Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/graphics
In directory 

Modified Files:
        netpbm.info netpbm.patch netpbm10.info netpbm10.patch 
Log Message:
sync new versions and security fixes from unstable

Index: netpbm.patch
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/graphics/netpbm.patch,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- netpbm.patch        18 Feb 2006 15:59:14 -0000      1.2
+++ netpbm.patch        10 Aug 2008 15:51:34 -0000      1.3
@@ -12,3 +12,535 @@
  #    push(@Makefile_config, "INSTALL = install\n");
      push(@Makefile_config, 'TIFFHDR_DIR = $(LOCALBASE)/include', "\n");
      push(@Makefile_config, 'TIFFLIB_DIR = $(LOCALBASE)/lib', "\n"); 
+--- netpbm-9.24/pnm/pstopnm.c.CAN-2005-2471    2005-08-10 13:12:38.000000000 
++++ netpbm-9.24/pnm/pstopnm.c  2005-08-10 13:15:20.000000000 +0200
+@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
+     sprintf(ghostscript_command,
+             "gs -sDEVICE='%s' -sOutputFile='%s' -g'%dx%d' -r'%dx%d' "
+-            "-q -dNOPAUSE -",
++            "-q -dNOPAUSE -dPARANOIDSAFER -",
+             ghostscript_device, outfile_arg, 
+             xsize, ysize, xres, yres);
+--- netpbm-9.24/pnm/pnmtopng.c.CVE-2005-3632   2005-12-05 16:05:17.000000000 
++++ netpbm-9.24/pnm/pnmtopng.c 2005-12-05 16:14:40.000000000 +0100
+@@ -205,7 +205,8 @@
+ FILE *tfp;
+ #endif
+ {
+-  char textline[256];
++#define MAXLINE 1024
++  char textline[MAXLINE];
+   int textpos;
+   int i, j;
+   int c;
+@@ -217,6 +218,7 @@
+   textpos = 0;
+   while ((c = getc (tfp)) != EOF) {
+     if (c != '\n' && c != EOF) {
++      if (textpos >= MAXLINE) continue;
+       textline[textpos++] = c;
+     } else {
+       textline[textpos++] = '\0';
+@@ -227,33 +229,41 @@
+         else
+           info_ptr->text[j].compression = 0;
+         cp = malloc (textpos);
++        if ( cp == NULL )
++          pm_error("out of memory");
+         info_ptr->text[j].key = cp;
+         i = 0;
+         if (textline[0] == '"') {
+           i++;
+-          while (textline[i] != '"' && textline[i] != '\n')
++          while (textline[i] != '"' && textline[i] != '\n' && i<textpos)
+             *(cp++) = textline[i++];
+           i++;
+         } else {
+-          while (textline[i] != ' ' && textline[i] != '\t' && textline[i] != 
++          while (textline[i] != ' ' && textline[i] != '\t' && textline[i] != 
'\n' && i<textpos)
+             *(cp++) = textline[i++];
+         }
+         *(cp++) = '\0';
+         cp = malloc (textpos);
++        if ( cp == NULL )
++          pm_error("out of memory");
+         info_ptr->text[j].text = cp;
+-        while (textline[i] == ' ' || textline[i] == '\t')
++        while ((textline[i] == ' ' || textline[i] == '\t') && i<textpos)
+           i++;
+         strcpy (cp, &textline[i]);
+         info_ptr->text[j].text_length = strlen (cp);
+         j++;
+       } else {
+         j--;
++        if ( info_ptr->text[j].text_length + textpos <= 0 )
++          pm_error("allocation underflow");
+         cp = malloc (info_ptr->text[j].text_length + textpos);
++        if ( cp == NULL )
++          pm_error("out of memory");
+         strcpy (cp, info_ptr->text[j].text);
+         strcat (cp, "\n");
+         info_ptr->text[j].text = cp;
+         i = 0;
+-        while (textline[i] == ' ' || textline[i] == '\t')
++        while ((textline[i] == ' ' || textline[i] == '\t') && i<textpos)
+         i++;
+         strcat (cp, &textline[i]);
