Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/crypto/finkinfo
In directory sc8-pr-cvs5.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv19653

Added Files:
        opal2.info openh323-1.info pwlib1.info 
Log Message:
updates to pwlib and openh323, per request

--- NEW FILE: openh323-1.info ---
Package: openh323-1
Version: 1.18.0
Revision: 1
Maintainer: None <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GCC: 4.0
BuildDependsOnly: true
BuildDepends: cyrus-sasl2-dev, doxygen, expat1, openldap23-dev, openssl097-dev, 
pwlib1, sdl, speex3, sed
#Also, at least some of ffmpeg-dev | libavcodec1-dev | libavformat1-dev , 
probably gsm ...
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
Conflicts: openh323
Replaces: openh323
Provides: openh323
Source-MD5: d7043ba34b5038f0113b099ede0884fb
Source: mirror:custom:/openh323/openh323-v1_18_0-src-tar.gz
SourceDirectory: openh323_v1_18_0
CustomMirror: <<
 Primary: http://west.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/
 Secondary: http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/
 nam-US: http://us.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/
 eur: http://eu.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/
 eur-BE: http://belnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/
PatchScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
  sed -ri.bak -e '/ awk/s,>,- >,' src/Makefile
  sed -ri.bak -e 's,@SHAREDLIBEXT@,dylib,' Makefile.in
  sed -ri.bak -e '/^STDCCFLAGS/s,\(OH323_INCDIR\)$,(OPENH323DIR)/include,' 
#  perl -pi.bak -e 's,malloc.h,sys/$&,' plugins/audio/GSM0610/gsm06_10_codec.c  
# no longer needed in 1.17.3
  perl -pi.bak -e 's,\-lgsm0610_audio_s,,' configure
  perl -pi.bak -e 's/darwin\*\) */$&LDSO="-bundle -Wl,-x -dead_strip" /' 
  perl -pi.bak -e 's,(\$\(LDSO\))\$\(SONAME\),\1,' plugins/audio/*/Makefile.in
  sed -ri -e '/^\$\(PLUGIN\):/,/^$/s,\(CC\),\(CXX\),' 
# avoid implicit declaration of memcpy :
  sed -ri.bak -e '/<stdlib\.h>/a #include <string.h>' 
### All following lines are the same as in opal2.info:
## the configure script expects pwlib's version.h to be installed at the first 
level of PWLIBDIR (=%p),
## (ie, in parallel with bin, lib, and share...), while pwlib's own install 
target doesn't even install it...
  perl -pi -e 's,\{PWLIBDIR\}/version\.h,\{PWLIBDIR\}/include/ptlib.h,' 
## same treatment for PWLIBDIR=%p as when =/usr or /usr/local :
  sed -ri -e '/test\ \"x\$PWLIBDIR\"\ =\ \"x\/usr\"/,/^fi$/c PWLIBDIR=`sed -e 
's,/$,,' <<<"$PWLIBDIR"`' \
        -e 's,(\"x\$PWLIBDIR\" = \"x)/usr/local,\1%p\" -o &,' \
        -e 's,usr/",usr",' \
        -e 's,/usr/local/share/pwlib/,\$PWLIBDIR/share/pwlib,' configure 
NoSetLDFLAGS: true
SetLIBRARY_PATH: %b/lib:%p/lib
SetCFLAGS: -O3 -fstrict-aliasing
#ConfigureParams: --enable-embeddedgsm
#ConfigureParams: --enable-rfc2190avcodec=%p/include/ffmpeg
#ConfigureParams: --enable-h263avcodec
# dont use --enable-asntracing --enable-audio --enable-video : they have the 
opposite effect
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
  export PWLIBDIR=%p
  export H323_AVCODEC=1
  # export H323_RFC2190_AVCODEC=1
  # export H323_VICH263=1
  export CPATH=%p/include/ffmpeg:%p/include/speex:%p/include
  export STDCCFLAGS=-I%b/include 
 ./configure %c
  if [ %m = i386 ] ; then abbr=x86 ; else abbr=ppc ; fi
  mv=`sed -r -e 's,\.[^.]*$,,' <<<"%v"`
  Mv=`sed -r -e 's,\.[^.]*$,,' <<<"$mv"`
  make  NOTRACE=1 libso_target="lib/libh323_Darwin_${abbr}_n.%v.dylib" \
        LDSOOPTS="-dynamiclib -single_module -Wl,-x -dead_strip 
-compatibility_version $mv -current_version %v -install_name 
%p/lib/libh323_Darwin_${abbr}_n.${Mv}.dylib" \
        optshared optnoshared apps docs
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
#  make install DESTDIR=%d
  if [ %m = i386 ] ; then abbr=x86 ; else abbr=ppc ; fi
  mkdir -p %i/lib %i/include/openh323 %i/share/openh323
  cp -pP lib/lib* %i/lib
  ln -s libh323_Darwin_$abbr_n.dylib %i/lib/libopenh323.dylib
## following line really needed ? libopenh323.dylib already installed with that 
target... Could adjust ekiga2..
