Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/devel
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv7552

Added Files:
Log Message:
fgen: A makefile generator for Fortran.

--- NEW FILE: fgen.info ---
Package: fgen
Version: 0.3
Revision: 1
Description: Makefile generator for fortran 77/90 code
Architecture: powerpc, i386, x86_64
License: GPL

# Unpack Phase:
Source: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/devel/lang/fortran/%n-%v.tgz
Source-MD5: 42543391d22301aae74d8e9dc2c11db2

CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
  ./configure --mandir=%b/share/man --datadir=%p/share
  pod2man fgen   fgen.1
  pod2man f2html f2html.1

InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
  install -d     %i/bin
  install fgen   %i/bin
  install f2html %i/bin  
  install -d              %i/share/man/man1
  install -m 644 fgen.1   %i/share/man/man1
  install -m 644 f2html.1 %i/share/man/man1


DescDetail: <<
FGEN - makefile generator (for GNU make) for fortran 77/90 code

   This script scans a set of given directories (srcdirs, libdirs and
   incdirs) for files which have the following suffixes: .f .F .c .f90 .F90 .h

   Then create:

   - Makefiles (in each srcdirs and libdirs) and 2 auxillary files containing
     a list of objects and a list of dependency rules (in srcdirs, libdirs
     and incdirs). FGEN assume that no object file will be created in


   - Dependencies. FGEN can update automatically the 2 auxillary files
     described above.

   FGEN can also be configured:

   - name of compilers and linkers, debugging, profiling and optimized flags,
     additionnal libs at linking and colors for several keywords for the
     hypertext translation.

F2HTML html source converter for fortran 77/90 code

   - Hypertext equivalent (HTML) of fortran 77/90 source files. The result is
     best viewed with a browser supporting frames.

DescUsage: <<
- Configuration of fgen (file ~/.fgenrc_alt)
     $> fgen -c -f ~/.fgenrc_alt

- Your project is divided in 2 directories: a library (./lib) and the
  core program (./src). To create the makefiles:
     $> fgen -m -s ./src -l ./lib

DescPort: <<
The tests for pod2man fails.
Therefore, the two explicit pod2man commands and the installscript. 
The original man dirs are deprecated.

Homepage: http://www2.research.att.com/~yifanhu/SOFTWARE/FCAT
Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler <karl-michael.schind...@web.de>

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