This is not the place to post such emails.

For one, you're launching FFmpeg through a wrapper, and two, how FFmpeg was
built on your platform is not known.

Run the same directly via FFmpeg, and post your results here, including the
build configuration of the FFmpeg binary you're using.

On Fri, Apr 6, 2018, 16:31 Antonio Hanna <> wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Antonio Hanna <>
> Date: Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 6:57 PM
> Subject: i am having a technical problem, please help
> To: FFVCL Support <>
> hello, i am writing a multichannel iptv for a company using your component,
> i have 6 ffencoders on a form ... totally seperated one from another
> when i run 4 of them together loading a 720P and something a 1080p videos
> the last encoder starts affecting others.. i noticed on fflogger these
> error messages
> what is going on ??????????
> please help.
> command used in the encoders is somthing basic like this :
> ffmpeg -re -i input.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v]scale=1280:720[scaled]"  -map
> "[scaled]" -map 0:a -b:v 1200k -codec:v libx264 -codec:a copy -f mpegts
> udp://
> i am using the filter complex because sometimes i have to add an overlay
> also.
> but it is a simple command .. please help
> 2324:16:47:53.807 [00000914] [h264 @ 070BC580] [Error] thread_get_buffer()
> failed
> 2324:16:47:53.807 [00000914] [h264 @ 070BC580] [Error] get_buffer() failed
> 7216:16:47:53.237 [00001C30] [TFFEncoder.encoder1] [Error] Error
> initializing output stream 0:0 -- Error while opening encoder for output
> stream #0:0 (Video) - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate,
> width or height. Please check error log message(reported by FFLogger) to
> find out more detail information.
> 8052:16:47:52.543 [00001F74] [TFFEncoder.encoder1] [Error] Error
> initializing output stream 0:0 -- Error while opening encoder for output
> stream #0:0 (Video) - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate,
> width or height. Please check error log message(reported by FFLogger) to
> find out more detail information.
> 6852:16:47:52.371 [00001AC4] [TFFEncoder.encoder4] [Error] Error while
> decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
> 6852:16:47:52.369 [00001AC4] [TFFEncoder.encoder4] [Error] Error while
> decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
> 7660:16:47:51.784 [00001DEC] [h264 @ 3AC18A20] [Error] no frame!
> 7660:16:47:51.784 [00001DEC] [h264 @ 3AC18A20] [Error] decode_slice_header
> error
> 7660:16:47:51.784 [00001DEC] [h264 @ 3AC18A20] [Error] thread_get_buffer()
> failed
> 7660:16:47:51.784 [00001DEC] [h264 @ 3AC18A20] [Error] get_buffer() failed
> 7656:16:47:51.726 [00001DE8] [h264 @ 3AC185E0] [Error] no frame!
> 7656:16:47:51.726 [00001DE8] [h264 @ 3AC185E0] [Error] decode_slice_header
> error
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