On 4/9/14, 3:57 PM, Ray Woodrow wrote:
> G’day again Fink developers,
> I’m still not getting anywhere with this Python compiling, I’ve tried
> all the various fixes including changing the self-update method, I tried
> changing beck and forth a couple of times. I’ve even tried the two URLs
> that Alex H. suggested, one was dated earlier than what I have on my system.
> My guess is that it is not specific to Python as this is the third
> package that has failed, I can’t remember the first one but libxslt was
> failing before and presumably got fixed but Python just won’t work.
> Anyway, I’ll leave that to you who know much more that I do.
> I’ve pasted the last bit of the output below but is that enough?? Let me
> know if you need more of it, thanks, and thanks for your help,
> Ray
> PS just as a reminder, I’m trying to install Terminator.

<snip> The package one ultimately wants doesn't normally affect how its 
dependencies get built.

> Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules
> were not found:
> bsddb185           dl                 imageop
> linuxaudiodev      ossaudiodev        spwd
> sunaudiodev
> To find the necessary bits, look in setup.py in detect_modules() for the
> module's name.
> (Fink package build should have 7 missing)
> Failed to build these modules:
> readline


The message indicates that the readline module failed to build, but I 
would imagine that there's an earlier error message in the log which 
mentions why it failed.

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
My package updates: http://finkakh.wordpress.com/

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