Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci
In directory sc8-pr-cvs17:/tmp/cvs-serv5644/10.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci

Modified Files:
Log Message:
backport new version from 10.4, with omission of compiler flags not on 10.3

Index: gretl.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci/gretl.info,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- gretl.info  7 Dec 2005 07:35:51 -0000       1.4
+++ gretl.info  29 Jun 2007 01:12:11 -0000      1.5
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: gretl
-Version: 1.0.9
-Revision: 12
+Version: 1.5.0
+Revision: 4
 Maintainer: Allin Cottrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Description: GNU Econometrics package
 Homepage: http://gretl.sourceforge.net/
@@ -13,13 +13,84 @@
 output regression results in LaTeX format.
 License: GPL
-Depends: gtk+2-shlibs, libxml2-shlibs, gmp-shlibs (>= 4.1.4-1), 
libmpfr1-shlibs, readline-shlibs, gnuplot (>= 3.8i.0-2)
-BuildDepends: gtk+2-dev, libxml2, gmp (>= 4.1.4-1), libmpfr1, readline, recode 
(>=3.6), gettext-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, libiconv-dev, x11-dev, gtk+, 
glib, gdk-pixbuf
-Source: ftp://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/pub/gretl/%n-%v.tar.bz2
-Source-MD5: 4c723cb1e275e7ba31d8b7371bbc5133
-setCFLAGS: -Wno-long-double -g -O2
-PatchScript: perl -pi.bak -e "s#need_relink=yes#need_relink=no#" 
-ConfigureParams: --disable-png-comments --with-gmp-prefix=%p 
--with-readline-prefix=%p --with-libintl-prefix=%p --with-iconv-prefix=%p
+Source: http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/pub/gretl/%n-%v.tar.bz2
+Source-MD5: 8bfbdf21565c7e3fa751b5630975367f
+BuildDepends: atk1, audiofile, esound, gconf2-dev, glib2-dev (>= 2.6.6-1111), 
gnome-keyring-dev, dbus-dev (>= 0.60-1), libhowl-dev, gnome-vfs2-ssl-dev | 
gnome-vfs2-dev, gtk+2-dev, gtksourceview-dev, libart2, libbonobo2-dev, 
libbonoboui2-dev, libgettext3-dev, libgnome2-dev, libgnomecanvas2-dev, 
libgnomeprint2.2-dev, libgnomeprintui2.2-dev, libgnomeui2-dev, libiconv-dev, 
libjpeg, libncurses5 (>= 5.4-20041023-1), libpng3, libxml2, orbit2-dev, 
pango1-xft2-dev, popt, readline5 (>= 5.0-1), x11-dev, gettext-tools, pkgconfig
+Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), gnuplot (>= 4.0.0-1), gtksourceview-shlibs, 
libgnomeprintui2.2-shlibs, libgnomeui2-shlibs, readline5-shlibs (>= 5.0-1)
+Recommends: tetex-base | system-tetex
+Suggests: r-base, octave
+PatchScript: <<
+#!/bin/sh -ev
+  perl -pi.bak -e "s#need_relink=yes#need_relink=no#" tools/ltmain.sh
+  perl -pi.bak -e 's,([[:space:]])(\./),\1env 
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="../lib/.libs:\$\$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" \2,g' 
+# Avoid getting /usr/local into the .la files (and into the build)...
+  perl -pi.bak -e 's, \-lm \-ldl \-L/usr/local/lib \-lz,,' lib/Makefile.in
+# Let the .pc and -config files specify the correct inc dir.
+  perl -pi.bak -e 's,/include$,$&/%N,' %N{.pc,-config}.in
+  perl -pi -e 's,libxml\-2\.0,libgnomeui-2.0 libgnomeprintui-2.2 
gtksourceview-1.0,' %N.pc.in
+# bundle_loader flag, for "_infobox" _ and avoid "dynamically looked up" 
symbols :
+  sed -i.bak '/^excel_import.la:/,/^$/{/LINK/s;$; -Wl,-bundle_loader 
+      }' plugin/Makefile.in
+# The following 3 (and the "export CPATH") may not be strictly needed _ 
+NoSetCPPFLAGS: true
+NoSetLDFLAGS: true
+SetLIBRARY_PATH: %p/lib
+SetCFLAGS: -Wall -O3 -fstrict-aliasing -funroll-loops -freorder-blocks 
+ConfigureParams: --enable-static --with-gmp-prefix=%p 
--with-readline-prefix=%p --with-libintl-prefix=%p --with-iconv-prefix=%p
+CompileScript: export CPATH=%p/include; ./configure %c; make; make check
+InstallScript: <<
+#!/bin/sh -ev
+  make -j1 install prefix=%i
+# -L%p/lib not needed in .la files (all corresponding libs have absolute paths)
+# Being there, we may as well also remove homonyms of libSystem, which is 
always there, and must be searched last.  
+  find %i/lib -name "*.la" | xargs perl -pi -e "s, \-L%p/lib([^/]),\$1,g; s, 
+# May as well do the same for the config file _ and install it, since 
gretl-config.1 gets installed.
+  perl -pi -e "s, \-l([mzc]|dl|pthread)\b,,g" %N-config
+  install -m 755 %N-config %i/bin
+# Misc
+  rm -fR %i/share/%N/COPYING %i/share/aclocal
+  chmod -R -x,+X %i/lib
+# Installing utils
+  cd utils
+  mv economagic/magicget %i/bin
+  ln -s %p/bin/magicget economagic
+  mv nber/get_nber_data.sh %i/bin/get_nber_data
+  ln -s %p/bin/get_nber_data nber/get_nber_data.sh
+  mv nber/idx_abbrev.pl %i/bin/idx_abbrev
+  ln -s %p/bin/idx_abbrev nber/idx_abbrev.pl
+  mv nber/nberhist.pl %i/bin/nberhist
+  ln -s %p/bin/nberhist nber/nberhist.pl
+  mkdir -p %i/share/emacs/site-lisp
+  mv emacs/%N.el %i/share/emacs/site-lisp
+  ln -s %p/share/emacs/site-lisp/%N.el emacs
+  cd -
+  cp -pfR utils %i/share/%N
+# The DocFiles
+  mkdir -p %i/share/doc
+  ln -s %N-shlibs %i/share/doc/%n
+# the following needed for upgrade, since dpkg doesn't overwrite a dir with a 
+PreInstScript: if [ upgrade = "$1" ]; then rm -fR %p/share/doc/%n ; fi
+SplitOff: <<
+  Package: %N-dev
+  Replaces: %N (<< 1.4.2-1)
+  Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
+  BuildDependsOnly: true
+  Files: include lib/%N-gtk2/*.{l,}a lib/pkgconfig lib/lib%N-1.0.{a,la,dylib} 
+  InstallScript: <<
+       mkdir -p %i/share/doc
+       ln -s %N-shlibs %i/share/doc/%n
+  <<  
+SplitOff2: <<
+  Package: %N-shlibs
+  Replaces: %N (<< 1.4.2-1)
+  Depends: glib2-shlibs (>= 2.6.6-1111), gmp-shlibs, libxml2-shlibs
+  Files: lib/*.dylib
+  Shlibs: %p/lib/libgretl-1.0.0.dylib  1.0.0   gretl (>= 1.4.99-1)

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