I don't know about the conflicting tests. There are certainly false positive 
test & there certainly are many conflicting studies.
I would try to find a vet in your area who has good knowledge of FeLV. 
But in any case there is not reason for your kitty to live a life in isolation. 
I have 3 negative, vaccinated cats who live quite happily & freely with my 4 
FeLV fosters. of coarse they need to be fixed.
Find a vet with experience with FeLV is the best.
Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter! www.Furkids.org   

--- On Tue, 5/10/11, Mellenee Finger <melle...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Mellenee Finger <melle...@gmail.com>
Subject: [Felvtalk] Conflicting Test Results
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 9:20 AM

Hi all,
I've never dealt with FeLV; this is a little confusing to me (ok, a LOT

We have a new kitty that we are adding to our currently one cat home. When
he came to my home at 6 months old, he appeared extremely healthy except for
multiple cutaneous horns on his front footpads.  During his new visit my vet
gave him the FELV/FIV combo SNAP test.  It was negative. Cutaneous horns
often have a viral cause so my vet recommended we pursue a diagnosis.

At the time of the visit we trimmed his claws.  Within two weeks the horns
had gone and his footpads are soft and normal except for the dorsal pad,
which still has a hard crusty appearance.

I took him to a vet dermatologist, who did a blood draw for another ELISA
test and also for the IFA test.  This second round of testing gave us a
negative ELISA but a positive IFA.  The derm vet began to give me
instructions on living with a positive FELV cat and sent the results to my
regular vet.

The regular vet phoned me and said the IFA must be repeated in 30-60 days
before he is considered positive, and that a false IFA is possible; in her
experience two negative ELISA tests have more credibility.   Internet
research leads me to several papers written with somewhat conflicting
information regarding tests.

I don't know how to interpret these results. There are enough conflicting
medical papers out there that I could make a case either way.  I plan to
retest him in 30 days but meanwhile I have decisions to make as he was
purchased as a potential breeder.   His breeder was contacted and has
suspended all contact in her cats and blood tested her cats with negative
results.  It took me a year of searching to select this breeder.  She is
cautious, has few cats, and is in the medical profession so is very astute.

I am so very confused.  The vets have also offered to remove the dorsal pad
for a biopsy, but also said there is a good possibility the biopsy will be
inconclusive.  Putting the cat through a pad removal (even a dorsal pad)
plus the expense doesn't make sense if the chances of finding an answer are
low, so I currently opted for no removal.

Meanwhile the cat remains healthy.  He eats like a little piggy and is
growing rapidly.  He plays, has good bathroom habits, and is a crazy, loving

I know the vets are advising on the side of caution.  I understand and
appreciate their intent but because of the circumstances I have a window of
time in which to make decisions on keeping him.  My family doesn't want to
give up on him, sending him to a special home to live in isolation.  Any
comments giving me general knowledge on the accuracy of the tests is

Thank you!
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