Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/libs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs17.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14419

Added Files:
        libavcodec1-shlibs.info libavcodec1-shlibs.patch libdv4.info 
        libdv4.patch libdvdread.3.info libpostproc1.info 
Log Message:
move to stable to satisfy dependencies

--- NEW FILE: libpostproc1.info ---
Package: libpostproc1
Version: 0.0.1
Revision: 12
Depends: %n-shlibs (= %v-%r)
BuildDependsOnly: true
Conflicts: libpostproc-dev
Replaces: libpostproc-dev
Source: http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/MPlayer-1.0pre2.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: a60c179468f85e83e3f9e1922e81ad64
PatchScript: <<
  ### Fix to make dylibs
  perl -pi -e 's,SPPLIB = libpostproc.so,SPPLIBINSTALL = 
%p/lib/libpostproc.0.dylib\nSPPLIB = libpostproc.\$\(SPPVERSION\).dylib,g' 
  perl -pi -e 's,\$\(OPTFLAGS\),\$\(OPTFLAGS\) -fno-common,g' 
  perl -pi -e 's,\$\(CC\) -shared -Wl\,-soname\,\$\(SPPLIB\).0 \\,\$\(CC\) 
-dynamiclib -install_name \$\(SPPLIBINSTALL\) \\\n\t-compatibility_version 1 
-current_version 1.0.1 \\,g' libavcodec/libpostproc/Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,-o \$\(SPPLIB\) \$\(SPPOBJS\),-o \$\(SPPLIB\) 
\$\(SPPOBJS\)\n\tln -sf \$\(SPPLIB\) libpostproc.0.dylib\n\tln -sf \$\(SPPLIB\) 
libpostproc.dylib,g' libavcodec/libpostproc/Makefile

  ### fix to accept gcc4 compiler (patch up to upstream cvs version 1.1115)
  perl -pi -e 
ConfigureParams: --enable-shared-pp
CompileScript: <<
  ./configure %c
  cd libavcodec/libpostproc; make
InstallScript: <<
  mkdir -p %i/lib
  mkdir -p %i/include/postproc
  install -m 664 libavcodec/libpostproc/postprocess.h %i/include/postproc
  install -m 664 libavcodec/libpostproc/libpostproc.a %i/lib
  install -m 755 libavcodec/libpostproc/libpostproc.0.0.1.dylib %i/lib
  ln -sf libpostproc.0.0.1.dylib %i/lib/libpostproc.0.dylib
  ln -sf libpostproc.0.0.1.dylib %i/lib/libpostproc.dylib
SplitOff: <<
  Package: %N-shlibs
  Files: <<
  Shlibs: <<
    %p/lib/libpostproc.0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 0.0.1-1)
  DocFiles: LICENSE
Description: Post Processing Library
DescDetail: <<
  Post Processing library for multimedia apps
License: GPL
Maintainer: Justin F. Hallett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/

