Just noticed the following on the SibeliusMusic.com Chat page:

    "Re: How are Your Scores Playing? 
    Posted by Daniel at Sibelius - 10:45, 22 Sep 2007
    Tony Matthews wrote:
    > What is worrying is that all the problems with the playback reported by
    > existing users of the software are taking so long to fix.

    It's not yet quite three months since the release of Sibelius 5. Fixing 
    bugs takes time. I don't think it's unreasonable that we make sure that 
    we fix the problems some users have reported properly, rather than 
    rushing something out that could just make things worse."

It's painful to see the contrast between MM support and this.

If I could get a decent approximation of Bill Duncan's FinProd templates
and workflow into Sibelius, I'd switch in a second.


On Sat, Sep 22, 2007, dc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I've been lurking on the Sibelius list for quite a while now, since I'm 
>seriously thinking of switching, and there are hardly any complaints about 
>outright bugs, compared to what one reads here. And then, another major 
>difference is that in attitude. Whereas one has to spend literally weeks 
>(or years, sometimes, as with EPS) to get MM to merely acknowledge a bug, 
>without any commitment as to getting it fixed, Sibelius officials are 
>prompt to respond to any problem one might encounter.

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