I have spent the last couple of summers visiting the Findhorn Community
in Scotland and last summer while there learned about something called
the Transition Movement.  I learned about it from the United Nations
at Findhorn who works on making it a world heritage site for little or no
carbon footprint.

I am organizing a training weekend for people interested in the
transition movement-a rapidly
spreading global movement to strengthen and re-localize communities for
life after the end of cheap oil. We will look at how to engage communities
in this effort
through education, how to support them through their own personal transition
into this new world,
and what concretely needs to be done using the best tools known today.
If you have not yet heard of this global movement, check out a very brief
interview with
Rob Hopkins founder and permaculture teacher who started this whole thing by
an energy descent plan for the village of Kinsale Ireland
If you are interested in more info about transition movement or the
training I would love to connect. If you know of
individuals or lists that mght want to know about it, please pass this on.
The training will take place
in Rochester NY.  We have room for 22 people-my goal is to have 50% of more
come from Western NY State.
Many thanks
Kit Miller
FLX Permaculture Network listserv
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