Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/text
In directory sfp-cvsdas-3.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv32690

Modified Files:
        texlive-texmf.info texlive.info texlive.patch 
Added Files:
        libkpathsea6.info ptexenc1.info 
Log Message:
Update to TeX Live 2010. Many thanks to testers.

Index: texlive-texmf.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- texlive-texmf.info  10 Oct 2009 11:19:09 -0000      1.1
+++ texlive-texmf.info  22 Jan 2011 13:53:26 -0000      1.2
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
 Package: texlive-texmf
-Version: 0.20080822
+Version: 0.20100722
 Revision: 1
+BuildDepends: xz
+Conflicts:tetex-texmf, texlive-base (<= 0.20080816-3)
 Replaces: tetex-texmf
-Provides: tetex-texmf, breqn, chess-tex, cm-super, ctan-other-misc, 
ctan-supported-misc, enumitem, feynmf, ha-prosper, ifmslide, latex-beamer, 
latex-figbib, movie15, pdfscreen, pdfslide, pdfsync, pgf, powerdot, ppower4, 
prosper, srcltx, texpower, tipa, unicode-tex, xcolor, xkeyval
-Source-MD5: a36e3022adfcbe65de9b29b3003b5e0f
+Provides: tetex-texmf, breqn, chess-tex, cm-super, ctan-other-misc, 
ctan-supported-misc, enumitem, feynmf, ha-prosper, ifmslide, latex-beamer, 
latex-figbib, mathabx, movie15, okumura-clsfiles, pdfscreen, pdfslide, pdfsync, 
pgf, powerdot, ppower4, prosper, ptex-texmf, srcltx, texpower, tipa, 
unicode-tex, xcolor, xkeyval
+Source-MD5: 36fc29ad9f7ec3e61b848f55da96bbcd
+NoSourceDirectory: true
 PatchScript: <<
+ xz -dc texlive-%v-texmf-delpdf.tar.xz | tar xf -
+ mv     texlive-%v-texmf-delpdf/{texmf-dist,texmf} .
 # Moving README into current dir ...
  mv texmf-dist/README README.texmf-dist
  mv texmf/README      README.texmf
@@ -14,48 +19,6 @@
 # Moving files from texmf to texmf-dist ...
  cp -R texmf/* texmf-dist
-# Removing files that will be provided the tex4ht package ...
- rm -fR texmf-dist/tex4ht
- rm -fR texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex4ht
- rm -fR texmf-dist/doc/generic/tex4ht
- rm -fR texmf-dist/scripts/tex4ht
-# Removing files that will be provided the texlive-base (20080816) package ...
- rm -fR texmf-dist/doc/man
- rm -f  texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/texmfstart.rb
- rm -fR texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/unix
- rm -fR texmf-dist/scripts/bengali
- rm -fR texmf-dist/scripts/dviasm
- rm -f  texmf-dist/scripts/epspdf/epspdf
- rm -f  texmf-dist/scripts/epspdf/epspdftk
- rm -f  texmf-dist/scripts/glossaries/makeglossaries
- rm -fR texmf-dist/scripts/mkjobtexmf
- rm -fR texmf-dist/scripts/oberdiek
- rm -fR texmf-dist/scripts/perltex
- rm -fR texmf-dist/scripts/pdfcrop
- rm -f  texmf-dist/scripts/ppower4/*.texlua
- rm -f  texmf-dist/scripts/pst-pdf/ps4pdf
- rm -fR texmf-dist/scripts/pst2pdf
- rm -fR texmf-dist/scripts/texcount
- rm -fR texmf-dist/scripts/thumbpdf
- rm -fR texmf-dist/scripts/vpe
-# Removing files that will be provided the xetex package ...
- rm -fR texmf-dist/doc/xelatex
- rm -fR texmf-dist/doc/xetex
- rm -fR texmf-dist/fonts/misc/xetex
- rm -fR texmf-dist/scripts/xetex
- rm -fR texmf-dist/source/xelatex
- rm -f  texmf-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/xelatex.ini
- rm -f  texmf-dist/tex/plain/config/xetex.ini
- rm -fR texmf-dist/tex/xelatex
- rm -fR texmf-dist/tex/xetex
-# Removing files that will be provided the jadetex package ...
