Title: [Finale] Slurs and Tab
Hello wise list,

   Here’s something that I don’t anticipate finding a fix for, but I wonder if anyone can muse over why this might have happened. I’m working on a two volume project of theorbo and theorbino tablature/transcriptions, and everything looked good at first proofs. We open the files to do corrections for seconds and all of the slurs in the tab staff have risen about 12 pts. So, I’m having to go in and manually drag all of the slurs back down to their original places. Any thoughts as to why this might have happened? (We have not upgraded between the first proofs and now).

FinMac 2006a

Thanks wise ones.


Scot Hanna-Weir
Music Engraver
A-R Editions, Inc.
Middleton, WI
Finale mailing list

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