Hi all,

An HTML5 presentation of today's IETF meeting on FFV1 and Matroska is available 
 The FFV1 and Matroska portion of the session is from ~9:00 - ~40:30 and open 
discussion starts at 14:40. At this point, for those who are interested in 
participating in further IETF discussions on this topic I encourage you to sign 
up on the IETF Dispatch mailing list at 
<https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/dispatch>. Thanks much to those who 
joined the discussion via jabber and/or meetecho. At this point, we're very 
interested in comments, questions and feedback on this session and strategies 
for moving forward. One suggestion from Ted Hardy at ~31:00 that I found 
helpful was that the communities that develop the Matroska and FFV1 
specifications should not simply throw the specifications "over the wall" into 
IETF, but to move specification development itself to an IETF context in a way 
that brings our discussions currently in ffmpeg-devel and matroska-devel and 
integrates them into an IETF context.

Session minutes by Jean Mahoney (copied from 
> FFV1 and Matroska ________________________________________________
> Presentation: 
> https://www.ietf.org/proceedings/93/slides/slides-93-dispatch-6.pdf
> Presenter:  Tessa Fallon, Emmanuel
> References:
> - FFV1 Video Specification: https://mediaarea.net/temp/ffv1.html
> - Github: http://matroska.org/technical/specs/index.html
> Robert Sparks and Roni Even asked what was Internet-specific about this 
> work. Jerome Martinez pointed out that Matroska was used with VP8, VP9 
> and WebM. Steve Lhome said that Matroska was designed for streaming in 
> networks and that Opus could be stored in Matroska for streaming. 
> Matroska is supported in Chrome, Firefox and MS Edge.
> Jerome Martinez said that, while the main purpose of Matroska was 
> storage, it could be used for transport and that they were looking for 
> transparency, open source and openness for their specification. They 
> didn't take it to SMPTE because it's paywalled.
> Tessa said that although the specifications are already available and 
> the work is complete, the specifications would benefit from the IETF 
> review process. Ben Campbell asked if it was ok if IETF take over change 
> control, and Tessa said that was understood. Ted Hardy said that the 
> community would need to participate in the IETF or the effort would 
> fail. Tessa said that she hoped the community and IETF would come 
> together. Steve Lhome, an original author of Matroska, said he would 
> continue to participate where ever the work was going to happen.
> Cullen and Dave Rice pointed out the needs for lossless video. Cullen 
> felt the specifications didn't support interoperability as they were 
> currently written, but didn't see the effort as a huge leap for the IETF.
> Steve Bozko and ??? voiced concerns about the ongoing maintenance 
> aspects of the work.
> By raising hands, two people at the meeting showed interest in 
> contributing. 8-10 people indicated that they were willing to review 
> documents.
> Richard Barnes pointed out that netvc people were not in the room and 
> that they may be interested.
> ACTION: Dispatch chairs to take the discussion to the list, contact the 
> netvc list.
Session notes from Cullen Jennings (copied from 
> Matroska / ffv1  - start 9:18
> Q. around what is internet standard 
> - more IETF has right openness 
> Q. do these need to be done together
> - could be separated but both useful
> Q. why not at SMPTE
> - specs there are behind a paywall
> Q. does development community meet in person
> - mostly not
> Q. what is the support in development community to bring this
> - support from both
> Q. Will they join actively 
> - depends on outcome of if the IETF wants, both communities want to have 
> these 
> Mary -  clear there is interest in the room
> Q. Do we have people people willing to review this work 
> - we had more than a handful of people 
> - need to get the 
> * Action Chairs - ping the netvc and codec list 

Best Regards,
Dave Rice
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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