- rm -fR texmf-dist/doc/jadetex
- rm -fR texmf-dist/source/jadetex
- rm -fR texmf-dist/tex/jadetex
 # Removing a compiled *.el file ...
  rm -f  texmf-dist/source/latex/rcs/src/style/rcs.elc
@@ -80,41 +43,42 @@
  chmod -R a+rX %p/share/texmf-dist
 DescPackaging: <<
-We split the original texlive-20080822-texmf.tar.lzma into two tarballs:
-texlive-20080822-texmf-delpdf.tar.bz2 and texlive-20080822-texmf-doc.tar.bz2,
+We split the original texlive-20100722-texmf.tar.xz into two tarballs:
+texlive-0.20100722-texmf-delpdf.tar.xz and texlive-0.20100722-texmf-doc.tar.xz,
 which were made by the following script:
 #!/bin/bash -ev
- wget ftp://tug.org/texlive/historic/2008/texlive-20080822-texmf.tar.lzma
- lzma -dc texlive-20080822-texmf.tar.lzma | tar xf -
- mkdir                               texlive-20080822-texmf-doc
- mv texlive-20080822-texmf/texmf-doc texlive-20080822-texmf-doc/
+ wget ftp://tug.org/texlive/historic/2010/texlive-20100722-texmf.tar.xz
+ xz -dc texlive-20100722-texmf.tar.xz | tar xf -
- for file in `find texlive-20080822-texmf/texmf-dist/doc -type f -name '*.pdf'`
+ for file in `find texlive-20100722-texmf/texmf-dist/doc -type f -name '*.pdf'`
      mkdir -p tmp/${file%/*}
      mv $file tmp/$file
- for file in `find texlive-20080822-texmf/texmf/doc -type f -name '*.pdf'`
+ for file in `find texlive-20100722-texmf/texmf/doc -type f -name '*.pdf'`
      mkdir -p tmp/${file%/*}
      mv $file tmp/$file
- mv  tmp/texlive-20080822-texmf/texmf-dist     texlive-20080822-texmf-doc/
- mv  tmp/texlive-20080822-texmf/texmf          texlive-20080822-texmf-doc/
- tar jcf texlive-20080822-texmf-doc.tar.bz2    texlive-20080822-texmf-doc
+ mkdir                                      texlive-0.20100722-texmf-doc
+ mv  tmp/texlive-20100722-texmf/texmf-dist  texlive-0.20100722-texmf-doc/
+ mv  tmp/texlive-20100722-texmf/texmf       texlive-0.20100722-texmf-doc/
+ tar cf texlive-0.20100722-texmf-doc.tar    texlive-0.20100722-texmf-doc
+ xz  -9 texlive-0.20100722-texmf-doc.tar
- mv      texlive-20080822-texmf                texlive-20080822-texmf-delpdf
- tar jcf texlive-20080822-texmf-delpdf.tar.bz2 texlive-20080822-texmf-delpdf
+ mv     texlive-20100722-texmf              texlive-0.20100722-texmf-delpdf
+ tar cf texlive-0.20100722-texmf-delpdf.tar texlive-0.20100722-texmf-delpdf
+ xz  -9 texlive-0.20100722-texmf-delpdf.tar
-Some duplicate files (there already exists a fink package) are removed
-in PatchScript, if they may cause a trouble or their size is large.
+You can download both files from:
+ http://www.sr3.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~okayama/src/texlive-%v-texmf-delpdf.tar.xz
+ http://www.sr3.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~okayama/src/texlive-%v-texmf-doc.tar.xz
 License: Restrictive/Distributable
 Description: Main texmf tree for a TeX Live installation

--- NEW FILE: libkpathsea6.info ---
Package: libkpathsea6
Version: 6.0.0
Revision: 1
Description: Path search library for TeX
BuildDepends: texlive-texmf | tetex-texmf, fink (>= 0.24.12), xz
BuildDependsOnly: true
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
Conflicts: tetex-dev, ptex-dev, libkpathsea4
Replaces: tetex-dev, tetex-base (<= 2.0.2-46), tetex-nox (<= 2.0.2-24), 
ptex-base (<< 3.1.8), libkpathsea4
Source: mirror:ctan:systems/texlive/Source/texlive-20100720-source.tar.xz
Source-MD5: 2a2201b84fdbf210032e1df70bc59157
NoSourceDirectory: true
PatchFile: texlive.patch
PatchFile-MD5: f15be6c5b92b825e6946360b4e873ae6
PatchScript: <<
 xz -dc texlive-20100720-source.tar.xz | tar xf -
 mv     texlive-20100720-source texlive
 sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -d texlive -p1

 # Change the directory to be installed
 for file in `find texlive -name Makefile.in`; \
  do sed -i.bak -e 's|/texmf/|/share/texmf/|' \
                -e 's|/texmf-dist/|/share/texmf-dist/|' ${file} ; done
NoSetLDFLAGS: true
ConfigureParams: <<
 --with-banner-add="/Fink" \
 --disable-native-texlive-build --disable-omfonts \
 --disable-texi2html --disable-texinfo --enable-shared \
 --datadir='${prefix}/share' --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' \
 --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --disable-multiplatform --with-system-ncurses \
 --disable-psutils --disable-dialog --disable-tex4htk --disable-t1utils \
 --disable-xindy --disable-lcdf-typetools --disable-lacheck --disable-ps2eps \
CompileScript: <<
 cd texlive/texk/kpathsea; ./configure %c
 cd texlive/texk/kpathsea; make
InstallScript: <<
 cd texlive/texk/kpathsea; make install-strip DESTDIR=%d
 rm -Rf %i/bin %i/share/info %i/share/man %i/share/texmf
DocFiles: texlive/texk/kpathsea/README
SplitOff: <<
 Package: %N-shlibs
 Description: Shared libraries of path search library for TeX
 Files: lib/libkpathsea.*.dylib
 Shlibs: %p/lib/libkpathsea.6.dylib 7.0.0 %n (>= 6.0.0-1)
 DocFiles: texlive/texk/kpathsea/README
License: LGPL
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <f...@sodan.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Homepage: http://www.tug.org/kpathsea/

Index: texlive.patch
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/text/texlive.patch,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- texlive.patch       22 Nov 2009 18:48:16 -0000      1.3
+++ texlive.patch       22 Jan 2011 13:53:26 -0000      1.4
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 diff -Naur texlive-20080816-source.orig/libs/lua51/lcoco.c 
---- texlive-20080816-source.orig/libs/lua51/lcoco.c    2008-03-25 
00:47:15.000000000 +0900
-+++ texlive-20080816-source/libs/lua51/lcoco.c 2009-10-11 04:14:04.000000000 
+--- texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/lcoco.c    
2008-03-25 00:47:15.000000000 +0900
++++ texlive-20080816-source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/lcoco.c 2009-10-11 
04:14:04.000000000 +0900
 @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
  /* Else fallback to ucontext. Slower, because it saves/restores signals. */
  #else /* !defined(COCO_MAKECTX) */
@@ -10,61 +10,10 @@
  #define COCO_CTX              ucontext_t
-diff -Naur texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/dvipsk/Makefile.in 
---- texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/dvipsk/Makefile.in       2008-04-30 
07:40:29.000000000 +0900
-+++ texlive-20080816-source/texk/dvipsk/Makefile.in    2009-05-04 
00:25:56.000000000 +0900
-@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
- # Post.
