There really is no way to be absolutely certain some of those other 
kittens weren't exposed to FelV.  The only thing you can do is isolate
the FelV kitten and retest them all in 3 months. Often they retest neg.
I do rescue work and at the moment I am holding 4 FelV kittens who are 
5 months old. Almost past the age of easily being adopted.  Fortunately
I have my own large santuary where they are isolated in a separate space,
NO CAGES, I think cages stresse them out, and stress is bad for FelV cats. 
The cats have individual rooms and lots of toys, climbing posts, window
ledges etc.  Anyway these kittens have never been sick a day, they just
carry the virus from their mother.  I am hoping they will test negative
at the end of October.


On 10-01, janine paton wrote:
> Hello,
> I joined this list years ago, and have now needed to rejoin.  Trying to find 
> testing protocol for FeLV and an explanation for it. 
> I am with a rescue grp and we have just started trapping in a colony that had 
> 30 
> kittens last year and none of them tested pos.  We just took 9 kittens within 
> a 
> few days, and are close to having all of the adults neutered.  There were a 
> few 
> newcomers - mostly toms. 
> All kittens tested neg until Bella, who tested a weak pos with Elysa sent out 
> to 
> lab.  Moms were all mixed up in this colony, everyone taking care of each 
> other's kittens.  
> A 2nd vet did IFA test a few days after Bella's pos results, which I 
> understand 
> is too soon, but having a hard time trying to explain this!  
> My concern is that even if all the kittens tested neg except Bella, that 
> doesn't 
> mean in a few weeks the same kittens would not retest pos.  My thinking is 
> that 
> more than one may have been exposed recently enough that the test might not 
> be 
> positive last wk, but may be tomorrow? 
> Another vet thinks I am over thinking/reacting and we should just adopt out 
> the 
> ones that have tested neg right around the same time Bella tested positive. 
> Looking for guidance - 
> Thank you, 
> Janine

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