Just received from the man ...

shAf  :o)

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Pawliger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> From: "shAf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> William writes ...

>> The photoshop update is officially at

>> http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/880a.htm

> I see the file size is exactly the same as the "unofficial" release,
> while it seems to me I read the post from Marc Paliger, the official
> update might require a clean install of PS6 and a 2nd install of the
> update.  What is the "official" word??

You must be talking about the official Windows 6.0.1 update.  The
Mac 6.0.1 update IS different from the previous one.

The 6.0.1 update continued to be extensively tested after the first
"unofficial" release (the one that did not have any announcement, web
etc, but was only available via a not-too-well-hidden FTP link on

Mac Photoshop 6.0.1 required a few further changes.  Anyone who used
unofficial updater needs to uninstall the "old 6.0.1" (just deleted it
your machine), reinstall 6.0 from CD, then apply this official 6.0.1

Windows Photoshop 6.0.1 did not require further changes, so the
updater turns out to be unchanged from the previously posted


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