-       $(POST_INSTALL)
-       if $(SHELL) -c 'install-info --version' >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
--        install-info --info-dir=$(infodir) $(infodir)/$(program).info; \
-+        install-info --info-dir=$(infodir) $(infodir)/$(program).info || 
true; \
-       else true; fi
- uninstall-data:
-diff -Naur texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/dvipsk/tex.lpro 
---- texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/dvipsk/tex.lpro  Mon Mar 19 02:18:46 2007
-+++ texlive-20080816-source/texk/dvipsk/tex.lpro       Sat Mar 24 11:54:51 2007
-@@ -258,7 +258,22 @@
-     65781.76 div /hsize X
-   } N
--/p {show} N        %  the main character setting routine
-+/dir 0 def
-+/dyy {/dir 0 def
-+} B
-+/dyt {/dir 1 def
-+} B
-+/dty {/dir 2 def
-+} B
-+/dtt {/dir 3 def
-+} B
-+%/p {show} N        %  the main character setting routine
-+/p {dir 2 eq
-+   {-90 rotate show 90 rotate}
-+   {dir 3 eq {-90 rotate show 90 rotate}
-+   {show} ifelse} ifelse
-+} N
- /RMat [ 1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] N % things we need for rules
- /BDot 260 string N
-diff -Naur texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/kpathsea/Makefile.in 
---- texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/kpathsea/Makefile.in     2008-05-30 
05:59:08.000000000 +0900
-+++ texlive-20080816-source/texk/kpathsea/Makefile.in  2009-05-04 
00:25:35.000000000 +0900
-@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
- # Post.
-       $(POST_INSTALL)
-       if $(SHELL) -c 'install-info --version' >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
--        install-info --info-dir=$(infodir) $(infodir)/kpathsea.info; \
-+        install-info --info-dir=$(infodir) $(infodir)/kpathsea.info || true; \
-       else true; fi
- uninstall-data:
 diff -Naur texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf 
 --- texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf       2008-07-27 
06:39:36.000000000 +0900
 +++ texlive-20080816-source/texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf    2009-05-10 
21:31:18.000000000 +0900
-@@ -44,18 +44,18 @@
+@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@
  % The tree containing the runtime files closely related to the specific
  % program version used:
@@ -75,10 +24,6 @@
 +TEXMFDIST = @PREFIX@/share/texmf-dist
- % Our documentation-only tree, arranged by language:
-+TEXMFDOC = @PREFIX@/share/texmf-doc
  % A place for local additions to a "standard" texmf tree.
  % This tree is not used for local configuration maintained by
  % texconfig, it uses TEXMFCONFIG below.
@@ -114,7 +59,7 @@
  % For using a separate tree:
  %   TEXMFVAR = ~/.texmf-var  # teTeX 3.0 default
--TEXMFVAR = ~/.texlive2008/texmf-var
+-TEXMFVAR = ~/.texlive2010/texmf-var
 +TEXMFVAR = ~/.texmf-var
  % TEXMFCONFIG, where texconfig stores configuration data.
@@ -123,18 +68,27 @@
  %   TEXMFCONFIG = ~/.texmf-config  # teTeX 3.0 default
  % For using a separate tree:
--TEXMFCONFIG = ~/.texlive2008/texmf-config
+-TEXMFCONFIG = ~/.texlive2010/texmf-config
 +TEXMFCONFIG = ~/.texmf-config
  % Now, list all the texmf trees. If you have multiple trees you can
  % use shell brace notation, like this:
-@@ -111,18 +111,18 @@
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
  % versions should take precedence over those (although it is generally a
  % source of confusion to have different versions of a package installed,
  % whatever the trees, so try to avoid it).
 -TEXMF = 
 +TEXMF = 
+ % Where to look for ls-R files.  There need not be an ls-R in the
+ % directories in this path, but if there is one, Kpathsea will use it.
+@@ -125,18 +125,18 @@
+ % does not create ls-R files in the non-!! elements -- because if an
+ % ls-R is present, it will be used, and the disk will not be searched.
+ % This is arguably a bug in kpathsea.
  % The system trees.  These are the trees that are shared by all the users.
  % If a tree appears in this list, the mktex* scripts will use
  % VARTEXFONTS for generated files, if the original tree isn't writable;
@@ -148,24 +102,32 @@
- % Where to look for ls-R files.  There need not be an ls-R in the
- % directories in this path, but if there is one, Kpathsea will use it.
-@@ -225,6 +225,14 @@
+ % On some systems, there will be a system tree which contains all the font
+ % files that may be created as well as the formats.  For example
+@@ -233,13 +233,21 @@
+ TEXINPUTS.lamed         = .;$TEXMF/tex/{lamed,lambda,latex,generic,}//
  TEXINPUTS.omega         = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//
- TEXINPUTS.aleph         = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//
-+% pTeX
-+TEXINPUTS.ptex    = .;$TEXMF/{ptex/{plain,generic},tex/{plain,generic,}}//
-+TEXINPUTS.platex  = 
-+% pBibTeX bibliographies and style files
-+BIBINPUTS.pbibtex = .;$TEXMF/{pbibtex,bibtex}/bib//
-+BSTINPUTS.pbibtex = .;$TEXMF/{pbibtex,bibtex}/bst//
- % ConTeXt
- TEXINPUTS.context       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{context,plain,generic,}//
+-% pTeX
++% pTeX family
+ TEXINPUTS.ptex          = .;$TEXMF/tex/{ptex,ptexgeneric,plain,generic,}//
+ TEXINPUTS.platex        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{platex,ptexgeneric,latex,generic,}//
++TEXINPUTS.eptex          = .;$TEXMF/tex/{ptex,ptexgeneric,plain,generic,}//
++TEXINPUTS.eplatex        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{platex,ptexgeneric,latex,generic,}//
++TEXINPUTS.uptex          = .;$TEXMF/tex/{ptex,ptexgeneric,plain,generic,}//
++TEXINPUTS.uplatex        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{platex,ptexgeneric,latex,generic,}//
++TEXINPUTS.euptex          = .;$TEXMF/tex/{ptex,ptexgeneric,plain,generic,}//
++TEXINPUTS.euplatex        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{platex,ptexgeneric,latex,generic,}//
-@@ -374,8 +382,8 @@
+ % pBibTeX bibliographies and style files
+ BIBINPUTS.pbibtex       = .;$TEXMF/{pbibtex,bibtex}/bib//
+ BSTINPUTS.pbibtex       = .;$TEXMF/{pbibtex,bibtex}/bst//
++BIBINPUTS.upbibtex       = .;$TEXMF/{pbibtex,bibtex}/bib//
++BSTINPUTS.upbibtex       = .;$TEXMF/{pbibtex,bibtex}/bst//
+ % ConTeXt.
