> I am wondering about the math on the diagonal vs horizontal dot pitch
> conversion.  Looks to me like 0.28 diagonal (not 0.26) is closer to 0.22
> horizontal.  On a 3-4-5 proportioned rectangle, the horizontal is 0.8 *
> diagonal, so 0.8 * 0.28 = 0.224.  Am I missing something?
> --Berry

The Hitachi has a .22 horizontal and a .14 vertical pitch. This works out to
a .26 diagonal. I guess I assumed without working the math that other
manufacturers who claim .26 diagonal dot pitch had the same proportional dot
as the Hitachi, which is not 3-4-5. In any case, my 814 was the sharpest
monitor on the floor, but we did not buy monitors for high end graphics, but
to get as much real estate as possible for C++ program development. Most
developers ran their 21" monitors at 1600X1200 or even 1280X1024. I did not
seem to be able to get the concept across to them that running their
monitors at higher resolution and magnified fonts would produce more
readable screens. We could configure our development boxes any way we
wanted, and developers seemed to trade off video card quality for other
features they wanted. I thought it was a bad trade-off.

>From reviews I've read, there are other monitors that are as sharp as
Hitachi tubes. I just don't have experience with them, except for those
over-the-top Sun monitors using the Trinitron tubes with the .24 aperture
grill. I've also seen lots of 17" monitors that were very sharp but had very
poor color saturation and contrast, and totally unsuited for what we do as
film scanners. With the Hitachi and Cornerstone monitors, you don't have to
worry about that. The Hitachi 752 is an amazingly sharp 19" monitor that you
get get for less than $500, for those on a budget. I have one of those at
home as well as my Cornerstone p1700. I believe Cornerstone makes an
equivalent to the Hitachi 752 that might even be a little cheaper. But I
don't see how Cornerstone could possibly improve on the sharpness of the
752. It is simply awesome. and has great color saturation and contrast,
although not quite up to a good implementation of a Trinitron monitor.

Frank Paris
Julie, female Galah (3 1/2 years and going strong at the moment)
Little Birdie, male Splendid Parakeet (13 years)
Snowflake, male cockatiel (12 years)

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