TODAY! Permaculture slide show: gardens in Australia, New Zealand Trinidad

2012-03-31 Thread Sandra J. Repp
Permaculture Sites in Australia, New Zealand  Trinidad
Saturday, March 31, 2:00-3:30pm
at Cooperative Extension Education Center, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca NY
Erin Marteal of the Ithaca Children's Garden received a Dreer Award from the 
Cornell Horticulture Department, which enabled her to travel to permaculture 
sites and public gardens with a focus on environmental education.  Erin will 
show slides and share information on school, community and botanical gardens 
that she visited in Australia, New Zealand, and Trinidad. FREE! No need to sign 
up in advance! Questions? Contact Patricia Curran at or (607) 
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Ithaca College permaculture project needs help right now (this hour!)

2012-03-31 Thread Michael Burns
I just received a call from Karryn Olson Ramanujan who is with a small crew
building a hefty pergola between Williams and Phillips Halls on the Ithaca
College Campus. Apparently they have two huge black locust postd weighing at
least 200 lbs. that must be lifted and dropped into holes in the ground. Their
small and dedicated crew are out there now and have found that they are simply
not strong enough to do it. If you are in the area and could devote a half
hour sometime in the next hour or two, please give Karryn a call at
607-339-1153. The students have a lovely vision to bring a beautiful food
forest to a central location on the campus that has a particularly drab,
uninspired and unused patch of landscaping and gardens. Your brief donation of
muscle-power would be a great help.


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