Know Your Soil

Wednesday March 14

CCE Tompkins, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca

Cost: $7-$10 (pay what you can afford)

Get up close and personal with your garden soil at this hands-on workshop! 
Knowing more about your soil can really help your gardening practice. 
Participants can bring in soil samples from their own gardens and will learn to 
assess the texture, color, drainage, fertility, pH and type of soil. They will 
also learn how to read soil analysis results and how to use the online Web Soil 
Survey tool to see detailed information about soils on their property. 
Participants should bring a soil sample from their home garden to assess, and a 
laptop (if possible) to access the online soil survey tool. A limited number of 
CCE laptops will be available for participants to use as well.

Pre-registration is strongly recommended so that we have participants' contact 
information on file in case of cancellation due to weather or low enrollment. 
or call CCE-Tompkins at 272-2292 and we will help you with online registration 
using your input.

Instructor Chrys Gardener is the Community Horticulture Educator at CCE 
Tompkins. She is passionate about teaching people to garden, with particular 
interests in growing edibles and seed saving. Prior to CCE Tompkins, Chrys 
worked as a landscape gardener in the Ithaca area and has extensive experience 
with practical garden design and working with challenging soils.

Chrys Gardener
Commercial/Community Horticulture Educator
Cornell Cooperative Extension - Tompkins County
615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca NY 14850
(607)272-2292, extension 241<>

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