Andrw wrote:
>I would like to start using Vuescan with my Nikon LS30. However, when I
>try to scan a negative, the image comes out washed out. Scanning the
>same image with NikonScan 2.5, the colors look fine. Anyone know what
>I'm doing wrong? 

I don't think you're doing anything wrong.  Vuescan tends to flatten the
image to get the maximum data out of the scan.  Try scanning in 64bit RGBI
with infrared clean enabled, output 48bits, then edit in photoshop to bump
up the contrast and saturation a little.  In the past I used "white balance"
in Vuescan but these days I tend to use "Neutral" in the colour settings
a lot more.  White balance will probably give you better saturation though
- I prefer neutral because the colours seem more accurate to the original,
especially with slides.

The image may look better at first glance in Nikonscan 2.5 but I'd bet that
a significant amount of the highlight and shadow detail is lost.



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