All about migrane headaches

Migraine Headache are paroxysmal ailments, that are accompanied by a severe
headaches. The headache normally occurs on one side of the head. Migraines
is associated with disorders of digestion, liver, and sight. Migraine
headache occur sometimes due to great mental tension and stress. Migraine
headache patients are typically smart, inflexible, disciplined. Sudden
migraines attacks may occur due to overworked muscles in the head and neck
and due to continuous stress. The blood flow drops because these tight
muscles squeeze the arteries. When the person suddenly relaxes these tight
muscles expand and stretch the blood vessel walls. The blood pumped with
each heartbeat then pushes the vessels further causing immense pain.

Migraine Headache Symptoms:
Pain on one side of the head:
Migraine  headache have a certain pattern: Normally, the pain is on only one
side of the head and often starts from behind the eye. The migraines attack
is concentrated on the left side on once occasion and on another you have a
headaches on the right side.
A short period of depression, irritability and loss of appetite:
Migraines and depression are sometimes related in some persons. The affected
person may have a period of depression prior to a migraines attack. Migraine
headache also are sometimes preceded loss of appetite and irritability.
Migraines attacks may occur every day in some people or may occur with a
weeks gap or a month or may be over a year. There is no predictable
migraines attack cycle that has been established yet.
Pounding pain, nausea, and vomiting:
Symptoms of migraine include pounding pain, nausea and vomiting. You can
feel the blood pulsating through the affected side of the head.
Numbness or weakness in an arm or leg, or on  one side of the face:
Migraines pain may be preceded by numbness and weakness or an arm or a leg.
The eye may start paining or one side of the face gets numb prior to a
migraine headache. In some cases the entire face and tongue may get numb
making the speech slurry. Digestive problems are experienced sometimes as
the headaches develops.
Common Migraine (without aura) symptoms:
Irritability, laziness, stiff neck, yawning are signs of common migraines
(migraine without aura). Confused thinking, weakness, difficulty in
concentrating are some other signs.

Migraine relief diet Migraine Headache Relief:
Fasting on orange juice and water:
Cleansing the body of toxins is important for effective treatment of
migraine headache. Fast for 2-3 days on orange juice and water.
Alternatively, fast on juices of carrot, celery or cucumber.

Avoid foods like white flour products, sugar, tinned or preserved foods,
To prevent  migraines avoid or reduce white flour products, sugar,
confectionery, rich cakes, pastries, sweets, refined cereals, greasy foods,
tinned or preserved foods, pickles, condiments and sauces.
All-fruit diet:
3-4 fruit based meals for about 2-3 days after the juice diet could help
relieve some of the migraines pain.
Well-balanced diet of seeds, nuts etc:
Adopt a well-balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and
fruits. Include milk, yoghurt, buttermilk, vegetable oils, and honey. All
fruit diet for a couple of days each month can keep your body cleansed as a
migraines therapy.
Eat frequent small meals, Copious drinking of water is essential:
Drink water regularly and in good quantity. Eat frequent smaller meals than
lesser large meals. This help your digestion process.
Other migraines treatment:
* Take warm-water enema to cleanse bowels.Cleanse the bowels by taking warm
water enema during the fruit juice  diet.
* Hot bath, cold compress applied to head.A hot foot bath, fomentation over
the stomach and spine, cold compress applied to the head, and towels wrung
out of very hot water and frequently applied to the neck will go a long way
in relieving

Migraine headache.
* Plenty of exercise and walk in fresh air is essential.Exercise regularly
and frequent fresh air walks help relieve migraines tension.

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*I believe in God as being creator of all and pray he continues to Bless
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*To continue being one nation under God and to keep our freedom, continue
reminding your local and Federal representatives. especially the newly


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