(MacFin 2009)

Has anyone else seen Finale add blank expression categories that can't be 
deleted to a file?

This morning, I discovered two new unnamed categories, each containing 2 or 3 
expressions. Those expressions were duplicates of ones in the Misc. category, 
and I deleted and replaced those with the originals, except for a blank 
expression which I just deleted (from the score). But I can't delete these 
blank categories, as if it's one of the defaults that must remain.

Also, there appear to be no font attributes (or anything) for them. It says 
Maestro size 3 (???) in the font fields at first, but if I select another 
category and go back to one of the blank ones, the font fields remain the same 
as the previously selected category.

I ran file maintenance, and aside from the usual duplicates, nothing was found 
(does it ever find anything?). I experimented with copying all the music to a 
new file, and those two categories weren't copied, but ***this is not an 
option*** or I seriously hope not —  just a test.

Has anyone else seen this happen? I've spent over 130 hours on this file so far 
and this is making me very nervous. I don't notice any other side effects yet, 
aside from my faster heart rate of course.


(sent message to forum & support as well)
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