+ TEXINPUTS.context       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{context,plain,generic,}//
+@@ -390,8 +390,8 @@
  % For xdvi to find mime.types and .mailcap, if they do not exist in
  % ~.  These are single directories, not paths.
  % (But the default mime.types, at least, may well suffice.)
@@ -174,8 +136,8 @@
- % Default settings for fontconfig library, used by Win32 versions of
- % xetex/xdvipdfmx (note that fontconfig on Linux/Unix-like systems
+ % Default settings for fontconfig library, used by Windows versions of
+ % xetex/xdvipdfmx.  On Unixish systems, fontconfig ignores this.
 @@ -447,7 +455,7 @@
  % For security reasons, it is better not to include . in this path.
@@ -183,75 +145,28 @@
- # kpathsea 3.5.3 and later sets these at runtime. To avoid empty
- # expansions from binaries linked against an earlier version of the
+ % kpathsea 3.5.3 and later sets these at runtime. To avoid empty
+ % expansions from binaries linked against an earlier version of the
 @@ -645,3 +653,6 @@
- error_line = 79
- half_error_line = 50
- max_print_line = 79
+ line_length.gftype = 500
+ max_rows.gftype = 8191
+ max_cols.gftype = 8191
 +% for ptex filter
 +PTEX_IN_FILTER = @PREFIX@/bin/nkf -w
-diff -Naur texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/tetex/fmtutil.cnf 
---- texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/tetex/fmtutil.cnf        2008-07-08 
00:39:23.000000000 +0900
-+++ texlive-20080816-source/texk/tetex/fmtutil.cnf     2009-05-11 
18:39:42.000000000 +0900
-@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
- #! cont-cz    pdftex         cont-usr.tex    -8bit *cont-cz.ini
- #! cont-de    pdftex         cont-usr.tex    -8bit *cont-de.ini
- cont-en               pdftex         cont-usr.tex    -8bit *cont-en.ini
--cont-en               xetex          cont-usr.tex    -8bit *cont-en.ini
-+#! cont-en    xetex          cont-usr.tex    -8bit *cont-en.ini
- #! cont-nl    pdftex         cont-usr.tex    -8bit *cont-nl.ini
- #! cont-uk    pdftex         cont-usr.tex    -8bit *cont-uk.ini
- #
-@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@
- eplain                pdftex  -               -translate-file=cp227.tcx 
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id$
--jadetex         pdftex        language.dat    &latex jadetex.ini
--pdfjadetex      pdftex        language.dat    &pdflatex pdfjadetex.ini
-+#! jadetex         pdftex     language.dat    &latex jadetex.ini
-+#! pdfjadetex      pdftex     language.dat    &pdflatex pdfjadetex.ini
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id$
- latex           pdftex        language.dat    -translate-file=cp227.tcx 
-@@ -148,9 +148,14 @@
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id$
- # XeTeX-based formats.
--xetex         xetex   language.def    -etex xetex.ini
--xelatex               xetex   language.dat    -etex xelatex.ini
-+#! xetex              xetex   language.def    -etex xetex.ini
-+#! xelatex            xetex   language.dat    -etex xelatex.ini
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id$
- xmltex          pdftex        language.dat    &latex xmltex.ini
- pdfxmltex       pdftex        language.dat    &pdflatex pdfxmltex.ini
-+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-+# $Id$
-+# Japanese pTeX:
-+#! ptex               ptex    -               --kanji=default ptex.ini
-+#! platex             ptex    language.dat    --kanji=default platex.ini
-diff -Naur texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/web2c/Makefile.in 
---- texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/web2c/Makefile.in        2008-08-13 
08:46:59.000000000 +0900
-+++ texlive-20080816-source/texk/web2c/Makefile.in     2009-05-04 
00:23:48.000000000 +0900
-@@ -880,6 +880,7 @@
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/tiedir/tie.1 $(man1dir)/tie.$(manext)
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/ctiedir/ctie.1 $(man1dir)/ctie.$(manext)
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/synctexdir/man1/synctex.1 
-+      $(top_srcdir)/../mkinstalldirs $(man5dir)
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/synctexdir/man5/synctex.5 $(man5dir)/synctex.5
- # Dummy target.