--- NEW FILE: libavcodec1-shlibs.info ---
Package: libavcodec1-shlibs
Version: 0.4.9-pre1
Revision: 1014
# No C++ symbols used
BuildDepends: a52dec-dev, imlib2, lame-dev, libfaad1-dev, libmp4v21-dev, 
libogg, libpostproc1, libvorbis0, sdl (>= 1.2.9-1001)
Depends: a52dec-shlibs, lame-shlibs, libpostproc1-shlibs, libvorbis0-shlibs
Conflicts: ffmpeg (<< 0.4.6-1)
Replaces: ffmpeg (<< 0.4.6-1)
Source: mirror:sourceforge:ffmpeg/ffmpeg-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: ea5587e3c66d50b1503b82ac4179c303
PatchScript: <<
  ### WTF and YUCK
  perl -pi -e 's,LDFLAGS=\"-Wl\,-d\",LDFLAGS=\"\",g' configure
  perl -pi -e 's,\#define printf please_use_av_log,\/\/\#define printf 
please_use_av_log,g' libavcodec/common.h
  perl -pi -e 's,\#define fprintf please_use_av_log,\/\/\#define fprintf 
please_use_av_log,g' libavcodec/common.h
  perl -pi -e 's,\#define fprintf please_use_av_log,\/\/\#define fprintf 
please_use_av_log,g' libavcodec/utils.c
  perl -pi -e 's,\#undef fprintf,\/\/\#undef fprintf,g' libavcodec/utils.c
  perl -pi -e 's,\#define time 
time_is_forbidden_due_to_security_issues,\/\/\#define time 
time_is_forbidden_due_to_security_issues,g' libavcodec/common.h
  ### Fix ffserver conf file location
  perl -pi -e 's,/etc,%p/etc,g' ffserver.c
  ### Enable ffserver on darwin
  perl -pi -e 's,ffserver="no",ffserver="yes",g' configure
  ### Fix for Imlib2
  perl -pi -e 's,-lImlib2,-I%p/include -L%p/lib -lImlib2,g' configure
  ### Lib version fix & so -> dylib
  perl -pi -e 's,dynamiclib\",dynamiclib -undefined dynamic_lookup 
-compatibility_version 1 -current_version 1.4.8 -install_name 
%p/lib/\\\$(SLIB_INSTALL)\"\nSLIBSUF=\".dylib\",g' configure
  ### Fix dlopen filenames
  perl -pi -e 's,liba52.so.0,%p/lib/liba52.0.dylib,g' libavcodec/a52dec.c
  perl -pi -e 's,libfaad.so.0,%p/lib/libfaad.0.dylib,g' libavcodec/faad.c
  ### More fixes for dylib
  perl -pi -e 's,\$\(SLIBSUF\),.0.4.8\$\(SLIBSUF\),g' Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,\$\(SLIBSUF\),.0.4.8\$\(SLIBSUF\),g' libavcodec/Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,\$\(SLIBSUF\),.0.4.8\$\(SLIBSUF\),g' libavformat/Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,SLIB=,SLIB_INSTALL=\$(SLIBPREF)avcodec.0\$(SLIBSUF)\nSLIB=,g' 
  perl -pi -e 's,SLIB=,SLIB_INSTALL=\$(SLIBPREF)avformat.0\$(SLIBSUF)\nSLIB=,g' 
  perl -pi -e 's,\$\(CC\) \$\(SHFLAGS\) -o (.*),\$\(CC\) \$\(SHFLAGS\) -o 
$1\n\tln -sf \$\(SLIB\) \$\(SLIBPREF\)avcodec.0\$\(SLIBSUF\)\n\tln -sf 
\$(SLIB\) \$\(SLIBPREF\)avcodec\$\(SLIBSUF\),g' libavcodec/Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,\$\(CC\) \$\(SHFLAGS\) -o (.*),\$\(CC\) \$\(SHFLAGS\) -o 
$1\n\tln -sf \$\(SLIB\) \$\(SLIBPREF\)avformat.0\$\(SLIBSUF\)\n\tln -sf 
\$(SLIB\) \$\(SLIBPREF\)avformat\$\(SLIBSUF\),g' libavformat/Makefile
  ### libsvformat shared lib linking
  perl -pi -e 's,PPOBJS=,PPOBJS=\nLIBS+=-L../libavcodec 
-lavcodec\nEXTRALIBS+=-lmp3lame -lvorbis -lvorbisenc -logg,g' 
  perl -pi -e 's,\$\(EXTRALIBS\),\$\(LIBS\) \$\(EXTRALIBS\),g' 
  ### Not sure why this is needed, but it is for now
  ### looks like the first endif, ends at the wrong place...should be before
  ### the second if.
  perl -pi -e 's,-logg -lvorbis -lvorbisenc,-lmp3lame -logg -lvorbis 
-lvorbisenc,g' Makefile
  ### Fix vhook
  perl -pi -e 's,\+=-flat_namespace -undefined suppress,=-bundle 
-avoid-version,g' vhook/Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,\$<,\$< -L../libavcodec -lavcodec -L../libavformat -lavformat 
-L%p/lib,g' vhook/Makefile
  ### Can't strip libs with ref to dylibs
  perl -pi -e 's,install -s,install,g' vhook/Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,install -s -m 755 \$\(SLIB\) 
\$\(prefix\)/lib/libavcodec-\$\(VERSION\)\.so,install -m 755 \$\(SLIB\) 
\$\(prefix\)/lib/\$\(SLIB\),g' libavcodec/Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,ln -sf libavcodec-\$\(VERSION\)\.so 
\$\(prefix\)/lib/libavcodec\.so, ,g' libavcodec/Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,ldconfig \|\| true, ,g' libavcodec/Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,install -s -m 755 \$\(SLIB\) 
\$\(prefix\)/lib/libavformat-\$\(VERSION\).so,install -m 755 \$\(SLIB\) 
\$\(prefix\)/lib/\$\(SLIB\),g' libavformat/Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,ln -sf libavformat-\$\(VERSION\)\.so 
\$\(prefix\)/lib/libavformat\.so, ,g' libavformat/Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,ldconfig \|\| true, ,g' libavformat/Makefile
  ### Fix bin install
  perl -pi -e 's,"\$\(bindir\)",\$\(prefix\)/bin,g' Makefile
  ### Fixes for fink's ft2, I need to manually add the fink includes
  perl -pi -e 's,\$\@ \$\<,\$\@ \$\< -I%p/include,g' Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,\$\@ \$\<,\$\@ \$\< -I%p/include,g' libavcodec/Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,\$\@ \$\<,\$\@ \$\< -I%p/include,g' libavformat/Makefile
  perl -pi -e 's,\$\< (.*)?,\$\< $1 -I%p/include,g' vhook/Makefile
  ### Fix for ffplay
  perl -pi -e 's,-o \$\@ ffplay.o,-bind_at_load -o \$\@ ffplay.o,g' Makefile
  ### Fix for 10.4
  perl -pi -e 's,APPLE,NOTAPPLE,g' libavformat/tcp.c
Patch: %n.patch
ConfigureParams: --extra-libs="-L%p/lib -la52" (%m = powerpc) 
--extra-cflags="-force_cpusubtype_ALL -Wno-sign-compare -maltivec -fno-common" 
(%m = i386) --extra-cflags="-force_cpusubtype_ALL -Wno-sign-compare -fno-common 
-DPIC" --enable-gpl --enable-mp3lame --enable-vorbis --enable-pp 
--enable-shared-pp (%m = powerpc) --powerpc-perf-enable --disable-faac 
--enable-faad --enable-faadbin --enable-a52 --enable-a52bin --enable-shared 
--mandir=%p/share/man --disable-mmx --disable-audio-beos --disable-v4l 
InstallScript: <<
  make install prefix=%i mandir=%i/share/man
  install -d %i/etc
  install -m 664 doc/ffserver.conf %i/etc
  ln -sf libavcodec.0.4.8.dylib %i/lib/libavcodec.0.dylib
  ln -sf libavcodec.0.4.8.dylib %i/lib/libavcodec.dylib
  ln -sf libavformat.0.4.8.dylib %i/lib/libavformat.0.dylib
  ln -sf libavformat.0.4.8.dylib %i/lib/libavformat.dylib

