Please see my responses (in Bold if the formatting comes through) to the
questions that shAf posed:

> Douglas writes ...
> > ...  Nikon Scan 3.0 has worked without the crashes that some have
> > complained of.  Nikon Scan works flawlessly on my system - my OS is Win
> 98SE.
>     I think this says more for the maturity of the device drivers for this
> OS, than the Nikon programmers, although they certainly have been given
> plenty of time to mature too.  Let's keep an eye on some of the
> ... if someone else posts a problem, maybe we can figure out what's
> different between your computer and theirs.  E.G., what type of hardware
> controls your scanner ... USB, firewire, SCSI?

The Coolscan IV has a USB interface.

> > So far the Coolscan IV has been very satisfying.
> > Vuescan has not performed any better that Nikon Scan 3.0.  Nikon Scan
> > seems
> > to scan color negatives better than Vuescan.
>     Someone else has posted experiencing problems with focussing their new
> Nikon ... as if the sensor had a VERY shallow depth of focus, that is,
> sensitive to film flatness.  What has your experience been??

No problem with focus so far.  I have been using fairly flat slides and
negatives - B&W and color.

> > The analog gain in Nikon Scan
> > is better that using Vuescan multi passes for dark slides. ...
>     NS "analog gain" would be more analogous with Vuescan's manual control
> of "exposure".

Thanks. I'll try the "exposure" in Vuescan.

>     Also, let us know what color space profiles NS allow you to choose
> ... which is primarly why I scan with VS ... for wide gamut options,
> wide" is a terrible highbit editing space (altho it is well understood and
> there shouldn't be any problem in converting from there to another).  But,
> it would be better if NS allowed for choosing the LS-40's own device
> a specific ICM file, or creating 'raw' RGB.

Nikon Scan has a choice between several gamma 2.2 and gamma 1.8 colorspaces.
2.2 Spaces:
Bruce RGB
NTSC (1953)
Adobe RGB (1968)
Wide Gamut RGB
Wide Gamut RGB (compensated)
Scanner RGB

1.8 Spaces:
Apple RGB
Color Match RGB
Apple RGB (compensated)

I am using the sRGB colorspace and it seems to work well - although I am new
to this.

Nikon Scan 3 also has a factor default CMYK or custom profile option.

A factory default or custom ICM profile can be set for the monitor.  I have
mine set for a Gateway VX700a ICM profile.

> shAf  :o)

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