------------------------------ Original Message ------------------------------
Subject:Paolo Lugari/ Gaviotas, Columbia in May 1-5, 2008 Philadelphia
From:    "Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network"

Gaviotas is a village of about 200 people in
Colombia, South America. For three decades,
Gaviotans - peasants, scientists, artists, and
former street kids - have struggled to build an
oasis of imagination and sustainability in the
remote, barren savannas of eastern Colombia, an
area ravaged by political terror. They have
planted millions of trees, thus regenerating an
indigenous rainforest. They farm organically and
use wind and solar power. Every family enjoys
free housing, community meals, and schooling.
There are no weapons, no police, no jail. There is no mayor.

The United Nations named the village a model of
sustainable development. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
has called Paolo Lugari the "inventor of the world."

Gaviotas - Wikipedia, the free
encyclopediaGaviotas is an eco-village located in
the Colombian department of Vichada, at
4°33'17"N, 70°54'55"W. It was founded in 1971 by
Paolo Lugari who assembled a ...
www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaviotas - 26k - http://www.friendsofgaviotas.org/

Weekend with Paolo Lugari/Las Gaviotas
Thursday, May 1 thru Sunday, May 4

Public Talk:
Thursday, May 1 6pm – 8pm
School of the Future
Cost: $10.00 - $25.00

Innovation and Sustainable Design Workshop:
Friday May 2 - Sunday May 4
Tabernacle United Church
Cost: $295.00 advanced registration by March 31, 2008 (includes public talk)
$400.00 late registration after March 31, 2008 (includes public talk)

Brunch With Paolo Lugari:
Sunday May 4 10 am - 12 pm
White Dog Café
Cost: $95.00 (limited to 12 participants)

Tour of green projects in Philadelphia:
Sunday May 4 10 am - 12 pm
Visit local green technology/building projects

More Info...

To Register for the workshop please follow the link below.

To Register for Public Talk, Brunch, or Tour Contact GVP

Please check back shortly for more events
created, supported, and in-conjunction with Green Village Philadelphia.

Welcome to Green Village Philadelphia

Dedicated to “the design of sustainable
ecosystems that integrate human society
with its natural environment for the benefit of both" (Mitsch, 1998).

As industrial societies face an unprecedented
convergence of ecological and social crises
commonsense demands that political and corporate
self-interest yield to a broader vision that
addresses economic development, social justice,
quality housing, ecological restoration and
issues of sustainability simultaneously and
holistically, not as isolated variables.

Green Village Philadelphia is a group of
entrepreneurs, business owners and community
activists engaged in developing an evolving
community that is designed for multi-use, mixed
income, and multi-generation living, working,
learning, growing, creating and playing: a
sustainable urban neighborhood that will be a
pioneer of holistic urban planning.

In 2008 we are honing our site search, initiating
our clean technology incubation services, rolling
out our first education series, and running the GVP design competition.

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Earn your permaculture design certificate.
The Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute
offers affordable local classes.
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