+         info_ptr->text[j].text_length = strlen (cp);
+--- netpbm-9.24/pnm/pnmtopng.c.pnmtopng-offbyone       2005-09-29 
10:58:32.000000000 +0200
++++ netpbm-9.24/pnm/pnmtopng.c 2005-11-17 17:02:58.000000000 +0100
+@@ -576,8 +576,8 @@ static int convertpnm (ifp, afp, tfp)
+   int alpha_rows;
+   int alpha_cols;
+   int alpha_can_be_transparency_index;
+-  gray *alphas_of_color[MAXCOLORS];
+-  int alphas_of_color_cnt[MAXCOLORS];
++  gray *alphas_of_color[MAXCOLORS+1];
++  int alphas_of_color_cnt[MAXCOLORS+1];
+   int alphas_first_index[MAXCOLORS+1];
+   int mapping[MAXCOLORS];
+   int colors;
+--- netpbm-9.24/pnm/pnmindex.debiansecurity    2001-08-30 04:21:14.000000000 
++++ netpbm-9.24/pnm/pnmindex   2004-01-22 15:27:01.243659161 +0100
+@@ -24,10 +24,6 @@
+   exit 1
+ }
+-if [ "$TMPDIR"x = ""x ] ; then
+-    TMPDIR=/tmp
+ while :; do
+     case "$1" in
+@@ -94,8 +90,10 @@
+ fi
+ #tmpfile=`tempfile -p pi -m 600`
+-rm -f $tmpfile
++#rm -f $tmpfile
++tmpdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/pi.XXXXXXXX) || exit 1 #219019
+ maxformat=PBM
+ rowfiles=()
+@@ -105,7 +103,7 @@
+ if [ "$title"x != ""x ] ; then
+ #    rowfile=`tempfile -p pirow -m 600`
+-    rowfile=$TMPDIR/pi.${row}.$$
++    rowfile="$tmpdir/pi.${row}.$$"
+     pbmtext "$title" > $rowfile
+     rowfiles=(${rowfiles[*]} $rowfile )
+     row=$(($row + 1))
+@@ -153,7 +151,7 @@
+         esac
+     fi
+-    imagefile=$TMPDIR/pi.${row}.${col}.$$
++    imagefile="$tmpdir/pi.${row}.${col}.$$"
+     rm -f $imagefile
+     if [ "$back" = "-white" ]; then
+         pbmtext "$i" | pnmcat $back -tb $tmpfile - > $imagefile
+@@ -164,7 +162,7 @@
+     imagefiles=( ${imagefiles[*]} $imagefile )
+     if [ $col -ge $across ]; then
+-        rowfile=$TMPDIR/pi.${row}.$$
++        rowfile="$tmpdir/pi.${row}.$$"
+         rm -f $rowfile
+         if [ $maxformat != PPM -o "$doquant" = "false" ]; then
+@@ -189,7 +187,7 @@
+ # Now put the final partial row in its row file.
+ if [ ${#imagefiles[*]} -gt 0 ]; then
+-    rowfile=$TMPDIR/pi.${row}.$$
++    rowfile="$tmpdir/pi.${row}.$$"
+     rm -f $rowfile
+     if [ $maxformat != PPM -o "$doquant" = "false" ]; then
+         pnmcat $back -lr -jbottom ${imagefiles[*]} > $rowfile
+@@ -212,5 +210,9 @@
+ fi
+ rm -f ${rowfiles[*]}
++if [ -d "$tmpdir" ]; then
++    rm -rf "$tmpdir";
+ exit 0
+--- netpbm-9.24/pnm/pnmmargin.debiansecurity   1993-10-04 10:11:44.000000000 
++++ netpbm-9.24/pnm/pnmmargin  2004-01-22 15:29:31.748349881 +0100
+@@ -11,11 +11,16 @@
+ # documentation.  This software is provided "as is" without express or
+ # implied warranty.
+-rm -f $tmp1 $tmp2 $tmp3 $tmp4
++#rm -f $tmp1 $tmp2 $tmp3 $tmp4
++tmpdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/ppmmargin.XXXXXXX) || exit 1 #219019
+ color="-gofigure"
+@@ -83,4 +88,7 @@
+ pnmcat -tb $tmp3 $tmp4 $tmp3
+ # All done.
+-rm -f $tmp1 $tmp2 $tmp3 $tmp4
++#rm -f $tmp1 $tmp2 $tmp3 $tmp4
++if [ -d "$tmpdir" ]; then
++    rm -rf "$tmpdir"
+--- netpbm-9.24/pnm/anytopnm.debiansecurity    2000-07-26 03:54:08.000000000 
++++ netpbm-9.24/pnm/anytopnm   2004-01-22 15:27:01.252657947 +0100
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ fi
+ tmpfiles=""
++tmpdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/anytopnm.XXXXXXXXXX) || exit 1 #219019
+ # Take out all spaces
+ # Find the filename extension for last-ditch efforts later
+@@ -29,8 +30,7 @@
+ # Sanitize the filename by making our own temporary files as safely as
+ # possible.
