Double-click on the gray eyedropper and you can pick the values you want for
the gray value in your image, be it 128-128-128 or any other setting.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry Lodriguss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 12:40 AM
Subject: [filmscanners] Eyedroppers in Curves in Nikon Scan

Addendum to the Gray point eyedropper behavior in Photoshop.

Using it re-maps pixel values to neutral, but not necessarily to middle

For instance, in Photoshop 6.01, in curves, I have the gray point target
values specified as 128,128,128.

No auto levels or auto contrast is performed first. Eyedropper sample point
is set to 5x5.

Clicking on a gray card in an image with pixel values of 106,118,106, the
values are re-mapped to 110,109,110.  Pretty close to being neutral, but
not the specified 128,128,128.

Is this curious behavior, or am I missing something here?



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