We were giving all 6 kittens Interferon once a day 1cc orally. After the 4 
brothers passed, we went to 2x a day after reading that it doesn't keep the 
virus from multiplying the full 24 hours. Plus, our cats have never had a 
reaction to taking it once a day, they even come in the kitchen and sit when 
it's time for the little squirt. We are all just scrambling for any hope. I am 
lucky that our vet really cares for our kitties and supports us in obtaining 
LTCI for us and is just a phone call away. Here is the passage from that 
document on Interferon:

#1) NEVER give with food. Inteferon breaks down in the stomach with stomach 
acid. Always squirt it directly into the mouth where it is absorbed in the 
and throat lining. 
#2) ALWAYS keep refridgerated. It's useless if it hits room temperature. Keep 
unused dilutions frozen until needed. It's unknown how long Interferon stays 
effective in the fridge. Keep unused dilutions frozen until needed. 
#3) It's USELESS to do on/off dosing. It MUST be given every 24 hours to 
maintain consistent levels in the bloodstream. (See excerpts below regarding 
peaks and valleys). It must be kept in the blood at all times. On/Off protocols 
are worthless because it progresses forward in times of no intervention. 
It is relatively new, and being used "off-label" which means no studies were 
done for FDA approval in animals. The use of Interferon for feline viruses was 
experimental and the results that vets who use it are seeing are being shared 
and tried by others. Most of the medications used in veterinary practise are 
"off-label" human medications that have FDA approvals based on human trials and 
you will not find specific studies done on cats or dogs unless the drug was 
specifically developed for, and tested in animals for FDA approval. 
Interferon is Interferon. It acts the same way in cats as it does in humans. 
recent understanding that low doses can be as effective as the higher, more 
toxic doses and a better understanding of diluting and freezing the Interferon 
to extend its shelf life has meant great strides in it's use in veterinary 
medicine. The purpose of low dose Interferon in cats is to mimic the same 
that are naturally produced in response to a viral attack. 
Many people ask what is the connection between human viral treatments and 
feline, and why should I care? The connection is this. Viruses all work the 
way. They may be species specific, but their biochemical mechanisms are the 
same. Just as we use human Amoxycillin to treat bacterial infections in both 
humans and cats, so too can human anti-virals work to help reduce viral loads 
cats. Interferon works the same way against the Hepatitis C virus in humans. 
If you read the La Roche link you will see that the primary functions of 
Interferon are: anti-viral, anti-proliferative and immunomodulatory. It 
"interferes" with the virus replication. By keeping the level of the virus down 
in the host's system it allows the cat's own weakened immune system to help 
suppress symptoms. The lower dose in veterinary practise is not designed to 
eradicate the virus as it is with Hepatitis C. Cats chronically infected with 
FIV or Herpes will always have the virus, so the high dosage therapy is of 
really no use. The idea is to either replace or supplement the levels of 
Interferon the cat is either not producing or not producing enough of. 
Interferons are natural virus killers. There are definitely some immune 
benefits to Interferon but it's primary function is to keep the viral load in 
the system down. 

Jere Hough
Three Times Weekly Is A Terribly Poor Way to Dose Interferon.... 
This is a great article and also discusses the development of longer acting 
pegylated interferons to better manage the peak and valley effects of the 
current generation of Interferons: 
“PEAKS AND VALLEYS - Because interferon has a half-life in serum of only about 
-10 hours. This means it peaks in the body at about 12 hours and is then 
metabolized and excreted. At 24 hours after injection it is barely measurable. 
By 36 hours it is not detectable with current measurements. During this peak 
is a rapid, dramatic drop in viral load. As the levels of interferons quickly 
drop to negligible levels at about 24 hours viral loads start rapidly climbing 
again. By 48 or especially 72 hours much of the gain in viral reduction has 
In other words, viral loads in the body fluctuate directly and rapidly along 
with levels of interferon in serum, and when plotted on a graph look like a 
wave, or a roller coaster. This graph, along with a description of this 
phenomena, can be viewed on many websites and texts on the subject, including 
the http://www.roche-hepc.com/ page. These peaks and valleys have been followed 
for days in human subjects, and are invariably similar in those who respond to 
As interferon levels go up viral loads go down immediately. Then as IFN levels 
drop, viral loads increase again rapidly. In the period from 24 to 48 hours 
viral loads peak to erase most of the gains made. In standard TIW dosing the 
increase in viral loads is even more pronounced during the 72 hour break once 
each week.” 
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