+-rm -f "$file"
+ if [ $# -eq 0 -o "$1" = "-" ] ; then
+       cat > "$file"
+ else
+@@ -57,10 +57,6 @@
+     cat < "$1" > "$file"
+ fi
+-tmpfiles="$tmpfiles $file"
+ filetype=`file "$file" | cut -d: -f2-`
+ case "$filetype" in
+@@ -70,7 +66,7 @@
+     ;;
+     *uuencoded* )
+-    newfile="/tmp/atn.decode.$$"
++    newfile="$tmpdir/atn.decode"
+     rm -f "$newfile"
+     (echo begin 600 $newfile; tail +2 < "$file") | uudecode
+     tmpfiles="$tmpfiles $newfile"
+@@ -257,8 +253,7 @@
+ esac
+-if [ "$tmpfiles" ] ; then
+-    rm -f $tmpfiles
++if [ -d "$tmpdir" ] ; then
++    rm -rf "$tmpdir"
+ fi
+ exit 0
+--- netpbm-9.24/ppm/ppmtompeg/parallel.c.debiansecurity        2001-08-31 
22:48:30.000000000 +0200
++++ netpbm-9.24/ppm/ppmtompeg/parallel.c       2004-01-22 15:27:01.257657272 
+@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
+ /*==============*
+  *==============*/
++#define _BSD_SOURCE 1
++/* This makes sure that mkstemp() is in unistd.h */
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/socket.h>
+@@ -557,6 +559,7 @@
+   register int y;
+   int     numBytes;
+   unsigned long data;
++#define TMPFILE_TEMPLATE "/tmp/ppmtompeg.XXXXXX"
+   char    fileName[256];
+   Fsize_Note(frameNumber, yuvWidth, yuvHeight);
+@@ -575,7 +578,9 @@
+   if ( frameNumber != -1 ) {
+     if ( separateConversion ) {
+-      sprintf(fileName, "/tmp/foobar%d", machineNumber);
++      strcpy(fileName, TMPFILE_TEMPLATE);
++      if (-1 == mkstemp(fileName))
++        pm_error( "could not create temporary convolution file");
+       filePtr = fopen(fileName, "wb");
+       /* read in stuff, SafeWrite to file, perform local conversion */
+--- netpbm-9.24/ppm/ppmtompeg/ppmtompeg.1.debiansecurity       2001-04-17 
04:42:42.000000000 +0200
++++ netpbm-9.24/ppm/ppmtompeg/ppmtompeg.1      2004-01-22 15:27:01.259657002 
+@@ -366,6 +366,9 @@
+ This is version 1.5 it contins new features and bug fixes from version 1.3.
++Not really a bug, but at least a limitation: If writing to an output file,
++ppmtompeg sometimes uses <filename>.* as temporary files.
