> (Hakama: often defined as a "gentleman's divided skirt," the legs
> of hakama steadily widen as they go down, leaving them very loose around
> the ankle -- think "samurai pants.")

This aside was jarringly out of place and not especially necessary. If you
feel the need to explain a term, do it in the footnotes at the end of the

> "Well, looks like you know how to land after a fall.  Ucchan, is
> it?"
> "That's UKYOU-SAN to you, jackass!"

"Kuonji-san", I should think. Even "Ukyou-san" would be too informal,
especially given her general dislike of this man and the entire situation.

> "Special schools?" he questioned.  "You mean English-language schools
> for foreigners, or schools for ridiculously attractive people?"
> "No, I mean schools for the mentally impaired!"
> Preston smirked.  "They were full."

XD Nice comeback!

> "I think your 'unsurpassable greatness' can be repaired right
> here,"


> Kunou's eyes flashed.  "A challenge then, is it?  Very well,
> cretin, you shall taste the wrath of the Blue Thunder."
> Hasegawa smirked.  "No thank you.  I don't like energy drinks.

*double snrk*

> "Hasegawa Piku," Hasegawa said.  "That's what I'm called."


> "Did..." Emi pointed an uncertain finger at where the apparition
> had been an instant earlier.  "Did he just...?  Was that a NINJA?"
> "I... believe it was," Kouryuu responded with a puzzled look on
> his face.

Damn those sneaky ninjas.

"Sheik Protein? He's a mean ol' ass, Cid."
The Eternal Lost Lurker

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