Hi Jonathan,

   Sorry to see you're having some problems adjusting to the new system. I'm
   positive we can help you get back up and running quickly. Would you be
   willing to send one of the files and libraries that was giving you some
   trouble to our team in technical support? That would help us see exactly
   where we may be missing a step or where the problem is.



   Justin Phillips
   Notation Product Specialist
   MakeMusic, Inc
   On Aug 16, 2011, at 11:11 AM, Jonathan Smith wrote:

   Fin 2011 Mac.
   I just can't seem to figure out how these new percussion maps work in 2011.
   I've imported my perc. libraries from 2009 and some of the notes appear
   correctly on the staff but others are just a mess, for instance the brush
   sounds  that used to be found at E1 and D#1. And now there no playback
   assignment in the dialogue box it is difficult to understand which note is
   mapped to which sound like you used to be able to see.
   Selecting sounds from the endless drop down menus of sub-catagories doesn't
   seem to work either. Most of these I don't even have anyway - what the hell
   is a snare guz long? I wish they'd use a language we could understand.
   I've read the manual on the perc. layout section but it not exactly well
   written (there are a few mis-named menus to start with) or easy to follow.
   Has anyone discovered a better explanation anywhere? I've been using Finale
   since v2.0 and have never had a problem with perc. mapping, but this beats
   Any leads would be appreciated.
   Finale mailing list


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