+ No known bugs, but if you find any, report them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ .HP
+--- netpbm-9.24/ppm/ppmfade.debiansecurity     2000-09-18 23:31:04.000000000 
++++ netpbm-9.24/ppm/ppmfade    2004-01-22 15:27:01.264656327 +0100
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #
+ #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
+ use strict;
++use File::Temp "tempdir";
+ my $SPREAD =  1;
+ my $SHIFT =   2;
+@@ -125,20 +126,25 @@
+ print("Frames are " . $width . "W x " . $height . "H\n");
++# We create a tmp-directory right here
++my $tmpdir = tempdir("ppmfade.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1);
+ if ($first_file eq "undefined") {
+     print "Fading from black to ";
+-    system("ppmmake \\#000 $width $height >junk1$$.ppm");
++    system("ppmmake \\#000 $width $height >$tmpdir/junk1.ppm");
+ } else {
+     print "Fading from $first_file to ";
+-    system("cp", $first_file, "junk1$$.ppm");
++    system("cp", $first_file, "$tmpdir/junk1.ppm");
+ }
+ if ($last_file eq "undefined") {
+     print "black.\n";
+-    system("ppmmake \\#000 $width $height >junk2$$.ppm");
++    system("ppmmake \\#000 $width $height >$tmpdir/junk2.ppm");
+ } else {
+     print "$last_file\n";
+-    system("cp", $last_file, "junk2$$.ppm");
++    system("cp", $last_file, "$tmpdir/junk2.ppm");
+ }
+ #
+@@ -161,148 +167,150 @@
+     if ($mode eq $SPREAD) {
+         if ($i <= 10) {
+             my $n = $spline20[$i] * 100;
+-            system("ppmspread $n junk1$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmspread $n $tmpdir/junk1.ppm >$tmpdir/junk3.ppm");
+         } elsif ($i <= 20) {
+             my $n;
+             $n = $spline20[$i] * 100;
+-            system("ppmspread $n junk1$$.ppm >junk1a$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmspread $n $tmpdir/junk1.ppm >$tmpdir/junk1a.ppm");
+             $n = (1-$spline20[$i-10]) * 100;
+-            system("ppmspread $n junk2$$.ppm >junk2a$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmspread $n $tmpdir/junk2.ppm >$tmpdir/junk2a.ppm");
+             $n = $spline10[$i-10];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk1a$$.ppm junk2a$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk1a.ppm $tmpdir/junk2a.ppm 
+         } else {
+             my $n = (1-$spline20[$i-10])*100;
+-            system("ppmspread $n junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmspread $n $tmpdir/junk2.ppm >$tmpdir/junk3.ppm");
+         }
+     } elsif ($mode eq $SHIFT) {
+         if ($i <= 10) {
+             my $n = $spline20[$i] * 100;
+-            system("ppmshift $n junk1$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmshift $n $tmpdir/junk1.ppm >$tmpdir/junk3.ppm");
+         } elsif ($i <= 20) {
+             my $n;
+             $n = $spline20[$i] * 100;
+-            system("ppmshift $n junk1$$.ppm >junk1a$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmshift $n $tmpdir/junk1.ppm >$tmpdir/junk1a.ppm");
+             $n = (1-$spline20[$i-10])*100;
+-            system("ppmshift $n junk2$$.ppm >junk2a$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmshift $n $tmpdir/junk2.ppm >$tmpdir/junk2a.ppm");
+             $n = $spline10[$i-10];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk1a$$.ppm junk2a$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk1a.ppm $tmpdir/junk2a.ppm 
+         } else {
+             my $n = (1-$spline20[$i-10]) * 100;
+-            system("ppmshift $n junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmshift $n $tmpdir/junk2.ppm >$tmpdir/junk3.ppm");
+         }
+     } elsif ($mode eq $RELIEF) {
+         if ($i == 1) {
+-            system("ppmrelief junk1$$.ppm >junk1r$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmrelief $tmpdir/junk1.ppm >$tmpdir/junk1r.ppm");
+         }
+         if ($i <= 10) {
+             my $n = $spline10[$i];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk1$$.ppm junk1r$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk1.ppm $tmpdir/junk1r.ppm 
+         } elsif ($i <= 20) {
+             my $n = $spline10[$i-10];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk1r$$.ppm junk2r$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk1r.ppm $tmpdir/junk2r.ppm 
+         } else {
+             my $n = $spline10[$i-20];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk2r$$.ppm junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk2r.ppm $tmpdir/junk2.ppm 
+         }
+         if ($i == 10) {
+-            system("ppmrelief junk2$$.ppm >junk2r$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmrelief $tmpdir/junk2.ppm >$tmpdir/junk2r.ppm");
+         }
+     } elsif ($mode eq $OIL) {
+         if ($i == 1) {
+-            system("ppmtopgm junk1$$.ppm | pgmoil >junko$$.ppm");
+-            system("rgb3toppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm " .
+-                   ">junk1o$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmtopgm $tmpdir/junk1.ppm | pgmoil >$tmpdir/junko.ppm");
++            system("rgb3toppm $tmpdir/junko.ppm $tmpdir/junko.ppm 
$tmpdir/junko.ppm " .
++                   ">$tmpdir/junk1o.ppm");
+         }
+         if ($i <= 10) {
+             my $n = $spline10[$i];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk1$$.ppm junk1o$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk1.ppm $tmpdir/junk1o.ppm 
+         } elsif ($i <= 20) {
+             my $n = $spline10[$i-10];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk1o$$.ppm junk2o$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk1o.ppm $tmpdir/junk2o.ppm 
+         } else {
+             my $n = $spline10[$i-20];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk2o$$.ppm junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk2o.ppm $tmpdir/junk2.ppm 
+         }
+         if ($i == 10) {
+-            system("ppmtopgm junk2$$.ppm | pgmoil >junko$$.ppm");
+-            system("rgb3toppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm " .
+-                   ">junk2o$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmtopgm $tmpdir/junk2.ppm | pgmoil >$tmpdir/junko.ppm");
++            system("rgb3toppm $tmpdir/junko.ppm $tmpdir/junko.ppm 
$tmpdir/junko.ppm " .
++                   ">$tmpdir/junk2o.ppm");
+         }
+     } elsif ($mode eq $EDGE) {
+         if ($i == 1) {
+-            system("ppmtopgm junk1$$.ppm | pgmedge >junko$$.ppm");
+-            system("rgb3toppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm " .
+-                   ">junk1o$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmtopgm $tmpdir/junk1.ppm | pgmedge >$tmpdir/junko.ppm");
++            system("rgb3toppm $tmpdir/junko.ppm $tmpdir/junko.ppm 
$tmpdir/junko.ppm " .
++                   ">$tmpdir/junk1o.ppm");
+         }
+         if ($i <= 10) {
+             my $n = $spline10[$i];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk1$$.ppm junk1o$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk1.ppm $tmpdir/junk1o.ppm 
+         } elsif ($i <= 20) {
+             my $n = $spline10[$i-10];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk1o$$.ppm junk2o$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk1o.ppm $tmpdir/junk2o.ppm 
+         } else {
+             my $n = $spline10[$i-20];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk2o$$.ppm junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk2o.ppm $tmpdir/junk2.ppm 
+         }
+         if ($i == 10) {
+-            system("ppmtopgm junk2$$.ppm | pgmedge >junko$$.ppm");
+-            system("rgb3toppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm " .
+-                   ">junk2o$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmtopgm $tmpdir/junk2.ppm | pgmedge >$tmpdir/junko.ppm");
++            system("rgb3toppm $tmpdir/junko.ppm $tmpdir/junko.ppm 
$tmpdir/junko.ppm " .
++                   ">$tmpdir/junk2o.ppm");
+         } 
+     } elsif ($mode eq $BENTLEY) {
+         if ($i == 1) {
+-            system("ppmtopgm junk1$$.ppm | pgmbentley >junko$$.ppm");
+-            system("rgb3toppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm " .
+-                   ">junk1o$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmtopgm $tmpdir/junk1.ppm | pgmbentley 
++            system("rgb3toppm $tmpdir/junko.ppm $tmpdir/junko.ppm 
$tmpdir/junko.ppm " .
++                   ">$tmpdir/junk1o.ppm");
+         }
+         if ($i <= 10) {
+             my $n = $spline10[$i];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk1$$.ppm junk1o$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk1.ppm $tmpdir/junk1o.ppm 
+         } elsif ($i <= 20) {
+             my $n = $spline10[$i-10];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk1o$$.ppm junk2o$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk1o.ppm $tmpdir/junk2o.ppm 
+         } else {
+             my $n = $spline10[$i-20];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk2o$$.ppm junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk2o.ppm $tmpdir/junk2.ppm 
+         }
+         if ($i == 10) {
+-            system("ppmtopgm junk2$$.ppm | pgmbentley >junko$$.ppm");
+-            system("rgb3toppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm " .
+-                   ">junk2o$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmtopgm $tmpdir/junk2.ppm | pgmbentley 
++            system("rgb3toppm $tmpdir/junko.ppm $tmpdir/junko.ppm 
$tmpdir/junko.ppm " .
++                   ">$tmpdir/junk2o.ppm");
+         }
+     } elsif ($mode eq $BLOCK) {
+         if ($i <= 10) {
+             my $n = 1 - 1.9*$spline20[$i];
+-            system("pnmscale $n junk1$$.ppm | " .
+-                   "pnmscale -width $width -height $height >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("pnmscale $n $tmpdir/junk1.ppm | " .
++                   "pnmscale -width $width -height $height 
+         } elsif ($i <= 20) {
+             my $n = $spline10[$i-10];
+-            system("ppmmix $n junk1a$$.ppm junk2a$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("ppmmix $n $tmpdir/junk1a.ppm $tmpdir/junk2a.ppm 
+         } else {
+             my $n = 1 - 1.9*$spline20[31-$i];
+-            system("pnmscale $n junk2$$.ppm | " .