  ### Remove ffmpeg and ffmpegserver files, this PKG is LEGACY only now
  rm -rf %i/bin
  rm -rf %i/etc
  rm -rf %i/share
  rm -rf %i/lib/vhook
  rm -rf %i/include/ffmpeg/avio.h
  rm -rf %i/include/ffmpeg/common.h
  rm -rf %i/include/ffmpeg/rational.h
  rm -rf %i/include/ffmpeg/rtp.h
  rm -rf %i/include/ffmpeg/rtsp.h
  rm -rf %i/include/ffmpeg/rtspcodes.h
Shlibs: %p/lib/libavcodec.0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 0.4.6-1)
SplitOff2: <<
  Package: libavcodec1-dev
  Depends: libavcodec1-shlibs (= %v-%r)
  Conflicts: ffmpeg (<< 0.4.6-1), libavcodec-dev
  Replaces: ffmpeg (<< 0.4.6-1), libavcodec-dev
  BuildDependsOnly: true
  Files: <<
  DocFiles: COPYING
  Description: Audio/video encoders and decoders dev files
SplitOff3: <<
  Package: libavformat1-shlibs
  Depends: a52dec-shlibs, lame-shlibs, libavcodec1-shlibs, libogg-shlibs, 
  Files: <<
  Shlibs: <<
    %p/lib/libavformat.0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 0.4.8-1)
  DocFiles: COPYING
  Description: Parsers and generators for all common audio/video formats libs
SplitOff4: <<
  Package: libavformat1-dev
  Depends: libavformat1-shlibs (= %v-%r)
  Conflicts: libavformat-dev
  Replaces: libavformat-dev
  BuildDependsOnly: true
  Files: <<
  DocFiles: COPYING
  Description: Parsers and generators for all common audio/video formats dev
Description: Audio/video encoders and decoders libs
DescDetail: <<
  FFMpeg is a complete and free Internet live audio and video broadcasting
  solution for Linux/Unix. It also includes a digital VCR. It can encode in
  real time in many formats including MPEG1 audio and video, MPEG4, h263,
  ac3, asf, avi, real, mjpeg, and flash.