  ln -s libh323_Darwin_$abbr_n.dylib %i/lib/libh323.dylib
  ranlib %i/lib/*.a
  for fn in include/*.h ; do install -m 444 $fn %i/include/openh323 ; done
  install -m 444 openh323u.mak %i/share/openh323
  ( cd plugins ; make install DESTDIR=%d ) || :
  chmod 644 %i/lib/{,pwlib/codecs/audio/}*
  mkdir -p %i/bin
  cp samples/simple/obj_Darwin_*/simph323 %i/bin
  strip %i/bin/simph323
  mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n/html
  install -m 644 OpenH323* openh323* %i/share/doc/%n
  install -m 644 html/* %i/share/doc/%n/html
  ln -s ../%N-shlibs/{mpl-1.0.htm,ReadMe.txt} %i/share/doc/%n
SplitOff: <<
Package: %N-shlibs
Description: Shared libraries for openh323
Depends: pwlib1-shlibs, speex3-shlibs
Conflicts: openh323-shlibs
Replaces: openh323-shlibs
Provides: openh323-shlibs
## adding lib/pwlib here to be able to put a BDO in %N _ ekiga does depend on 
those files
Files: lib/libh323_Darwin_*.*.dylib lib/pwlib
#Shlibs: <<
# (%m = powerpc ) %p/lib/libh323_Darwin_ppc_n.1.dylib 1.15 %n (>= 1.15.3-1)
# (%m = i386 ) %p/lib/libh323_Darwin_x86_n.1.dylib 1.15 %n (>= 1.15.3-1)
DocFiles: mpl-1.0.htm ReadMe.txt
SplitOff2: <<
Package: %N-bin
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
Conflicts: openh323-bin
Replaces: openh323-bin
Description: Binary utilities for openh323 (simph323)
Files: bin/simph323
InstallScript: mkdir -p %i/share/doc; ln -s %N-shlibs %i/share/doc/%n
Description: OpenH323 Libraries + simph323
DescPort: <<
DescPackaging: <<
Original version by Shawn Hsiao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; version 1.12.2-10 by James 
Installs now in policy-conformant dirs.
Homepage: http://openh323.sourceforge.net/
License: OSI-Approved

--- NEW FILE: opal2.info ---
Package: opal2
Version: 2.2.4
Revision: 1
Maintainer: None <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GCC: 4.0
BuildDependsOnly: true
BuildDepends: cyrus-sasl2-dev, doxygen, expat1, openldap23-dev, openssl097-dev, 
pwlib1, sdl, sed
# sed : because of the patchscript
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
Source-MD5: 4660858fb386f73f7f49d745b64b0665
PatchScript: <<
 sed -ri -e '/MACOSX/i #include <ptbuildopts.h>' 
# implicit declaration of abs :
 sed -ri -e '/"g72x\.h"/i #include <stdlib.h>' src/codec/g726/g72x.c
# implicit declaration of memcpy :
  sed -ri.bak -e '/<stdlib\.h>/a #include <string.h>' src/codec/gsm/src/code.c
### All following lines are the same as in openh323-1.info:
## the configure script expects pwlib's version.h to be installed at the first 
level of PWLIBDIR (=%p),
## (ie, in parallel with bin, lib, and share...), while pwlib's own install 
target doesn't even install it...