+-                   "pnmscale -width $width -height $height >junk3$$.ppm");
++            system("pnmscale $n $tmpdir/junk2.ppm | " .
++                   "pnmscale -width $width -height $height 
+         }
+         if ($i == 10) {
+-            system("cp", "junk3$$.ppm", "junk1a$$.ppm");
+-            system("pnmscale $n junk2$$.ppm | " .
+-                   "pnmscale -width $width -height $height >junk2a$$.ppm");
++            system("cp", "$tmpdir/junk3.ppm", "$tmpdir/junk1a.ppm");
++            system("pnmscale $n $tmpdir/junk2.ppm | " .
++                   "pnmscale -width $width -height $height 
+         }    
+     } elsif ($mode eq $MIX) {
+         my $fade_factor = sqrt(1/($nframes-$i+1));
+-        system("ppmmix $fade_factor junk1$$.ppm junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm");
++        system("ppmmix $fade_factor $tmpdir/junk1.ppm $tmpdir/junk2.ppm 
+     } else {
+         print("Internal error: impossible mode value '$mode'\n");
+     }
+     my $outfile = sprintf("%s.%04d.ppm", $base_name, $i);
+-    system("cp", "junk3$$.ppm", $outfile);
++    system("cp", "$tmpdir/junk3.ppm", $outfile);
+ }
+ #
+ #  Clean up shop.
+ #
+-system("rm junk*$$.ppm");
++#system("rm $tmpdir/junk*.ppm");
++# As the temporary files are automatically deleted, nothing is needed for
++# cleanup any more.
+ exit(0);

Index: netpbm10.patch
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- netpbm10.patch      18 Feb 2006 15:59:14 -0000      1.2
+++ netpbm10.patch      10 Aug 2008 15:51:34 -0000      1.3
@@ -53,3 +53,56 @@
+--- netpbm-10.25/converter/other/pstopnm.c.CAN-2005-2471       2004-06-23 
04:22:33.000000000 +0200
++++ netpbm-10.25/converter/other/pstopnm.c     2005-08-09 08:41:42.000000000 
+@@ -702,13 +702,13 @@
+     if (verbose) {
+         pm_message("execing '%s' with args '%s' (arg 0), "
+-                   "'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'",
++                   "'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'",
+                    ghostscriptProg, arg0,
+-                   deviceopt, outfileopt, gopt, ropt, "-q", "-dNOPAUSE", "-");
++                   deviceopt, outfileopt, gopt, ropt, "-q", "-dNOPAUSE", 
+     }
+     execl(ghostscriptProg, arg0, deviceopt, outfileopt, gopt, ropt, "-q",
+-          "-dNOPAUSE", "-", NULL);
++          "-dNOPAUSE", "-dPARANOIDSAFER", "-", NULL);
+     pm_error("execl() of Ghostscript ('%s') failed, errno=%d (%s)",
+              ghostscriptProg, errno, strerror(errno));
+--- netpbm-10.26.12/converter/other/pnmtopng.c.pnmtopng        2004-08-28 
04:53:12.000000000 +0200
++++ netpbm-10.26.12/converter/other/pnmtopng.c 2005-09-16 14:17:47.129390456 
+@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
+                       unsigned int * const bestMatchP) {
+     unsigned int paletteIndex;
+-    unsigned int bestIndex;
++    unsigned int bestIndex = 0;
+     unsigned int bestMatch;
+     bestMatch = UINT_MAX;
+@@ -1566,7 +1566,7 @@
+       /* The color part of the color/alpha palette passed to the PNG
+          compressor 
+       */
+-  unsigned int palette_size;
++  unsigned int palette_size = MAXCOLORS;
+   gray trans_pnm[MAXCOLORS];
+   png_byte  trans[MAXCOLORS];
+--- netpbm-10.26.12/converter/other/pnmtopng.c
++++ netpbm-10.26.12/converter/other/pnmtopng.c
+@@ -913,9 +913,9 @@
+     colorhist_vector chv;
+     unsigned int colors;
+-    gray *alphas_of_color[MAXPALETTEENTRIES];
++    gray *alphas_of_color[MAXPALETTEENTRIES + 1];
+     unsigned int alphas_first_index[MAXPALETTEENTRIES];
+-    unsigned int alphas_of_color_cnt[MAXPALETTEENTRIES];
++    unsigned int alphas_of_color_cnt[MAXPALETTEENTRIES + 1];