  sudo daemonic enable ffserver

  ffplay, currently broken, SDL crash
License: GPL
Maintainer: Justin F. Hallett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/

--- NEW FILE: libdv4.info ---
Package: libdv4
Version: 0.104
Revision: 3
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.9.9), pkgconfig, audiofile, esound, glib, gtk+, 
liboss1, popt, gettext-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, libiconv-dev, x11-dev
BuildDependsOnly: true
DescPackaging: Uses pkgconfig, but there are no pkgconfig-related dependencies.
Conflicts: libdv
Replaces: libdv
Source: mirror:sourceforge:libdv/libdv-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: f6b08efce7472daa20685e6e8431f542
Patch: %n.patch
NoSetLDFLAGS: true
SetLIBS: -L%p/lib
ConfigureParams: --disable-asm --disable-sdl --with-x --with-pic 
--enable-shared --enable-static --mandir=%i/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info 
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev

./configure %c
perl -pi -e 's,playdv,,g' Makefile
SplitOff: <<
  Package: %N-shlibs
  Replaces: libdv-shlibs
  Conflicts: libdv-shlibs
  Provides: libdv-shlibs
  Files: <<
  Shlibs: <<
    %p/lib/libdv.4.dylib 5.0.0 %n (>= 0.104-3)
SplitOff2: <<
  Package: %N-bin
  Depends: audiofile-shlibs, esound-shlibs, glib-shlibs, gtk+-shlibs, 
%N-shlibs, liboss1-shlibs, popt-shlibs, x11
  Replaces: libdv-bin
  Conflicts: libdv-bin
  Files: <<
Description: Software decoder for DV format video
DescDetail: <<
The Quasar DV codec (libdv) is a software codec for DV video, the encoding
format used by most digital camcorders, typically those that support the
IEEE 1394 (a.k.a. FireWire or i.Link) interface. libdv was developed
according to the official standards for DV video: IEC 61834 and SMPTE 314M.
DescPort: <<
--- Justin F. Hallett (April 5, 2003) (0.99-1)
- enhanced the patch to make it more applable upstream
- enabled playdv
- disabled linking to sdl so playdv would build
- linked playdv againsted liboss

--- Justin F. Hallett (August 14, 2002) (0.98-1)
- Stopped the build of playdv (needs non oss support, and better SDL support)
- encodedv/dvconnect.c stdlib.h instead of malloc.h
- encodedv/dvconnect.c had to remove a block made function fail no matter what
- encodedv/dvavi.c stdlib.h instead of malloc.h
- used the NoLDFLAGS -> LIBS try to build properly

--- Justin F. Hallett (May 2, 2002) (0.9.5-1)
- Stopped the build of playdv (needs to be ported to use esd instead of oss)
- Stopped the build of encodedv (started the port of it, will finish for
  next revision)
- fix in encodedv/dvconnect.c to use stdlib.h instead of malloc.h for __APPLE__
- fixed libdv/Makefile.in to link to proper libs (.libs/*.a instead of *.la)
- multiple fixes in libdv/audio.c, had to disable 2 areas for __APPLE__
- libdv/dv.c fixed functions calls (dv_mb411_right_YUY2 and dv_mb411_YUY2)
- libdv/enc_input.c disabled a section for __APPLE__
- libdv/encode.c fix to disable a redefine of swab for __APPLE__
- libdv/idct_248.c __APPLE__ needed int64 to be defined
- libdv/parse.c disabled a section for __APPLE__
- libdv/vlc.c disable a few sections for __APPLE__ (based on the 0.9-3 patch)

dmacks: gtk front end seems to be not built
License: GPL
Maintainer: Justin F. Hallett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/libdv/

