New submission from Timo Juhani Lindfors <>:

When I play ogg/theora+vorbis videos with mplayer on ARM I get

[swscaler @ 0x4f0600]No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to
[swscaler @ 0x4f0600]using unscaled yuv420p -> rgb565le special converter
VO: [fbdev] 240x320 => 240x320 BGR 16-bit

and indeed ff_yuv2rgb_get_func_ptr in yuv2rgb.c (git from today, 6a7e074eb98c)
does not seem to contain any ARM optimized versions.

On such ARM optimized routine seems to be available from -- has this been considered for inclusion in
ffmpeg at some time? If not, I hope this bug report can be used to track its
suitability for this task.

Thanks for all the hard work so far!

messages: 13837
priority: normal
status: new
substatus: new
title: ARM optimized YUV2RGB converter?
type: feature_request

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