+     getChv(ifP, imagepos, cols, rows, maxval, format, MAXCOLORS, 
+            &chv, &colors);

Index: netpbm10.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/graphics/netpbm10.info,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- netpbm10.info       5 Sep 2006 04:43:00 -0000       1.3
+++ netpbm10.info       10 Aug 2008 15:51:34 -0000      1.4
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
 Package: netpbm10
-Version: 10.24
-Revision: 3
-BuildDepends: libjpeg, libpng3, libtiff
+Version: 10.26.53
+Revision: 1
+BuildDepends: libjpeg, libpng3, libtiff, fink (>= 0.24.12-1)
 Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
 Replaces: netpbm
 Conflicts: netpbm
 BuildDependsOnly: True
 Source: mirror:sourceforge:netpbm/netpbm-%v.tgz
-Source-MD5: 06580a8cadb6908f95733dcbd3f4e3d8
-Source2: mirror:sourceforge:netpbm/netpbm-10.18.tgz
-Source2-MD5: d4421214431c0467647a4f73af5f2db1
+Source-MD5: 33b7145f323b3f2907eed3b6688a0d50
+NoSetLDFLAGS: true
+SetLIBRARY_PATH: %p/lib
+PatchFile: %n.patch
+PatchFile-MD5: 8729d202e76346cbcbab26917f5b7cf3
 PatchScript: <<
- cp -p ../netpbm-10.18/converter/other/pnmtopng.c converter/other/pnmtopng.c
- rm -fR ../netpbm-10.18
- sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <%a/%n.patch | patch -p1
+ sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1
+ perl -pi -e 's|/usr/openwin/lib/rgb.txt|/usr/X11/share/X11/rgb.txt|' 
  cat Makefile.config.in Makefile.config.fink >Makefile.config
 CompileScript: make -j1
@@ -43,7 +44,15 @@
  Change by J-F Mertens:  pnmtopng.c extracted from old version of netpbm
  since the one in the current version does not work with, e.g., latex2html.
+ Change undone in Feb. 2007 because the 'old' pnmtopng.c no longer compiles.
+ Hopefully this does not break latex2html.
  Patches for gcc 4.0 compatibility thanks to Matt Sachs.
+ Security patches thanks to Tomoaki Okayama:
+  CVE-2005-2471: netpbm-10.25-CAN-2005-2471.patch             (from RedHat)
+  CVE-2005-2978: netpbm-10.26.12-pnmtopng-CAN-2005-2978.patch (from SUSE)
+  CVE-2005-3662: netpbm-10.26.12-pnmtopng-overflow.patch      (from SUSE)
 License: OSI-Approved
 Homepage: http://netpbm.sourceforge.net

Index: netpbm.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/graphics/netpbm.info,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- netpbm.info 5 Sep 2006 04:43:00 -0000       1.3
+++ netpbm.info 10 Aug 2008 15:51:34 -0000      1.4
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
 Package: netpbm
 Version: 9.25
-Revision: 14
-BuildDepends: libjpeg, libpng3, libtiff
+Revision: 15
+BuildDepends: libjpeg, libpng3, libtiff, fink (>= 0.24.12)
 Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), %N-bin
 Replaces: netpbm (<< 9.25-1), netpbm10
 Conflicts: netpbm10
 BuildDependsOnly: True
 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tgz
 Source-MD5: cb8036f3649c93cf51ee377971ddbf1c
-Patch: %n.patch
+PatchFile: %n.patch
+PatchFile-MD5: 741be205daf067a1917c44662e64c9b6
 CompileScript: <<
@@ -42,6 +43,13 @@
 Description: Graphics manipulation programs and libraries
 DescPort: <<
  Patches for gcc 4.0 compatibility thanks to Matt Sachs.
+ Security patches thanks to Tomoaki Okayama:
+  CVE-2003-0924: netpbm-9.24-debiansecurity.patch  (from Turbo)
+  CVE-2005-2471: netpbm-9.24-CAN-2005-2471.patch   (from RedHat)
+  CVE-2005-3632: netpbm-9.24-CVE-2005-3632.diff    (from RedHat)
+  CVE-2005-3662: netpbm-9.24-CVE-2005-3662.patch   (from RedHat)
+  I modified netpbm-9.24-CVE-2005-3632.diff a little for avoiding conflicts.
 License: OSI-Approved
 Homepage: http://netpbm.sourceforge.net

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