--- NEW FILE: libavcodec1-shlibs.patch ---
diff -ru ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1.orig/libavcodec/ac3tab.h 
--- ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1.orig/libavcodec/ac3tab.h  2004-06-26 06:08:49.000000000 
+++ ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1/libavcodec/ac3tab.h       2006-03-23 22:39:30.000000000 
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
 /* possible frequencies */
-static const uint16_t ac3_freqs[3] = { 48000, 44100, 32000 };
+const uint16_t ac3_freqs[3] = { 48000, 44100, 32000 };
 /* possible bitrates */
-static const uint16_t ac3_bitratetab[19] = {
+const uint16_t ac3_bitratetab[19] = {
     32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 
     160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640 
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 /* AC3 MDCT window */
 /* MDCT window */
-static const int16_t ac3_window[256] = {
+const int16_t ac3_window[256] = {
     4,    7,   12,   16,   21,   28,   34,   42,
    51,   61,   72,   84,   97,  111,  127,  145,
   164,  184,  207,  231,  257,  285,  315,  347,
@@ -144,27 +144,27 @@
     15, 15, 15, 15,
-static const uint8_t sdecaytab[4]={ 
+const uint8_t sdecaytab[4]={ 
     0x0f, 0x11, 0x13, 0x15,
-static const uint8_t fdecaytab[4]={ 
+const uint8_t fdecaytab[4]={ 
     0x3f, 0x53, 0x67, 0x7b, 
-static const uint16_t sgaintab[4]= { 
+const uint16_t sgaintab[4]= { 
     0x540, 0x4d8, 0x478, 0x410,
-static const uint16_t dbkneetab[4]= { 
+const uint16_t dbkneetab[4]= { 
     0x000, 0x700, 0x900, 0xb00,
-static const uint16_t floortab[8]= { 
+const uint16_t floortab[8]= { 
     0x2f0, 0x2b0, 0x270, 0x230, 0x1f0, 0x170, 0x0f0, 0xf800,
-static const uint16_t fgaintab[8]= {
+const uint16_t fgaintab[8]= {
     0x080, 0x100, 0x180, 0x200, 0x280, 0x300, 0x380, 0x400,
diff -ru ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1.orig/libavcodec/avcodec.h 
--- ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1.orig/libavcodec/avcodec.h 2004-07-09 08:49:55.000000000 
+++ ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1/libavcodec/avcodec.h      2006-03-23 22:35:39.000000000 
@@ -1657,6 +1657,13 @@
 #define FF_OPT_MAX_DEPTH 10
 } AVOption;
+#ifdef HAVE_MMX
+extern const struct AVOption avoptions_common[3 + 5];
+extern const struct AVOption avoptions_common[3];
+extern const struct AVOption avoptions_workaround_bug[11];
  * Parse option(s) and sets fields in passed structure
  * @param strct        structure where the parsed results will be written
diff -ru ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1.orig/libavcodec/common.h 
--- ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1.orig/libavcodec/common.h  2004-07-01 08:33:07.000000000 
+++ ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1/libavcodec/common.h       2006-03-23 22:35:21.000000000 
@@ -63,12 +63,6 @@
 struct AVOption;
-#ifdef HAVE_MMX
-extern const struct AVOption avoptions_common[3 + 5];
-extern const struct AVOption avoptions_common[3];
-extern const struct AVOption avoptions_workaround_bug[11];
 #endif /* HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H */

