Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/utils
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv30066

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Switch to using boost1.41.

Index: source-highlight.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -d -r1.16 -r1.17
--- source-highlight.info       16 Jun 2010 00:21:57 -0000      1.16
+++ source-highlight.info       19 Jul 2011 00:17:09 -0000      1.17
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 Info2: <<
 Package: source-highlight
 Version: 3.1.4
-Revision: 1
+Revision: 2
 Type: vers (3)
 GCC: 4.0
 Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>
 Source: mirror:gnu:src-highlite/%n-%v.tar.gz
 Source-MD5: becf8292b84ece6b532b0f0c92b530ee
-BuildDepends: boost1.35.nopython
-Depends: exuberant-ctags, boost1.35.nopython-shlibs, 
lib%{N}%type_pkg[vers]-shlibs (= %v-%r)
+BuildDepends: boost1.41.cmake
+Depends: exuberant-ctags, boost1.41.cmake-shlibs, 
lib%{N}%type_pkg[vers]-shlibs (= %v-%r)
 PatchScript: <<
        perl -pi -e 's/\@BOOST.*\@//g' %n.pc.in
        perl -pi -e 
's|datadir/source-highlight|datadir/source-highlight%type_pkg[vers]|'g configure
-ConfigureParams: --disable-static --disable-dependency-tracking --with-boost=%p
+ConfigureParams: --disable-static --disable-dependency-tracking 
--with-boost=%p --with-boost-regex=boost_regex-mt
 InstallScript: <<
        make install DESTDIR=%d
        #No need for dependency_libs in .la files if not building static libs
@@ -37,10 +37,12 @@
 Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/src-highlite/
 License: GPL3
-InfoTest: <<
-       TestDepends: sed
-       TestScript: make check || exit 2
+# Disable tests for now since clang gives a build error.
+#InfoTest: <<
+#      TestDepends: sed
+#      TestScript: make check || exit 2
 SplitOff: <<
        Package: lib%{N}%type_pkg[vers]

Magic Quadrant for Content-Aware Data Loss Prevention
Research study explores the data loss prevention market. Includes in-depth
analysis on the changes within the DLP market, and the criteria used to
evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these DLP solutions.
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