best friends on this list. We've had lots of debates on them. 
Some people are more 'hotheaded' about these things than others, but I think we 
can all try to disagree (when we do) in a respectful way.  And if really wrong 
advice is given that could cause harm I think we should say so. 


    Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      Yes, I understand this, but isn't this why Phaewryn or Jennifer or 
whoever left a while back? If I remember right, she was disgusted by the use of 
Animal Communicators because they are not scientifically proven, etc. Correct 
me if I'm wrong, but I think she felt that suggesting the use of an AC does 
more harm than good since science is being abandoned for what some consider to 
be a scam or a witchdoctor or whatever. I have no experience with ACs, so these 
are not my views , but I remember people ganging up on her several months ago 
when she was trying to debunk what she thought was harmful information. 

      I completely understand what you guys mean, but I just thought that the 
comment by MC was merely an extension of the fight and nothing more. I 
apologize for any misunderstanding. 



      From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan 
      Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 2:16 PM
      Subject: Re: We are not vets
      I'm with MC on this.  This has been a problem on other lists that I am on 
and fortunately the mods are willing to kick people to the curb if they are 
giving out questionable advice, especially without some sort of express 
disclaimer.  Newbies do not understand that advice may be very wrong.  Often 
they are looking for any glimmer of hope and would willingly buy snake oil if 
they thought it might save a cat they loved. 

      MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: 
      for many years, none of us had any problem saying, "in my opinion," or, 
"this is what my vet recommended, " or "this is what has worked for me"--and 
newcomers do NOT know that there are no vets on the list, they do NOT know when 
they are being given flat-out WRONG information. there has been DANGEROUS, in 
some cases possibly life-threatening information put out on this list in the 
past few months by people who presented it as if it had been handed to them on 
stone tablets. 

      there is a HUGE difference between a suggestion, and the kind of 
proclamations that have become the norm on the list.

      On 9/27/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
      I think we all can agree that an unspoken disclaimer exists in this 
community. None of us is a vet. We give advice based upon experience. It is 
understood that we are not prescribing anything as a vet would. If a person 
does not agree with a suggestion for a sick cat, it is his/her choice to speak 
up. The only way we learn is though the suggestions of members here. As you ALL 
know, there are so many varied experiences with many different ailments that it 
helps to have a wide range of suggestions. No one on this list claims to be the 
be-all-end-all of veterinary medicine. We are only doing the best we can with 
what we know. Some of us are new to this, so the suggestions of veteran members 
are appreciated, and the variety of opinions is valuable. If you do not agree 
with the suggestions below, please just give your advice to the contrary. 

      This is all getting so stupid. I'm thinking about leaving to go to 
Michael's list too. I'll hang around and see if things improve here, but the 
drama is unbearable at this point. Even after Susan D. has left the group, we 
are still arguing about this! Enough already. 



      From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
      Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 5:25 PM
      Subject: Re: OT: Kitten Question

      you are prescribing medicine without a license.
      On 9/25/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
      Hi Caroline,

      Have the little kittens had a fecal yet? 

      If not, I recommend getting one performed. 


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  Maybe That'll Make The Difference.... 


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