  perl -pi -e 's,\{PWLIBDIR\}/version\.h,\{PWLIBDIR\}/include/ptlib.h,' 
## same treatment for PWLIBDIR=%p as when =/usr or /usr/local :
  sed -ri -e '/test\ \"x\$PWLIBDIR\"\ =\ \"x\/usr\"/,/^fi$/c PWLIBDIR=`sed -e 
's,/$,,' <<<"$PWLIBDIR"`' \
        -e 's,(\"x\$PWLIBDIR\" = \"x)/usr/local,\1%p\" -o &,' \
        -e 's,usr/",usr",' \
        -e 's,/usr/local/share/pwlib/,\$PWLIBDIR/share/pwlib,' configure
NoSetLDFLAGS: true
SetCFLAGS: -O3 -fstrict-aliasing
ConfigureParams: --enable-sip --enable-h323 --enable-iax
#  --enable-h263avcodec=%p/include/ffmpeg doens't work
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
  export CPATH=%p/include; export PWLIBDIR=%p
  if [ %m = i386 ] ; then abbr=x86 ; else abbr=ppc ; fi
  ./configure %c
  mv=`sed -r -e 's,\.[^.]*$,,' <<<"%v"`
  Mv=`sed -r -e 's,\.[^.]*$,,' <<<"$mv"`
  make  LDSOOPTS="-dynamiclib -single_module -Wl,-x -dead_strip 
-compatibility_version $mv -current_version %v -install_name 
%p/lib/libopal_Darwin_${abbr}_r.${Mv}.dylib" \
        libso_target="lib/libopal_Darwin_${abbr}_r.%v.dylib" \
        optshared optnoshared docs test
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
  make install DESTDIR=%d
  cp -p lib/libopal*.a %i/lib
  cd %i/lib
  rm -f *.dylib.* *.so
  if [ %m = i386 ] ; then abbr=x86 ; else abbr=ppc ; fi
  until test "$g" = "$f"
  do newg=`sed -r -e 's,\.[^.]*$,,' <<<"$g"`
     ln -fs $g.dylib $newg.dylib
  ln -fs $g.dylib libopal.dylib
  ranlib libopal*.a
  chmod a-x *
  cd -
  mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n
  mv html %i/share/doc/%n
  ln -s ../%N-shlibs/mpl-1.0.htm %i/share/doc/%n
SplitOff: <<
  Package: %N-shlibs
  Depends: pwlib1-shlibs
  Description: Shared libraries for %N
  Files: lib/libopal_Darwin_*.*.*dylib
##  Shlibs: <<
##    ( %m = powerpc ) %p/lib/libopal_Darwin_ppc_r.2.dylib 2.2 %n (>= 2.2.2-1)
##    ( %m = i386    ) %p/lib/libopal_Darwin_x86_r.2.dylib 2.2 %n (>= 2.2.2-1)
##  <<
  DocFiles: mpl-1.0.htm
Description: ???
License: OSI-Approved
Homepage: http://openh323.sourceforge.net/

