Hello all.

I'm wondering if anyone is having trouble with cross-staff beaming (piano music) in FinMac 2011.

First of all, they removed a fabulous short-cut, using option-down arrow while in the selection tool. That worked wonderfully, but is no longer.

More important, when I have tried to do cross-staff beaming with two chords involving dyads, the reverse stemming moves the stem outside to the left of the left note (no longer in the center of the dyad). I think this is not new -- but what is new is that the notehead position mover tool (special tools) no longer can correct this!!!!!! It simply won't move those notes at all!!!!

I've been doing cross-staff beaming for years the old-fashioned way (note mover tool, drag down, special tools reverse stem side, special tools beam angle, then as necessary for dyads, special tools notehead position mover).

My only option is not to use the reverse stem, but then the stems don't go the full length. I need to cover up the missing bits with a smart-shape line. What a drag... It works, but any repositioning of the pitches means carefully moving the drawn stems.

Is this a bug anyone else has encountered?

David Froom
Finale mailing list

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