-diff -Naur texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/web2c/doc/Makefile.in 
---- texlive-20080816-source.orig/texk/web2c/doc/Makefile.in    2008-04-30 
07:40:29.000000000 +0900
-+++ texlive-20080816-source/texk/web2c/doc/Makefile.in 2009-05-04 
00:26:14.000000000 +0900
-@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
+diff -Naur texlive-20100720-source.orig/texk/tetex/fmtutil.cnf 
+--- texlive-20100720-source.orig/texk/tetex/fmtutil.cnf        2011-01-15 
20:50:23.000000000 +0900
++++ texlive-20100720-source/texk/tetex/fmtutil.cnf     2011-01-16 
10:52:00.000000000 +0900
+@@ -110,6 +110,12 @@
+ # from ptex:
+ ptex ptex - ptex.ini
+ platex ptex language.ptx platex.ini
++#! eptex eptex - -etex eptex.src
++#! eplatex eptex language.ptx -etex platex.ini
++#! uptex uptex - uptex.ini
++#! uplatex uptex language.ptx uplatex.ini
++#! euptex euptex - -etex euptex.src
++#! euplatex euptex language.ptx -etex uplatex.ini
-       $(POST_INSTALL)
-       if $(SHELL) -c 'install-info --version' >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
--        install-info --info-dir=$(infodir) $(infodir)/web2c.info; \
-+        install-info --info-dir=$(infodir) $(infodir)/web2c.info || true; \
-       else true; fi
- check: all
+ # from t2:
+ #! cyramstex pdftex language.dat -translate-file=cp227.tcx *cyramstx.ini

Index: texlive.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/text/texlive.info,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- texlive.info        10 Jul 2010 04:14:04 -0000      1.4
+++ texlive.info        22 Jan 2011 13:53:26 -0000      1.5
@@ -1,21 +1,25 @@
 Info2: <<
 Package: texlive%type_pkg[-nox]
 Type: -nox (boolean)
-Version: 0.20080816
-Revision: 3
+Version: 0.20100722
+Revision: 1
 GCC: 4.0
 Description: Bundle package for TeX Live
 Depends: %N-base (= %v-%r), texinfo, debianutils, texi2html
 BuildDepends: <<
- libkpathsea4 (>= 3.5.7-1), t1lib5-nox, libpng3 (>= 1:1.2.8-1), libwww, 
libncurses5 (>= 5.4-20041023-1006), fink (>= 0.24.12),
- libjpeg, libiconv-dev,
+ libkpathsea6, t1lib5-nox, libpng14, libncurses5 (>= 5.4-20041023-1006), fink 
(>= 0.24.12),
+ libjpeg8, libiconv-dev, ptexenc1, zziplib13-dev, teckit-dev, libpaper1-dev,
  xz, freetype219 (>= 2.2.1-4),
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .)  t1lib5-x11, 
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .)  gd2 (>= 2.0.35-2), 
+ (%type_raw[-nox] = .) poppler4,
+ (%type_raw[-nox] = .) poppler4-xpdf,
+ (%type_raw[-nox] = .) expat1,
+ (%type_raw[-nox] = .) fontconfig2-dev,
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) x11, 
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) xmkmf (>= 1.0.2-3),
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) openmotif3
+BuildConflicts: libicu36-dev, libicu32-dev, ccache-default
 Conflicts: <<
  system-tetex, tetex, tetex-nox, ptex (<= 3.1.10-1), ptex-nox (<= 3.1.10-1),
  texlive, texlive-nox
@@ -25,82 +29,161 @@
  texlive, texlive-nox
 Provides: bundle-tetex, bundle-texlive
-Recommends: detex, latex2html, tex4ht
-Suggests: foiltex
-Source: mirror:ctan:systems/texlive/Source/texlive-20080816-source.tar.lzma
-Source-MD5: 554287c3e458da776edd684506048d45
-Source2: http://tutimura.ath.cx/~nob/tex/ptexlive/ptexlive-20091009.tar.gz
-Source2-MD5: 20df6cd2937f36eaf10e7066982232e2
-Tar2FilesRename: ptexlive-20091009:ptexlive
+Recommends: psutils, tex4ht, t1utils, lcdf-typetools, lacheck, ps2eps
+Suggests: latex2html, foiltex
+Source: mirror:ctan:systems/texlive/Source/texlive-20100720-source.tar.xz
+Source-MD5: 2a2201b84fdbf210032e1df70bc59157
+Source2: http://tutimura.ath.cx/~nob/tex/ptexlive/ptexlive-20100711.tar.gz
+Source2-MD5: 2dbd0ab5290bf6dfb0b2b04a813df89f
+Tar2FilesRename: ptexlive-20100711:ptexlive
+Source3: http://w32tex.org/generic/dvipsk-TL2010-fix.diff
+Source3-MD5: 66dae19f4780e9b2f818493601c40f0e
+Source4-MD5: 066d5d3e4e6bc6143d69db712db8c4d0
 NoSourceDirectory: true
 PatchFile: texlive.patch
-PatchFile-MD5: 7752f72a160e53fa1d5df638c97b19a7
+PatchFile-MD5: f15be6c5b92b825e6946360b4e873ae6
 PatchScript: <<
- lzma -dc texlive-20080816-source.tar.lzma | tar xf -
- mv       texlive-20080816-source                texlive
+#!/bin/bash -ev
+ xz -dc texlive-20100720-source.tar.xz | tar xf -
+ mv     texlive-20100720-source texlive
  sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -d texlive -p1
  # Change the directory to be installed
- sed -i.bak 's|^  texmf|  share/texmf|' texlive/texk/texlive/Makefile.in
- # Don't use tmpnam() in dvipdfm. (impoted from tetex-3.0-4.FC4)
- patch -d texlive -p1 < ptexlive/security/tetex-2.0.2-dvipdfm-security.patch
+ for file in `find texlive -name Makefile.in`; do
+  sed -i.bak -e 's|/texmf/|/share/texmf/|' \
+             -e 's|/texmf-dist/|/share/texmf-dist/|' ${file}
+ done
+ sed -i.bak -e 's|\(texconfdir = \)${prefix}|\1${datadir}|' \
+   texlive/texk/tetex/Makefile.in
+ # taking back...
