Changing the subject, because this is really a separate question...
Dominic Giampaolo <>
December 14, 2017 at 9:17 AM
Finally, I've got some new questions as I explore using "holes" and sparse files. 
Specifically, if I punch a "hole" in a files with F_PUNCHHOLE, can I later use 
F_PREALLOCATE to re-allocate those blocks before I write into them?

No.  Just write real data to the hole and apfs will handle allocating blocks 
for it.  You don't have to worry about that.
I understand that the filesystem will handle allocating the blocks, just as I understand writing past the EOF will allocate more blocks.

What I'm asking is that, before I start filling a hole, can I preallocate the space for that hole so I won't be surprised by a disk full error in the middle of filling it (and to optimize the allocation of that space)?

Or, said another way, and probably an easier question to answer: Do the blocks used to satisfy writing into holes come from the same pool of preallocated blocks?

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