--- NEW FILE: libdv4.patch ---
diff -uNr libdv-0.104/encodedv/dvconnect.c libdv-0.104-new/encodedv/dvconnect.c
--- libdv-0.104/encodedv/dvconnect.c    2004-05-30 22:05:23.000000000 -0400
+++ libdv-0.104-new/encodedv/dvconnect.c        2005-04-28 10:43:43.000000000 
@@ -857,12 +857,13 @@
 int rt_raisepri (int pri)
+#if defined(_SC_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING) && !defined(__APPLE__)
        struct sched_param scp;
         * Verify that scheduling is available
+#if defined(_SC_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING) && !defined(__APPLE__)
        if (sysconf (_SC_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING) == -1) {
                fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: RR-scheduler not available, "
@@ -877,6 +878,11 @@
        return (0);
+               fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: RR-scheduler not available, "
+                       "disabling.\n");
+               return (-1);
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff -uNr libdv-0.104/libdv/vlc.h libdv-0.104-new/libdv/vlc.h
--- libdv-0.104/libdv/vlc.h     2003-10-20 15:46:50.000000000 -0400
+++ libdv-0.104-new/libdv/vlc.h 2005-04-28 10:43:43.000000000 -0400
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 extern void dv_decode_vlc(int bits,int maxbits, dv_vlc_t *result);
 extern void __dv_decode_vlc(int bits, dv_vlc_t *result);
-extern __inline__ void dv_peek_vlc(bitstream_t *bs,int maxbits, dv_vlc_t 
*result) {
+static __inline__ void dv_peek_vlc(bitstream_t *bs,int maxbits, dv_vlc_t 
*result) {
   if(maxbits < 16)
diff -uNr libdv-0.104/playdv/Makefile.in libdv-0.104-new/playdv/Makefile.in
--- libdv-0.104/playdv/Makefile.in      2004-11-29 22:23:43.000000000 -0500
+++ libdv-0.104-new/playdv/Makefile.in  2005-04-28 10:43:43.000000000 -0400
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
 noinst_HEADERS = display.h oss.h
 playdv_SOURCES = playdv.c display.c display.h oss.c
-playdv_LDADD = $(SDL_LIBS) $(GTK_LIBS) $(XV_LIB) ../libdv/libdv.la $(POPT_LIB)
+playdv_LDADD = $(SDL_LIBS) $(GTK_LIBS) $(XV_LIB) ../libdv/libdv.la $(POPT_LIB) 
 all: all-am
diff -uNr libdv-0.104/playdv/oss.c libdv-0.104-new/playdv/oss.c
--- libdv-0.104/playdv/oss.c    2003-11-23 17:59:08.000000000 -0500
+++ libdv-0.104-new/playdv/oss.c        2005-04-28 10:43:43.000000000 -0400
@@ -34,7 +34,11 @@
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
+#if defined(__APPLE__) && (__GNUC__)
+#include <liboss/soundcard.h>
 #include <sys/soundcard.h>
+#endif /* Darwin liboss */
 #include "oss.h"

--- NEW FILE: libdvdread.3.info ---
Package: libdvdread.3
Version: 0.9.7
Revision: 101
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
BuildDependsOnly: true
Conflicts: libdvdread, libdvdread4
Replaces: libdvdread, libdvdread4
Source: http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/groups/dvd/dist/libdvdread-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 078788c9241ae16763529e1235502337
PatchScript: <<
  ### dlopen fix
  perl -pi -e 's,libdvdcss.so.2,libdvdcss.2.dylib,g' dvdread/dvd_input.c
  ### keep for the moment UDFFindFile external for the sake of the dvdbackup pkg
  perl -pi -e 's,(export-symbols-regex.*)DVD,$1UDFFindFile|DVD,' 
ConfigureParams: --without-libdvdcss --with-pic --enable-shared --enable-static 
--mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info --libexecdir=%p/lib 
--disable-dependency-tracking --libdir=%p/lib/libdvdread
InstallScript: <<
        make install DESTDIR=%d
        ln -s libdvdread/libdvdread.{a,dylib,la} %i/lib
SplitOff: <<
  Package: %N-shlibs
  Recommends: libdvdcss-shlibs
  Files: <<
  Shlibs: <<
    %p/lib/libdvdread/libdvdread.3.dylib 6.0.0 %n (>= 0.9.7-1)
Description: Provides functions for reading video DVDs
DescDetail: <<
  libdvdread provides a simple foundation for reading DVD video disks. It
  provides the functionality that is required to access many DVDs. It parses
  IFO files, reads NAV-blocks, and performs CSS authentication and 

  libdvdcss-shlibs is required to be installed if you want decryption support.
DescUsage: <<
  Use libdvdread.3/libdvdread.3-shlibs instead of either
  libdvdread4/libdvdread4-shlibs or libdvdread/libdvdread3-shlibs
DescPackaging: <<
  There have been package sets libdvdread4/libdvdread4-shlibs and
  libdvdread/libdvdread3-shlibs that both supply the same install_name
  .dylib. This situation causes hopeless deadlocks and/or breakage
  when switching from one to the other. We'll make a clean break,
  installing a self-consistent (and consistently-named) set of
  packages with an install_name and package-name that have never been
  used before.
License: GPL
Maintainer: Justin F. Hallett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/~dvd/downloads.shtml

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