+ sed -i.bak2 's|/share/texmf/xdvi.cfg|/texmf/xdvi.cfg|' \
+   texlive/texk/xdvik/Makefile.in
- # Fix xpdf integer overflow CVE-2007-3387 (impoted from tetex-3.0-35.fc6)
- patch -d texlive -p1 < ptexlive/security/texlive2007-CVE-2007-3387.patch
+ # Force configure to believe that Carbon API is unavailable. (from MacPorts)
+if [ %m = 'x86_64' ]; then
+ perl -pi -e 's|(kpse_cv_have_Carbon=)yes|\1no|' texlive/texk/web2c/configure
+ perl -pi -e 's|(kpse_cv_have_Carbon=)yes|\1no|' texlive/texk/xdv2pdf/configure
  # Fix cm-super bug on dvipdfm.map
- patch -d texlive -p1 < ptexlive/archive/updmap-cmsuper.patch
+#patch -d texlive -p1 < ptexlive/archive/updmap-cmsuper.patch
  # add --nostop option: don't stop even if a map file is not found
  patch -d texlive -p1 < ptexlive/archive/updmap-nostop.patch
  # for pTeX (Japanese font setting)
- patch -d texlive -p1 < ptexlive/archive/updmap-live2008-4b.diff
+ patch -d texlive -p1 < ptexlive/archive/updmap-live2009-4b.diff
+ # fix dvipsk
+ patch -d texlive/texk/dvipsk -p1 < dvipsk-TL2010-fix.diff
+ # Install pxdvik
+ sed -i.bak -e 's|tex4htk|pxdvik|g' texlive/configure
+ sed -i.bak -e 's|tex4htk|pxdvik|g' texlive/texk/configure
+ xz -dc ptexlive/archive/xdvik-20090903-texlive2009.diff.xz \
+     > xdvik-20090903-texlive2009.diff
+ gzip -dc xdvik-20090903-texlive2009_2010.patch.gz | patch -p0
+ xz -c xdvik-20090903-texlive2009.diff \
+     >  ptexlive/archive/xdvik-20090903-texlive2009.diff.xz
+ echo "TEXLIVE_VERSION=2009" >> ptexlive.cfg
+ echo "TEXMF=./texmf"        >> ptexlive.cfg
+ echo "SRC=`pwd`/texlive"    >> ptexlive.cfg
+ head -n 290  ptexlive/common.sh > common.sh
+ cp common.sh ptexlive/
+ echo '#!/bin/bash'         >> ptex-app.sh
+ echo '. ./common.sh'       >> ptex-app.sh
+ sed -n '118,178p' ptexlive/2extract-src.sh | \
+  sed -e 's|2.3.9|2.3.11|g' >> ptex-app.sh
+ chmod +x                      ptex-app.sh
+ mv ptex-app.sh       ptexlive/ptex-app.sh
+ pushd ptexlive &&           ./ptex-app.sh
+ popd
+ # use Hiragino for pxdvi
+ perl -pi -e "s/(Ryumin-Light\t\t)ipam.ttf/\1HiraMinPro-W3.otf/"    \
+                                     texlive/texk/pxdvik/texmf/pxdvi.cfg
+ perl -pi -e "s/(GothicBBB-Medium\t)ipag.ttf/\1HiraKakuPro-W3.otf/" \
+                                     texlive/texk/pxdvik/texmf/pxdvi.cfg
+ # add kanji cmaps
+ mkdir -p                                texmf/web2c
+ cp %p/share/texmf-dist/web2c/updmap.cfg texmf/web2c
+ echo '#!/bin/bash'                           >> ptex-cmap.sh
+ echo '. ./common.sh'                         >> ptex-cmap.sh
+ echo 'MAP=$TEXMF/fonts/map/dvipdfm/ptexlive' >> ptex-cmap.sh
+ sed -n '53,115p' ptexlive/4extract-texmf.sh  >> ptex-cmap.sh
+ chmod +x                                        ptex-cmap.sh
+                                               ./ptex-cmap.sh
+ echo "f  kanjix.map" >> texlive/texk/dvipdfmx/data/dvipdfmx.cfg
+ # wrapper for jbibtex
+ echo '#!/bin/sh'    >> jbibtex
+ echo 'pbibtex "$@"' >> jbibtex
-SetCPPFLAGS:-I%p/lib/freetype219/include/freetype2 -I%p/lib/freetype219/include
-SetLDFLAGS: -L%p/lib/freetype219/lib
-I%p/lib/freetype219/include -I%p/lib/fontconfig2/include
+SetLDFLAGS: -L%p/lib/freetype219/lib -L%p/lib/fontconfig2/lib
 ConfigureParams: <<
- --without-texi2html --without-texinfo --enable-shared \
+ --with-banner-add="/Fink" \
+ --disable-native-texlive-build --disable-omfonts \
+ --disable-texi2html --disable-texinfo --enable-shared \
  --datadir='${prefix}/share' --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' \
  --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --disable-multiplatform --with-system-ncurses \
- --with-system-pnglib --with-system-t1lib --with-system-wwwlib \
+ --with-system-libpng --with-system-t1lib \
+ --with-system-kpathsea --with-kpathsea-includes=%p/include \
+ --with-kpathsea-libdir=%p/lib --with-system-ptexenc \
+ --with-system-zziplib --with-system-teckit \
  --with-system-zlib \
- --without-psutils --without-dialog --without-tex4htk --without-t1utils \
- --without-detex --without-dvipdfmx --without-lcdf-typetools \
- --without-xindy --without-xdv2pdf --without-xetex --without-xdvipdfmx \
- --without-lacheck --without-ttf2pk \
- --with-luatex --with-mf-nowin --with-old-mac-fonts \
+ --disable-psutils --disable-dialog --disable-tex4htk --disable-t1utils \
+ --disable-xindy --disable-lcdf-typetools --disable-lacheck --disable-ps2eps \
  --with-system-freetype2 --with-freetype2-libdir=%p/lib/freetype219/lib \
  --with-freetype2-include=%p/lib/freetype219/include \
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) --with-system-gd 
+ (%type_raw[-nox] = .) --with-system-xpdf
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib
+ (%type_raw[-nox] = .) --with-xdvi-x-toolkit=motif --with-motif-libdir=%p/lib
+ (%type_raw[-nox] = .) --with-motif-include=%p/include
+ (%type_raw[-nox] = .) --with-x
  (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) --without-x 
- (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) --without-xdvik
- (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) --without-pdfopen
+ (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) --disable-xdvik
+ (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) --disable-pxdvik
+ (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) --disable-pdfopen
 CompileScript: <<
 #!/bin/bash -ev
  export PATH=%p/lib/xmkmf/bin:%p/lib/freetype219/bin:$PATH 
  export IMAKEINCLUDE=-I%p/lib/X11/config
  mkdir texlive/Work
- cd texlive/Work && ../configure %c && make
+ pushd texlive/Work && ../configure %c && make
+ popd
+ # make kpathsea
+ pushd texlive/texk/kpathsea && ./configure %c && make
 InstallScript: <<
 #!/bin/bash -ev
  export PATH=%p/lib/xmkmf/bin:$PATH 
  export IMAKEINCLUDE=-I%p/lib/X11/config
- cd texlive/Work && make install prefix=%i texmf=%i/share/texmf 
run_texlinks=true run_mktexlsr=true
- %i/bin/mktexlsr %i/share/texmf
+ pushd texlive/Work && make install-strip DESTDIR=%d run_texlinks=/usr/bin/true
+ popd
-echo "Removing files that belong to the libkpathsea4 package..."
