Dear Developers,

Thank you for adding 'pkt_dts' and 'pict_type' to '-show_frames'. Those will 
make things easier.
Now, could you fix it?

'-show_frames' shows pts < dts.

frames.frame.133975.pts=503957216      <-+ These are actually 3 frames
frames.frame.133975.pkt_dts=503968477  <-+ apart in the wrong direction

'-show_frames' shows pts < dts for ALL frames (all frames are in open GOPs).


'-f framecrc' is correct I think -- I can't confirm because I can't parse M2TS.

    dts         pts
0,  503945955,  503957216,     3753,   640646, 0x90f222e3, S=1,        1


And '-vf showinfo' is now finding 6 DTS discountinuities instead of 165.
(But I don't believe there are any DTS discountinuities.)


Is the problem with 'show_frames' and '-vf showinfo's due to something more 
internal, more basic?
Could it explain why I'm having so much trouble with cutting & joining?

I reckon the issue is with open GOPs. I hope that's all.


PS: You know, when you change/fix something, it would be nice to tell us. That way we could all work together to test/validate the code and track bugs.
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