--- NEW FILE: pwlib1.info ---
Package: pwlib1
Version: 1.10.3
Revision: 1
Maintainer: None <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GCC: 4.0
BuildDepends: audiofile, cyrus-sasl2-dev, doxygen, esound, expat1, libdv4, 
openldap23-dev, openssl097-dev, sdl, sed
# libdv4 for 1 configure test..
# none of the plugins seem to get built yet
# sed : because of the patchscript
# bison ? (is used)
BuildDependsOnly: true
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
# Depends: just in order not to have to duplicate the docfiles...
Conflicts: pwlib
Replaces: pwlib
Provides: pwlib
Source-MD5: 7ccf7a395924b5f4452c580d21f4c2f6
PatchScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
  find . \( -name CVS -o -name '.cvsignore' -o -name '*.bak' \) -exec rm -fR 
\{\} \+ || true
  sed -ri.bak -e '/P_MACOSX/,+40{/socklen_t/d}' 
#  perl -pi.bak -e 's,^LDAP_SOURCE,CFLAGS += -DLDAP_DEPRECATED\n$&,' 
  perl -pi.bak -e 's,sys/soundcard\.h,liboss/soundcard.h,' {,plugins/}configure*
  sed -ri.bak -e '/NETBSD/,+5{ /#endif/a\
#ifdef P_MACOSX\
#include <liboss/soundcard.h>\
}' plugins/sound_{esd,oss}/sound_*.h src/ptlib/unix/ossaix.cxx
  sed -ri -e 's,^\#include <sys/socket\.h>,#include <stddef.h>,' configure
  sed -ri.bak -e 's,libesd.a,libesd.dylib,' -e 's, \-I\$\(ESDDIR\)/include,,' 
  sed -ri.bak -e 's,-shared,-bundle,' make/plugins.mak
## for the build of dependent pkgs (SYSLIBDIR is only defined for a couple of 
OS's, and not necessarily where pwlib is installed):
  sed -ri.bak -e 's,SYSLIBDIR,shell ptlib-config --libdir,' make/common.mak
## for vers. 1.11.1 :
#  sed -i.bak -e 's, || defined(__APPLE__),,' src/ptclib/pssl.cxx
NoSetLDFLAGS: true
ConfigureParams: <<
  --exec-prefix=%p --libdir=%p/lib --enable-alsa --enable-avc --enable-bsdvideo 
--enable-dc --disable-oss \
  --enable-plugins --enable-v4l --enable-v4l2 --enable-asn --enable-audio 
--enable-configfile --enable-dtmf \
  --enable-expat --enable-ftp --enable-http --enable-httpsvc --enable-ipv6 
--enable-jabber --enable-openldap \
  --enable-openssl --enable-pipechan --enable-pop3smtp --enable-qos 
--enable-remconn --enable-resolver \
  --enable-sasl --enable-sdl --enable-serial --enable-snmp --enable-soap 
--enable-socks --enable-stun \
  --enable-telnet --enable-tts --enable-video --enable-vxml --enable-wavfile 
## Rmvd  --enable-shm-video :
# make[2]: *** No rule to make target 
`/sw/.bld/pwlib1-1.10.1-1/pwlib-1.10.1/lib/obj_Darwin_x86_r/shmvideo.o', needed 
by `/sw/.bld/pwlib1-1.10.1-1/pwlib-1.10.1/lib/libpt_Darwin_x86_r_s.a'.  Stop.
## liboss1 is broken -> Replaced  --enable-oss by  --disable-oss :
# c++ -fno-common -dynamic -Wno-long-double -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -D__MACOSX__ 
-m486 -I/sw/include -DUSE_ESD=1 -I/sw/.bld/pwlib1-1.10.1-1/pwlib-1.10.1/include 
# -I. -bundle sound_oss.cxx -o ../pwlib/device/sound/oss_pwplugin.dylib
# /sw/include/liboss/soundcard.h: In function 'int ioctl(int, long unsigned 
int, ...)':
# /sw/include/liboss/soundcard.h:341: error: 'int ioctl(int, long unsigned int, 
...)' was declared 'extern' and later 'static'
# /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h:91: error: previous declaration of 'int ioctl(int, 
long unsigned int, ...)'
