I'm trying to encode a file using ffmpeg but I would like this file to have 360 
metadata (audio and video) with this command : ffmpeg -i 
videoAmb2k_injected.mp4 -c copy -map_metadata 0 -map_metadata:s:v 0:s:v 
-map_metadata:s:a 0:s:a -b:a 128k testAddMetadata2.mp4

The input file "videoAmb2k_injected.mp4" got 360 metadata thanks to the spatial 
media metadata injector. But using this command, VLC does not play the file as 
a 360 video, and the audio isn't spatialize neither. By adding "-strict 
unofficial" option, I was allowed to keep 360 video metadata between input and 
output, and the video is played as spherical.

However, audio isn't spatialized. How can I inject or keep the right audio 
metadata so that any video player such as VLC3 interprets the audio as 
ambisonic ?

Thanks :)
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