+ # install kpathsea
+ pushd texlive/texk/kpathsea && make install-strip DESTDIR=%d
+ popd
+echo "Removing files that belong to the libkpathsea6 package..."
  rm -R %i/include
  rm -R %i/lib
- rm %i/share/info/kpathsea.info
+ # install jbibtex
+ install -m 755 jbibtex %i/bin
+ %i/bin/mktexlsr %i/share/texmf
 echo "Setting up symlinks ..."
  export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="%b/texk/kpathsea/SHARED" PATH=%i/bin:$PATH 
TEXMFMAIN=%p/share/texmf-dist ; texlinks --cnffile 
%i/share/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf --verbose %i/bin
@@ -119,45 +202,64 @@
  mkdir -p %i/etc/texmf-config
  %i/bin/mktexlsr %i/etc/texmf-config
-echo "Removing the ls-R file, which is supplied in the texlive-texmf package 
- rm -f %i/share/texmf-dist/ls-R
+echo "Removing files that are supplied in the texlive-texmf package ..."
+#mv -f  %i/share/texmf-dist/scripts/luaotfload %i/share/texmf/scripts
+ mv -f  %i/share/texmf-dist texmf-dist.conflict
 if [ "%type_raw[-nox]" == "." ]; then
 echo "Preparing xdvi for the alternatives system ..."
  mv %i/bin/xdvi %i/bin/xdvik
  mv %i/share/man/man1/xdvi.1 %i/share/man/man1/xdvik.1
+echo "Make font dirs and make links for apple's fonts ..."
+install -m 755 -d                %i/share/texmf/fonts/{opentype,truetype}
+if [ "%type_raw[-nox]" == "." ]; then
+ ln -s %p/lib/X11/fonts/appleotf %i/share/texmf/fonts/opentype
+ ln -s %p/lib/X11/fonts/applettf %i/share/texmf/fonts/truetype
+echo "Install kanji cmaps ..."
+ mv texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg           %i/share/texmf/web2c
+ mv texmf/fonts/map/dvipdfm/ptexlive %i/share/texmf/fonts/map/dvipdfm
 DocFiles: texlive/README
 SplitOff: <<
  Package: %N-base
  Description: Base programs for a TeX Live installation
  Depends: <<
-  t1lib5-nox-shlibs, libpng3-shlibs (>= 1:1.2.8-1), 
-  libwww-bin, libncurses5-shlibs (>= 5.4-20041023-1006), ncurses (>= 
-  fink (>= 0.12.0-1), libkpathsea4-shlibs (>= 3.5.7-1), texlive-texmf,
+  t1lib5-nox-shlibs, libpng14-shlibs,
+  libncurses5-shlibs (>= 5.4-20041023-1006), ncurses (>= 5.4-20041023-1006),
+  fink (>= 0.12.0-1), libkpathsea6-shlibs, texlive-texmf,
+  ptexenc1-shlibs, zziplib13-shlibs, teckit-shlibs, nkf, libpaper1-shlibs,
   freetype219-shlibs (>= 2.2.1-4),
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) t1lib5-x11-shlibs,
+  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) applesystemfonts,
+  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) appleotffonts,
   (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) ghostscript-nox, 
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) ghostscript, 
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) gd2-shlibs (>= 2.0.35-2), 
+  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) poppler4-shlibs,
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) x11, 
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) x11-shlibs,
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) openmotif3-shlibs
  Conflicts: <<
   texlive-base (>= 0), texlive-nox-base,
-  tetex-base (>= 0), tetex-nox-base, ptex-base (<= 3.1.10-1003), ptex-nox-base 
(<= 3.1.10-1003)
+  tetex-base (>= 0), tetex-nox-base,
+  ptex-base (<= 3.1.11-1), ptex-nox-base (<= 3.1.11-1), ptex-texmf (<= 2.5-1),
+  detex, xetex, dvipdfmx, pdfjam, jadetex
  Replaces: <<
   texlive-base (>= 0), texlive-nox-base,
-  tetex-base (>= 0), tetex-nox-base, ptex-base (<= 3.1.10-1003), ptex-nox-base 
(<= 3.1.10-1003),
+  tetex-base (>= 0), tetex-nox-base,
+  ptex-base (<= 3.1.11-1), ptex-nox-base (<= 3.1.11-1), ptex-texmf (<= 2.5-1),
   context, dvipdfm, epstopdf, pdftex, tetex-macosx, tetex (<= 2.0-3),
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) xdvi (<=  22.70-1), 
+  detex, xetex, dvipdfmx, pdfjam, jadetex
- Provides: context, dvipdfm, epstopdf, pdftex, tetex-macosx, tetex-base, 
tetex3-base, texlive-base
- Files: bin etc share/info share/man share/texmf share/texmf-dist 
share/texmf-local var
- InfoDocs: web2c.info dvips.info dvipng.info
+ Provides: context, dvipdfm, epstopdf, pdftex, tetex-macosx, tetex-base, 
tetex3-base, texlive-base, detex, xetex, ptex3-base, dvipdfmx, pdfjam, jadetex
+ Files: bin etc share/info share/man share/texmf share/texmf-local var
+ InfoDocs: web2c.info dvips.info dvipng.info kpathsea.info
  DocFiles: texlive/README
  ConfFiles: %p/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf
  PreInstScript: <<
@@ -167,13 +269,41 @@
   rm -Rf %p/share/texmf.macosx
   rm -Rf %p/etc/texmf-var
   rm -Rf %p/var/lib/texmf
+  if [ -f %p/etc/texmf-config/web2c/fmtutil.cnf ]; then
+    time_date="`date +%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M`"
+    mv -f %p/etc/texmf-config/web2c/fmtutil.cnf{,.finksave.${time_date}}
+  fi
+  if [ -f %p/etc/texmf-config/web2c/updmap.cfg ]; then
+   if [ ! "`grep updmap-hdr.cfg %p/etc/texmf-config/web2c/updmap.cfg`" ]; then
+    # This updmap.cfg is not from texlive-texmf! Delete it!