# etc..
## Rmvd  --enable-sunaudio :
# checking for Sun audio sound support... yes   (God knows what's this test... 
Should look at it, by curiosity)
# but still :
## c++ -fno-common -dynamic -Wno-long-double -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -D__MACOSX__ 
-m486 -I/sw/include -DUSE_ESD=1 -I/sw/.bld/pwlib1-1.10.1-1/pwlib-1.10.1/include 
## -I. -L../../lib -lpt_Darwin_x86_r  -bundle sound_sunaudio.cxx -o 
## sound_sunaudio.cxx:48:21: error: stropts.h: No such file or directory
## sound_sunaudio.cxx:50:23: error: sys/mixer.h: No such file or directory
## In file included from sound_sunaudio.cxx:55:
## sound_sunaudio.h:8:23: error: sys/audio.h: No such file or directory
# I see :
#  /sw/include/gstreamer-0.10/gst/interfaces/mixer.h
#  /sw/include/gstreamer-0.8/gst/mixer/mixer.h
# and :
#  /sw/include/cdio/audio.h
#  /sw/include/gstreamer-0.10/gst/audio/audio.h
#  /sw/include/gstreamer-0.8/gst/audio/audio.h
# (and /sw/.bld/pwlib1-1.10.1-1/pwlib-1.10.1/samples/audio/audio.h)
# but no  stropts.h
# so even trying to add eg gstreamer-0.10 say to the CPATH would still probably 
not cure the problem...
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
# the next line also adds -fno-exceptions to the CXXFLAGS for opal2 and 
openh323-1, through make/ptbuildopts.mak
# (CXXFLAGS is not obeyed by those pkgs)  (and -fno-rtti should not be used: 
"typeid" used in %p/include/ptlib/pfactory.h)
  export CPATH=%p/include; export ESDDIR=%p; export 
  if [ %m = i386 ] ; then abbr=x86 ; else abbr=ppc ; fi
  ./configure %c
  mv=`sed -r -e 's,\.[^.]*$,,' <<<"%v"`
  Mv=`sed -r -e 's,\.[^.]*$,,' <<<"$mv"`
  make  PWLIBDIR=%b \
        LDSOOPTS="-dynamiclib -single_module -Wl,-x -dead_strip 
-compatibility_version $mv -current_version %v -install_name 
%p/lib/libpt_Darwin_${abbr}_r.${Mv}.dylib" \
        libso_target="lib/libpt_Darwin_${abbr}_r.$vers.dylib" \
        optshared optnoshared docs
InstallScript: <<
#  make install DESTDIR=%d # is broken..
  mkdir -p -m755 %i/share/pwlib/make
  mkdir -p -m755 %i/lib
  mkdir -p -m755 %i/bin
  cp -pPR include %i
  find %i/include \( -name '*.h.*' -o -name '*.bak' \) -exec rm \{\} \+ || true
  cp -pPR make/{*.mak,ptlib-config} %i/share/pwlib/make
  ln -s ../share/pwlib/make/ptlib-config %i/bin
  cp -pPR lib/lib* %i/lib
  cd %i/lib; ln -s libpt_Darwin_*_r.dylib libpt.dylib; ranlib libpt_Darwin_*.a; 
cd -
  mkdir -p -m755 %i/share/doc/%n
  cp -pPR samples html plugins version.h %i/share/doc/%n
  chmod a-x %i/include/ptclib/* %i/lib/* %i/share/doc/%n/samples/ldaptest/*
  ln -s ../%N-shlibs/{mpl-1.0.htm,ReadMe.txt,History.txt} %i/share/doc/%n
SplitOff: <<
  Package: %N-shlibs
  Depends: cyrus-sasl2-shlibs, esound-shlibs, expat1-shlibs, openldap23-shlibs, 
openssl097-shlibs, sdl-shlibs
  Conflicts: pwlib-shlibs
  Replaces: pwlib-shlibs
  Provides: pwlib-shlibs
  Description: Shared libraries for pwlib
  Files: lib/libpt_Darwin_*.*.*dylib
#  Shlibs: ( %m = powerpc ) %p/lib/libpt_Darwin_ppc_r.1.dylib 1.10 ( %m = i386 
) %p/lib/libpt_Darwin_x86_r.1.dylib 1.10 %n (>= 1.10.1-1)
  DocFiles: mpl-1.0.htm ReadMe.txt History.txt
Description: Portable Windows library for OpenH323
DescPort: <<
DescPackaging: <<
Original version by Shawn Hsiao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; version 1.5.2-10 by James 
Installs now in policy-conformant dirs.
License: OSI-Approved
Homepage: http://openh323.sourceforge.net/

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