+    time_date="`date +%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M`"
+    mv -f %p/etc/texmf-config/web2c/updmap.cfg{,.finksave.${time_date}}
+   fi
+  fi
  PostInstScript: <<
 if [ -e %p/bin/xdvik ] ; then
   update-alternatives --install %p/bin/xdvi xdvi %p/bin/xdvik 30 --slave 
%p/share/man/man1/xdvi.1 xdvi.1 %p/share/man/man1/xdvik.1
   mktexlsr %p/share/texmf{,-dist} %p/etc/texmf-config %p/etc/texmf.local 
-  updmap-sys --nohash --nomkmap --syncwithtrees
+  # update from texlive-texmf-0.20080822-1.
+  updmap-sys --nomkmap --nohash --enable MixedMap cm-super-t1.map
+  updmap-sys --nomkmap --nohash --enable MixedMap cm-super-t2a.map
+  updmap-sys --nomkmap --nohash --enable MixedMap cm-super-t2b.map
+  updmap-sys --nomkmap --nohash --enable MixedMap cm-super-t2c.map
+  updmap-sys --nomkmap --nohash --enable MixedMap cm-super-ts1.map
+  updmap-sys --nomkmap --nohash --enable MixedMap cm-super-x2.map
+if [ -f %p/etc/texmf-config/web2c/updmap.cfg ]; then
+ if [ ! "`grep 'kanjiEmbed ' %p/etc/texmf-config/web2c/updmap.cfg`" ]; then
+  updmap-sys --nomkmap --nohash --setoption kanjiEmbed noEmbed
+ fi
+  updmap-sys --nomkmap --nohash --enable KanjiMap ptex-@kanjiEmbed@.map
+  updmap-sys --nomkmap --nohash --enable KanjiMap morisawa.map
+  updmap-sys --nomkmap --nohash --syncwithtrees
   PATH=%p/bin:${PATH} texconfig-sys init
   echo "Adjusting permissions ..."

--- NEW FILE: ptexenc1.info ---
Package: ptexenc1
Version: 1.1.1
Revision: 1
Description: Kanji code convert library for pTeX
BuildDepends: texlive-texmf, fink (>= 0.24.12), libiconv-dev, libkpathsea6 (>= 
6.0.0-1), xz
BuildDependsOnly: true
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
Conflicts: ptexenc
Replaces:  ptexenc
Source: mirror:ctan:systems/texlive/Source/texlive-20100720-source.tar.xz
Source-MD5: 2a2201b84fdbf210032e1df70bc59157
NoSourceDirectory: true
PatchScript: <<
 xz -dc texlive-20100720-source.tar.xz | tar xf -
 mv     texlive-20100720-source texlive

 sed -i.bak 's|\(-version-info\)|$(kpathsea) $(LIBS) \1|' \

 # build fixes for x86_64/SL; suggested by Benjamin Reed
#perl -pi -e 's,need_relink=yes,need_relink=no,g' texlive/texk/ltmain.sh
ConfigureParams: <<
 --with-banner-add="/Fink" \
 --disable-native-texlive-build --disable-omfonts \
 --disable-texi2html --disable-texinfo --enable-shared \
 --datadir='${prefix}/share' --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' \
 --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --disable-multiplatform --with-system-ncurses \
 --disable-psutils --disable-dialog --disable-tex4htk --disable-t1utils \
 --disable-detex --disable-dvipdfmx --disable-lcdf-typetools \
 --disable-xindy --disable-xdv2pdf --disable-xetex --disable-xdvipdfmx \
 --disable-lacheck --disable-ttf2pk \
 --enable-kanji-iconv --with-ptexenc=UTF8 \
 --disable-afm2pl --disable-bibtex8 --disable-cjkutils --disable-devnag \
 --disable-dtl --disable-dvi2tty --disable-dvidvi --disable-dviljk \
 --disable-dvipdfm --disable-dvipng --disable-dvipos --disable-gsftopk \
 --disable-musixflx --disable-ps2pkm --disable-ps2eps --disable-seetexk \
 --disable-sam2p --disable-tth \
 --disable-xdvik --disable-pdfopen --disable-luatex \
CompileScript: <<
 cd texlive/texk/ptexenc; ./configure %c
 cd texlive/texk/ptexenc; make
InstallScript: <<
 cd texlive/texk/ptexenc; make install-strip DESTDIR=%d
DocFiles: texlive/texk/ptexenc/{COPYRIGHT,ChangeLog,README}
SplitOff: <<
 Package: %N-shlibs
 Description: Shared libraries of Kanji code convert library for pTeX
 Depends: libkpathsea6-shlibs (>= 6.0.0-1), libiconv
 Files: lib/libptexenc.*.dylib
 Shlibs: %p/lib/libptexenc.1.dylib 3.0.0 %n (>= 1.1.1-1)
 DocFiles: texlive/texk/ptexenc/{COPYRIGHT,ChangeLog,README}
License: BSD
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <f...@sodan.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Homepage: http://tutimura.ath.cx/ptexlive/?ptexenc%2FDetails

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